Unity & courage: Take a segment of the wall and patched up the breach. Nehemiah 3.
Shalom to you my brothers and sisters in Yeshua, I want to welcome you back to our weekly updates on the exciting things the Lord is doing...

They are back! It has been 4 years, waiting for them in faith to return home from exile.
Shalom to you my brother and sisters and co-laborer's in the Great Commission. It has been more than a week that I was not able to...

Review of ON missions in South Sudan and way forward in 2021
Shalom to you and your families. Thank you for everything in 2020 and as we proceed into 2021, it is all fitting to be thankful and when...

God will revive us again as a People and a Nation, take courage.
Shalom, my brother and Sister in Yeshua, today is January 12, 2021, I just want to thank God that He has brought us into a new year. I...

The Gospel NEWS leapt from Eastern Equatoria to Rumbek, Lake State, South Sudan
Shalom my co-laborers in the Great Commissions, brothers and sisters in Yeshua, wishing you Merry Christmas 2020 and Happy ...

Thank you. Summary 2020: Just as a body, though one, has many parts.
Shalom my co-laborers in the Great Commissions, brothers and sisters in Yeshua, wishing you Merry Christmas 2020 and Happy ...

Nehemiah Bridge report, it is done and thank you.
4 Shalom to you and your family. From the debt of our hearts we are wishing you a blessed Hanukah and Christmas , very important...

Work has begun to restore Nehemiah Bridge expeditiously
Shalom, how can we thank God enough for you and your generosity and prayers. Thanksgiving is truly a remarkable day set apart in this...

How can we thank God enough on your account on Thanksgiving?
Shalom to you and family. I wish a blessed Thanksgiving in the name of Yeshua the Messiah. Thanksgiving, 400 years ago, Saturday...

Critical Farm bridge washed out & 300ft NTC97. 3 FM in need of complete renovation
Shalom Brother and Sisters in Yeshua. From the depth of my heart I want to thank you for your continuous Prayers and support. Certainly,...