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Thanksgiving & our upcoming Mission Trip to the South Sudan

Shalom! We pray and hope that you had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving celebration this past Thursday. On behalf of Operation Nehemiah Mission and my family it is well fitting to give thanks to God on your account on Thanksgiving Day. You have kept us in your prayers and financial support, pressing ahead with the operation Nehemiah Missions’ rebuilding effort in the South Sudan.

Highlight of our Thanksgiving:

We received Dental equipment; Operation Nehemiah receives the entire dental office equipment in donation. Just in the past week we have some outpouring blessing from anonymous contributor to Operation Nehemiah Mission. A brother in Yeshua, a dental doctor by profession gave up his entire dental medical equipment to Operation Nehemiah to set up a complete dental clinic in South Sudan. This has been God’s answer to our prayer because dental hygiene has been pressing issue among the South Sudanese families. Oral health is very important. It is a crucial aspect of maintaining general health.

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The Importance of Dental Care. Caring for your oral health should be one of your priorities every day. A good oral health is very vital for maintaining your general health. Based on researches, the health of a person's mouth and teeth is linked to his overall well-being and health. The ability to chew the food you eat is very important for getting the nutrients that the body needs. A poor dental health can lead to poor self-esteem and affect a person's speech. Apart from these, the medical community believes that poor dental health can be linked to various diseases such as diabetes, heart and lung problems, premature births, and overweight babies for pregnant women. Needless to say, dental care is very important to make sure that you have a good overall health.

$ 5000 for Pastor Remise’s water well To donate to online, visit you for standing with as we rebuild the wall in the Republic of South Sudan.

In the South Sudan, general people have good teeth. They have very white teeth and orderly arranged in the mouth. However, there are a lot of reports nowadays of people complaining of tooth decay and severe took aches. A small dental care is urgently needed to address this important aspect of healthcare. Couple of week ago, we received a call from a longtime friend a pastor who support Operation Nehemiah up in NY.

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The pastor has a friend who is has been his dental doctor for years. The doctor has decided to give up his dental practices and donated the entire equipment to a worthy cause. The Pastor thought of Operation Nehemiah and called Mr. Robert Kirkman, Operation Nehemiah Missions' Director for sustainable Development to consider receiving this donation for Operation Nehemiah Missions. When we visited the office and saw the dental equipment, we praised the Lord and gave God the Glory. Now our next challenge is to ship this equipment to the South Sudan early next year. We will need to ship the equipment in a 40ft container. The cost of a container and shipment will be at least $15,000.

Prayer answered in medical area: We requested that you pray and help us secure $5000 to purchase Rapid Medical diagnostic testing Kits to help stuff Nehemiah Field Clinic in the South Sudan to treat tropical diseases such as malaria, typhoid. STD. Habc, The increasing use of rapid tests enables the clinician and the patient to receive test results quickly, usually within 30 minutes, and enable the clinician to prescribe the appropriate medications to treat an identified problem. In the past, clinicians relied on out-of-office laboratories that often took days to weeks to process tests. This left the clinician to begin treatment protocols without a clear diagnosis. Thank God, that goal is met.


Prayer answered. . We want to thank God almighty on your account for raising $40,000 through anonymous donor to beginning the construction plan of Beth Israel Farm House. We need additional $46,000 to complete the project in 2015. To help towards this project please log into our website at and go the current project. We have $40,000 to start the Beth Israel Farmhouse Project in 2014. By 2015, God willing, we will be done with the construction and at least 4 families will be living up there permanently. Thank you so much for lifting our spirit and encouraging us "For what thanksgiving can we return to God for you, for all the joy that we feel for your sake before our God,.." 1 Thessalonians 3:9

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Spreading the Good News: We have received a lot of teaching materials from various ministries that support Operation Nehemiah Missions effort in church planting a family discipleships. Our challenge in the next two weeks ahead is to raise $5000 to get more Bible and be able to transport these material to the South Sudan.


I will be leaving for South Sudan with my eldest daughter Abijah and Jonathan Lueken on December 8th for 10 days. Mr. Lueken will be staying in the field for six months. Hannah and five of our children will not be joining us this time because of the short duration of this trip. We plan to travel as a family in March 2015 for 2-3 months.

The focus of this short trip is to hold a two day leadership training with the church and to begin construction of the Beth Israel farmhouse.

  • Needs: If the Lord leads you to help, we will need your support not later than December. 7 Funding for this trip stands at $15,000 needed by December 7th.

  • $3000 for evangelistic outreach; Bibles - very important

  • $2000 for six sewing machines for family business startup.

  • $2500 for shipment costs. – Important

  • $ 3000 for a needed grinding mill. very important . families are having trouble in grinding their grain, cassava and sweet potato into fine Flour. This can help them achieve that goal.

  • $ 5000 for Pastor Remise’s water well- very important.

Online donation can be made here:

All donations are tax deductible.

Grinding corn, cassava, grain etc are becoming difficult for families who depend on these staple food to feed their families. It requires that they can grind their farm products and turn them into flour to make food. May God bless you in His service? "May the Lord Richly bless you and keep you..." Numbers 6: 24 " Be strong and courageous." Joshua 1:

While the civil unrest in South Sudan continues, we are thankful that our area remains stable by the grace of God.

Pray for Peace and stability in the South Sudan as we are coming around the 1st anniversary of the violence rebellion that took place in Juba on December 15, 2013. ... South Sudan can't afford any more bloodshed.. Stability in all three Equatorial states of South Sudan can't be undermined. Our wives and children are tired of life in refugee camps, continuous dependence on UN handout and putting too much burden on neighboring countries to care for our people while we recklessly wage tribal war on our own people must be discontinued. We need the peace of Jesus Christ to rein over our sinful hearts. War is costly and destructive. "Can a Man Take Fire to His Bosom and His Clothes Not Be Burned?" (Proverbs 6:27)

Thank you for partnering with us in prayer and supporting this mission financially as you are able. May God bless and keep you

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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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