The distribution of the 40ft. container of Rice Meal (manna) in Nimule, South Sudan
Dear co-laborers in the Great Commission,
Shalom! On behalf of Operation Nehemiah and our ground leadership team in South Sudan, we want to thank you for your continued prayer and support.

In our last newsletter we showed you the offloading of a forty foot container bringing rice meal to the people of South Sudan who are living Nimule, South Sudan. The people were blessed and encouraged by this outreach! In this newsletter, we are sharing a few testimonies of how this container was received by the people.

Thousands of South Sudanese are living as internally displaced persons in their own country. People are fear stricken and destitute. Many of them are afraid to go back to their villages to continue farming and growing their own food. Many International NGOs are also afraid to bring their services to the people inside South Sudan. Many of them are UN proxy organizations which have opted to operate in the refugee camps in Uganda across the border rather than inside South Sudan. Even there, their efforts are not what the people need. We are the only Christian organization operating in the Pageri county region of Eastern Equatoria.

This county is the most strategic in the whole country. It does not have oil fields like in other states but because South Sudan is a land locked country, Pageri County and the city of Nimule holds the key to the entrance into South Sudan from all developed countries in East Africa, where South Sudan receives everything ranging from food and government consignments, to commercial goods entering the country.

Testimony of appreciation:
The Pageri County commissioner summed it this way on behalf of his people in the county: “Greetings to you in the USA in The name of Jesus Christ our Lord. We are grateful to receive your gift of packed relief food which you sent to help families, women, children and the elderly in Pageri County. Thank you for looking into our welfare during this time although due to the magnitude of the need here on the ground, this supply seemed like a drop in the bucket but it demonstrates your love and solidarity to the people of South Sudan and Pageri County in particular. May the Lord empower you with more supply of this product to meet the need of the people here. God bless". Your Best Regard, Commissioner Emilio Iga.

The people who received the food were families, the elderly, widows, the fatherless, and IDPs from all the various ethnic and religious affiliations.
Paul Tomboya from Nimule is a crippled man in a wheel chair. He said, "I have a wife and eight children living practically in a war zone in my own country without ability to farm my land. The arrival of this food supply in Nimule, has helped me feed my family. I could not thank God enough for the Christians in the USA and their support."

We have been given the challenge by the community on both sides of South Sudan to ship at least 10 containers of rice meal in the future to meet the demand for food supplies from the USA.
However, 10 forty foot containers full of rice meal from USA will never solve the problem and the crisis of the people of South Sudan. What is needed is the Gospel and a complete overhaul of the crisis in South Sudan. This is the only solution that will help resolve this crisis. People will confidently return to their villages, settle down and begin to raise their own food and sustain themselves for a long term based on their own productivity.

There is an urgent need right now to bring a swift and decisive end to South Sudan’s senseless war. United States has invested a lot of resources during President George W. Bush’s administration for 5 years (2001-2005) which eventually gave us our own independent country free from Islamic Oppression in 2011. The last US administration under President Obama took a different policy in South Sudan. Eight years later as he left office, we are now engulfed in the middle of a civil war tearing the country apart.

However we thank God for the new administration in the USA under President Donald Trump. We are praying for him that the Lord will give him wisdom and kindness in his dealings with South Sudan. The US Government under President Donald Trump can help the South Sudanese government in sponsoring a comprehensive conflict resolution, directly working with President Kiir, our governors across the 32 states, our county Commissioners, Pa-yam chiefs, the church leaders and those who are in the IO without involving the UN to resolve the conflict in the country. Road ambushes and sectarian killing must stop.
Prayer requests:
-Please pray for my family and I as we are preparing to go to South Sudan together with Sister Katherine Saunders (who accompanied us last year on our trip) at the beginning of next month.
- In the field, we have four men living at the Beth Israel Farm. Their job is setting fire lines around the perimeter of the property and to harvest and plant the crops. Pray that they will be safe and accomplish their work in the midst of this conflict.

- We have two men that stay in our mission headquarters in Borongole. Pray for their safety and cooperation with the government officials and the military. There effort needs $2000.
- Now that we have discovered water on Gordon Mt., we need to raise 25,000 to complete the well drilling project. The project cost breakdown: Drilling the well: $11,500, Solar submersible pump: $2,500, 16 Solar panels: $3, 200, Piping cost: $4,000, Water tank: $1,000, Labor cost: $2,000.
- Pray for the success of the Government of National Unity in South Sudan and for the reconciliation between the government and the civilians!
- Pray for our ground team leadership under Timothy Levi for God's favor in bringing the message of salvation to a people grieving from unspeakable turmoil and suffering.
Thankyou all again for you prayers and support. They mean so much to us!
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
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William Levi, Founder & Overseer Operation Nehemiah Missions
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237 USA