ONMI Mission report Phase 3 from South Sudan
Our family has moved to Beth Israel Farm House on June/11 and dedication took place on June 12.

Nehemiah Bridge over River Eyibi is now fixed. Thank You all for your support
04/23/2016 Shalom! I am excited to share these pictures of the completed bridge project which just came in this morning from South Sudan....

Operation Nehemiah News update April 2016
Our vision and commitment to rebuild South Sudan from the ground up, by taking and disciplining one person, one family, one church, and...

Dr. Riek Ma char is 99% will arrive in Juba on Saturday, April 23, 2016
Dr. Riek Ma char is 99% will arrive in Juba on Saturday, April 23, 2016 South Sudan Is Getting Ready To Celebrate The Arrival of Dr. Riek...

Thank you for your hospitality towards ONMI's Timothy Levi into your homes and churches
04/01/2016 Shalom! Thank you for your prayers and support. Our South Sudan Country Director for Operation Nehemiah Missions, Mr....

Operation Nehemiah's South Sudan Country Director , Mr. Timothy Levi, on Historic visit to the U
I have exciting news to share with you today. Operation Nehemiah Missions' Country Director , Mr. Timothy Levi will be visiting the...
Today, this article is about deep spiritual issue our time.
How Civilizations Commit Suicide By Dr. Peter Hammond. Egyptians are Now a Minority in Their Own Country. ear Co-laborers in Great...
Weekly interview with William Levi Founder and Overseer of Operation Nehemiah Missions Internationa
Looking back in 2004, in one of your monthly reports to the supporters of Operation Nehemiah Missions, you wrote “Peace is on the horizon...

Co-laborers in Yeshua, how can we thank God enough for your support.
We are witnessing the fruit of our vision to rebuild South Sudan, beginning with biblical family and church.We have also taken notice of...

Year end Giving opportunity for South Sudan as Lord closes 2015
Operation Nehemiah is in need of $14,000 to repair the only bridge that connects our mission headquarters to the farm. As some you...