Testimonies from others about the work of Operation Nehemiah in South Sudan
Shalom Brothers and Sisters in the Great Commission. Thank you for your prayers and support for the work of Operation Nehemiah...

Field Report from South Sudan
Shalom my co-laborers in the Great Commission. I'm very delighted to report to you that my trip to South Sudan with Operation Nehemiah...

A West Point Student from Iowa is on short term Mission trip to South Sudan with ONMI
Shalom to you Co-laborers in the Great Commissions. I have one more day tomorrow in the States side before heading out to South Sudan...

They will revive them, though they have been deserted for many generations.” Isaiah 61:4
Shalom, thank you for co-laboring with us in the Great Commission. I'm back from Israel on November 7 and supposed to leave for South...

I'm back from Israel. (BDS) a False narrative against Israel must be confronted at its root.
I'm back from Israel on November 7. From the depth of my heart and on behalf of my family and the people of South Sudan and the USA , I...

"Values Voters Summit attendees react to Beto attack on religious liberties" OAN aired my
One America News Network Shalom brothers and Sisters in Yeshua, I just want to share some of the opportunity God has given me while...

" In America, we don't worship government, we worship God " President Trump at Value V
Shalom to you brothers and sisters in Yeshuah, from the bottom of my heart, on behalf of my family and Operation Nehemiah Missions, I...

Historic trip to Israel & thank for your prayers on Rosh Hashanah
Shalom to you my brothers and Sisters in Yeshua. We wish you a blessed Rosh Hashanah 2019. Thank you so much for upholding my family and...

Moral principles are inextricably linked to leadership.
Shalom Brothers and Sister in Yeshua, thank you as always for your prayers and financial support. We walk by faith not by sight. " The...

Our daughter, Abijah Levi has joined college at 16!
Shalom. Thank you brothers and sisters in Yeshua for all that you have been to us in sustaining the mission of Operation Nehemiah...