Just in 11 months, by His grace, you have put smiles on many faces.
Shalom to you my dear brother and sister in Yeshua. Your prayers, encouragement, and financial support to sustain the mission of ONMI is...

"I didn’t run to make history — I just wanted to leave it better than I found it,” Winsome Sears
Shalom to you and your family in Yeshua. Thank you for being part of our family in spirit and in the faith. We are truly brother and...

Not by eloquence of persuasion but by Faith, join us in prayers for the urgent task before us.
Shalom to you. The Bethlehem Primary School construction initiative has rapidly gone from foundation to the 2nd phase. We are now laying...

He asked them to repent and avert God's wrath and like in the day of Jonah, they did.
The Commission: National Pastors, Church planting: This project is the fulcrum of our ONMI mission in South Sudan every things else...

All hands to the deck, as flood cuts off the road and threatens infrastructure.
October 16, 2021: South Sudan: All hands to the deck. Those who have returned from exile realized , if you are going to build a new...

Revival is possible as parents & children mass exodus Marxist Academia across the US
Dear my brothers and Sister in Yeshua. Shalom. Here in the USA and around the world, you are all fully aware, we are living in such...

ONMI purchased a small Pickup using profit generated from agriculture products of the land.
Dear brothers and sisters, Shalom! It is now approaching the middle of October and it is imperative for me to share with you what has...

First Phase of BNPS construction finished, Sub-pump installed, & Sukkot celebrated
Dear bothers and sisters in Yeshua, I pray and trust that this news report will find you well in Yeshua. As we are approaching the end...

WFP versus ONMI's approach to Food Security in South Sudan
What you are looking at is not a cornfield in Uganda. This cornfield is in Beth Israel Farmland in Eastern Equatoria, South Sudan, one...

Reports: Medical, Water, Construction & the Gospel News
Shalom to you brothers and sister in Yeshua. Thank you for your support to help help us solve the issue of failed water pump. I will...