Overcoming CCP virus grip on Missions & Church relationship is must.
Shalom to you, my fellow co-laborers in the Great Commission. I just want to reach out to you today in the name of Yeshua (Jesus) the...
Matching donation, Prayers, & Backhoe
Shalom to you brother and Sister in Yeshua Today, I want to share with you very brief mission report and in need of your prayers and...
Three Major Biblical Feasts, all fulfilled in the Yeshua the Messiah
Shalom to you brother and sister in Messiah, I wish you a blessed Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur which have both ended and now we are about...
You sent them capital; they create the wealth to fight UN relief dependence.
Operation Nehemiah Mission’s Life changing initiative that we have been conducting in Post war independent South Sudan.