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Since our return from South Sudan - Progress

Dear co-laborers in the Great Commission,

Shalom! It has been a month since we returned from our two month long mission trip to the South Sudan! Since then, we have been working around the clock to fulfill the commitments we made to our ground leadership team before we left for the States. We are now co -laboring with several pastors from various churches in Nimule town (100,000 people) right at the South Sudanese border with Uganda.


The Levi family: On the bank of River Nile, Nimule, South Sudan

ONMI South Sudan Leadership Team

We are so thankful for our country director, Timothy Levi and our assistant country director Isaac Tombe, for their dedication to get the Lord's work accomplished in South Sudan! Without them, it would be so difficult to get things done...They are really God -sent!

From Left to right Abraham Ridii, Robert Amoko, Timothy Levi and Isaac Tombe

What a blessing for us to see God's hand in delivering the tangible and practical support we pledged to the Pastoral Forum (a grouping of pastors from various churches in Nimule)! Praise The Lord!

Pastor Forum Leadership to Center front: Pastor Abraham Tia and Pastor Jeffrey Gama

We are so delighted to see the leadership of Operation Nehemiah under Timothy and Isaac working together with the leadership of the Pastor's Forum! There is always so much to thank the Lord for!

In one of our last updates, we listed the need for grinding mills in Nimule to help create sustainable living... That prayer has been answered! the Lord provided the money for us to buy a grinding mill that is now delivered to the Pastor Forum in Nimule.

Beth Israel Farm and Borongole Mission headquarters: God is so Good! The workers in the Beth Israel Farm are doing very well and food is being produced! Our ministry tractor is going to begin work this week, and we are starting the Nehemiah clinic on Gordon Mt. to meet the needs of our staff when they are sick.

Need Met: Transportation for Beth Farm Staff and Pastoral Forum Evangelistic team.

We also stated the need the Pastor's Forum had put forward for an evangelistic car.... The Lord provided the Money needed for that and( rather ironically), we found several UN cars for sale and we are buying two! Those cars will finally be put to good use.

Here is another major answer to prayer. He went alone but now three of them will be coming back here. As many of you know, we have an American missionary on the ground, Jonathan Lueken ( our Medical Coordinator). He has been in South Sudan for almost 2 years now, and last year he got married to my niece, Joyce! Ever since they got married, Jonathan has been working to get Joyce to the US... She is now 8 months pregnant with their first child, so they had a travel dead-line in the amount of time they could get here! In God's amazing providence, after months of perseverance, Joyce finally got her visa last week, and she and Jonathan will touch down in the US on Monday, Lord Willing!

Jonathan & Joyce Lueken

Meet our new staff at Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3 FM Gospel Broadcasting station.

We now have several pastors going on the radio who preach the gospel in their both their native languages and languages commonly spoken in South Sudan! The Gospel is going forth and we are seeing the fruit! God has not forgotten His people and He has heard our cries for mercy.

Abraham Chol

Marko Deng and Abraham Chol

Marco Deng

US business Man and Missionary Michael Furtado, pay a visit to South Sudan in April and he shared a message with us on NTC 97.3

Help us complete this well project by he end of this month. Several items remain unresolved.

Now, We must keep the work going! On April 26, 2017, we drilled a well 1,500 ft. below our radio compound on Gordon Mountain in Nimule, to provide clean water and sanitation for our staff members and their families. The challenge now is to keep the work momentum going. We are trusting God to supply an amount of $15,000 to complete the well. The well will also help to meet the needs of hundreds of families in the area who have fled violence and uncertainty in their villages, and are temporarily settled in Nimule for protection. As they are waiting for things to improve in their villages, Operation Nehemiah can give them hope by providing them with clean water and the Gospel.

Prayer Needs:

  1. Piping to cover the cost of PVC materials and labor 1500 ft. from the base of the well to the top of mountain where the compound is - $3,800. Materials are available in Uganda.

  2. Solar DC/AC Transfer switch converter - $3,000 Solar DC/AC Transfer switch converter.

  3. Sub Solar Pump - $3,000.

  4. Electrical wiring - $1,500- This fund will be used to wire the sub pump to the Solar panels.

  5. Solar panels- $5,000.

Thank you all for your prayers and support! They mean so much to us!

"Ascribe to the LORD, O families of the peoples, Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength."

Psalm 96:7

In His grace,

William Levi, Founder and Overseer

Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563 Lanesborough, MA 01237

Mobile: 413-770-4711

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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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