Trusting in the Providence of God, what is meant for evil will be used for good.

By the grace of God, we stand firm in faith and in prayer with the true Church of Christ, united across the USA, Canada and the South Sudan. God has given us a vision for the family, the church and the country. This vision has borne fruits and transformed the lives of thousands and the country, taking one family and one village in the South Sudan at a time for Messiah from 1993-2015. We know God will equip us to complete the work he has begun. We will weather any spiritual attack on God’s work. It is him who provide and equip the Saints for His Work. We are His the workmanship.

Last week, with deep sadness, I reported the news of a mysterious fire started by an unknown persecutor of the brethren which burned down Operation Nehemiah’s Trumpet Call Gospel Radio 97.3 FM transmitter on Gordon Mountain in South Sudan. I asked for your prayers and support to restore the lost equipment. Today, with great joy, I report that God has swiftly answered your prayers! The $20,000.00 needed to restore the station has been raised. Work has already begun on the ground to get back on Air. On August 27th, we are sending Mr. Robert Kirkman, ONMI’s Coordinator for sustainable and Bible stewardship and development to the South Sudan to assist our ground team in getting the work done. Timothy Levi, ONMI’s Country Director conveyed his deep appreciation for your swift and decisive support. We will let you know how things progress along the way in the next few weeks. Praise be to God. Trusting in the Providence of God, what is meant for evil will be used for good. The new equipment will expand the coverage area far beyond what we previously had. Satan is fighting a losing war. By God’s sustaining grace, we will continue to broadcast the Gospel in South Sudan and advance the Great Commission throughout the Horn of Africa.
Certainly, freedom from Sudan’s Islamic oppression has benefited our country since 2005. However, we know that Islam is still at war with the Christians in the South Sudan even as we speak. The South Sudan lies in the fold line between the Arab Islamic world and the rest of Africa. Islamic regime based in Khartoum to the north has waged a relentless genocidal war of religious persecution for centuries and beyond against the Christians in the South and throughout the country. We ask that you pray for us for courage, wisdom, and power of the Holy Ghost to stand against the wiles of the devil. Romans 10: 9-17. I would like to turn your attention to other mission initiatives which have been going on without interruption. Our team on the ground is standing firm and steadfast, faithfully doing God’s work.
In July 2015, we received a substantial donation to help us complete the Mission farm house, plow and plant 50 acres of land , and to maintain staff and farm tools. Today we received an encouraging report detailing the work in the farm and the construction. In the midst of drought that has caused great damage across South Sudan, the Beth Israel farmland remains fertile and productive.

As you can see, the 50 acres we are clearing are around the Beth Israel farm house, and now the house is sitting in the center of the farmland with many large, beautiful trees surrounding it.
The okra which we planted in the nursery bed in May are ready for harvest. Our corn, bananas, papaya, oranges, mangoes, watermelons, pumpkins, and sugar cane are growing quickly. The next phase of planting (August – September) will include sorghum, sweet potatoes, beans, and more corn. What you are seeing here is truly a provision of God, because many crops throughout the surrounding areas were destroyed by drought.

Waves of hunger, drought, inflation and UN relief dependence have plagued the South Sudan since 2005. Through your prayers and through engaging the local men to work with their own hands, we are seeing a productive farmland taking shape in the wilderness.
We thank God for your love for God and dedication to the body of Christ in South Sudan. In a time when so many consider South Sudan to be a lost cause, you continue to faithfully serving God's people in that part of the world.
'' Now my the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. “Heb. 13:20-21.
On line contribution can be made here at Allcontributions is tax deductible. William Levi Founder & Overseer Operation Nehemiah Missions P.O. Box 563 424 Summer St Lanesborough MA 01237 413-770-4711