"Better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting..."
Shalom to you brothers and sisters in Yeshua, As always, we could not be grateful enough for your encouragement and co-laboring with us...

"They have told the Church about your love" 3 John 1: 5-8
Shalom to you and family. We are now back in the USA from our Missions trip to the Sudan from May 17th – July 2nd. As you have been...

Bullets shot through the Toyota Hilux yet,God protected His servants.!!
Shalom, Brothers and Sisters in Yeshua. Thank you for your prayers and support as always. Ever since our return from South Sudan, we...

Comprehensive summary report from our mission trip & our next steps.
Shalom brothers and sisters, Praise the Lord!! Thank you for your prayers. We arrived on the US soil on July 2. We got back from South...

ONMI reporting from South Sudan
Shalom. It has been three weeks for us here on Mission trip to the South Sudan. A lot is going on. We are using our time between the Beth...

Two weeks in South Sudan already. Field report
Shalom my brothers and sisters in Yeshua the Messiah. From the bottom of our hearts, my family and Operation Nehemiah Missions’ field...

Therefore, Go and Make disciples of all nations Matthew 28: 18-19 , Our team is leaving today for S
Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Yeshua, Thank you so much your prayers and support. Our Mission team comprising of my family and...

Our Spring Mission trip to the South Sudan is now set for May 17th . We are all set. We could not
Shalom! We serve a Living God who is forever faithful to His people. Hannah and I, along with our field staff in South Sudan thank God...

Measuring the impact of your prayers and support in the 1st quarter 2019
Shalom Brother and Sister, Thank you very much for everything. How can we thank God enough for you for all the benevolent support you...

South Sudanese leaders meet for spiritual retreat in the Vatican.
Shalom. The religious landscape of South Sudan is comprised largely of Catholic and mainline denominations, notably Anglican and ...