National Day of Prayer 2017 to be held in Nimule, EE State, South Sudan
1 Timothy 2:1–4, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and Thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and...

The distribution of the 40ft. container of Rice Meal (manna) in Nimule, South Sudan
Dear co-laborers in the Great Commission, Shalom! On behalf of Operation Nehemiah and our ground leadership team in South Sudan, we want...

The 40 ft. container full of rice meal sent from the USA to help the people of South Sudan has safel
Shalom. On behalf Operation Nehemiah and Staff here on the ground, our appreciation goes to William Levi, our founder and Overseer of...

National Prayer For Repentance & Forgiveness Juba,South Sudan, 2017
Shalom. On behalf of Operation Nehemiah Missions, we wish you a blessed and prosperous 2017. I extend our sincere thanks to you who...
Plight of two Sudanese Pastors jailed in Khartoum - Please pray for them
I was interviewed By Emily Swanson on The World View in 5 Minutes about the plight of the Sudanese 2 Pastors jailed by the Sudanese...

Merry Christmas, Blessed Chanukah and Prosperous 2017 to all our co-laborers
Shalom. Thank you for your prayers and support. On behalf of Operation Nehemiah and my family, we want to wish you and your family a...

We rather obey God than man, after been deemed foolhardy going into South Sudan
Shalom. Thank you for your prayers and support. Our mission was accomplished. Thank be to God. We had returned from our 12 days mission...
In this War-Torn Nation, Meet the Brave Souls Returning to Rebuild
Shalom. You usually get to read first hand account of ONMI's news brief in the South Sudan from us. But it is also encouraging to...
Operation Nehemiah News Brief: Suffering of South Sudanese spills into Ugandan refugee camps
Operation Nehemiah News Brief: Suffering of South Sudan spills into Ugandan refugee camps

Operation Nehemiah Mission report from South Sudan Phase 2
Shalom! We thank God for your prayers and support. Today is June 3rd, 2016. Our team, on a three month mission trip to the South Sudan...