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Highlights of 2014 Operation Nehemiah Missions successes and financial challenges

Shalom, On behalf of my family and Operation Nehemiah Missions, we wish you prosperous 2015 . As you might have read in our last mission’s report highlights of 2014, the Lord has opened a broad door for us to minister the Gospel to the community in the South Sudan. With your financial backing and prayers, much progress was made in 2014.


Our Pastoral staff and their families are united to stay the course in rebuilding South Sudan as a city on a hill. Last year on December 15th, war broke out in Juba, the capital of South Sudan. The country is still reeling in certain parts from the ongoing conflict. In the midst of the chaos is the Church, standing her ground by faith instead of running in fear and the mission of Operation Nehemiah is going interrupted. Pray that the Christians in the region will persevere in the face of uncertainty for this is the logical conclusion of this spiritual journey for all of us. James 1. Pray that the peace talks will yield results and strengthen God fearing leaders to guide the nation.


Year end Fund Drive Operation Nehemiah Missions needs your significant financial backing by midnight tomorrow night in order to end 2014, financially on target. We must be at full strength when the New Year begins next Thursday. That's why I'm asking you to donate now. click here. Time is almost up, but we still have combined total of funds remaining in our $187,000 budget, which means that you can still double your gift!- click here. Operation Nehemiah Missions, is a front-line Messianic Christian organization that has been pioneering the rebuilding of the new country of South Sudan from ashes of war, Islamic persecution and destruction since 1993. It is slowly but surely we are seeing the fruits and appreciating the vision of the mission to rebuild the country from bottom up and the benefit of Biblical stewardship of godly men in South Sudan to lead their community towards sustainable Biblical living.


This idea of Biblical Stewardship can be applied to the nation of South Sudan as it has proven to be successful in a small village such as Borongole and Beth Israel where we are addressing the need of one family and one village at a time. If all the donations ever poured into Africa, and in the South Sudan in particular are given with understanding and a promise that at the end of the day, people’s lives will be invested upon for Yeshua the Messiah on individual and village level to impact the country, by now South Sudanese would have risen from where they are today to a promising level to care for their own and they would have reached out to their neighbors to those who are in need within their region..



The impact of your giving: The Republic of South Sudan is a new nation which God has miraculously rescued from the grip of Islamic Jihad in the 21st century. Your support for Operation Nehemiah directly helps to halt the encroachment of:

  • ISIS takeover in the heart of Africa

  • Reduces the influence of UN social engineering agenda.

  • More importantly you are helping is promote the Great Commission

  • Strengthening the family, the church and the community in this bright new country in the heart of Africa.

  • Impacting one family and one village at a time

  • In 2014, your collective financial gifts to Operation Nehemiah have done remarkable works and transformed the lives of many:

  • Enable our family to spend 2 months in the South Sudan to mentor leaders, disciple families , encourage and co-labor with our ground team to promote the Great Commission leading hundreds to the Lord .

  • Surveyed 10 miles squared of land in the Israel farmland for families, mission activities and future generaion.

  • Established Nehemiah Interlocking blocks production - that provide jobs to 2o households

  • Constructed the Ndereto Nile Beth Israel Sister Congregation, now housing over 300 worshipers every weeks.

  • Cleared more than 20 acres for planting corns, cassava, and banana.

  • Trained three young men as clinician and filled up Nehemiah Field Clinic with Medicine

  • Got the contruction of Beth Israel farm House underway

  • Obtained grinding Mill and sewing machines to meet practical needs of the families in Borongole

  • Distributed hundds of ImpaX player solar receivers tune to our radio station NTC97.3Fm with the entire Bibles imbedded in it.

  • Distributed hundreds of Bibles and thousands of discipleship materials to area pastors in the region.

  • Sponsored our second mission trip to the South Sudan in a year.

  • Deployed Mr. Jonathan Lueken to South Sudan as a US missionary for six months

  • Will you consider an offering of $ $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000 or $3000, $5000, $10,000? Click here Consult with the Lord what to do. If He tells you to give $1, do it, if He tells you to give $10,000—just do what you can . . . we trust the Lord for every dollar He sends for His ministry work—click here"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile." (Romans 1:16) Your tax Deductible contribution can be made payable to Operation Nehemiah Missions, PO Box 563 Lanesborough, MA 01237 .If you have 4x4 pickup truck double cabin, Ford, Land Cruiser Toyota Tundra, Nissan, JMC ( we can only take those in very good shape) to donate toward in-kind contribution, specifically, requiring ( 4x4) off road package vehicles suitable for South Sudan rugged land formation, you can visit this site for more information In His grace,William Levi, Founder and Overseer

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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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