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Thanking God for providing the fund to complete some of the key projects in 2017.

Dear Co-laborers in the Great Commission:

Shalom to you in the name above all name Yeshua the Messiah. It has been a while, since I communicated with you about the on going work in the South Sudan. We want to thank you and express our gratitude to God on your account for your prayers and financial support. The progression of our trip to South Sudan is coming along very well. We are now down to 23 days before the day of our departure. Our team is ready. By the grace of God all 14 of us, eight from the Levite household; Hannah and I plus our six children and six people from the Saunders' household comprising of Katherine Saunders, her father Pastor Joseph Saunders (not in the picture), his son in law , Gabriel and Olivia Faegler and their 2 daughters are all set for this mission trip. Katherine and Isaac wedding is set of November 25.

Our November 10 mission team traveling to South Sudan: The Levites, the Saunders and the Faeglers

Completion of their residential home on Gordon mountain is coming along.

Foundation, walling and roofing have gone well. we are on track to see the completion of this house before we arrive on the ground. Thank God for providing the fund to complete this important project. We want to thank God for our ground leadership team Timothy Ajjugo Levi and Tombe Isaac in South Sudan for their tenacious work in pressing on in the completion of Operations Nehemiah Residential building on Mountain Gordon dedicated to house our assistant country director Tombe Isaac and his soon wife to be Miss. Katherine Saunders. We can't be thankful enough for your prayers and financial support toward the completion of this important property. May God Name be praised.

Approaching harvest as weeding is now done.

we are grateful to share with this new development. Slowly but surely, individuals are beginning to take responsibility for their lives, getting out of the refugee camps and returning to their home land.

We just want to share with you some amazing report of what the Lord is doing in South Sudan. The bountifulness of the Beth Israel Farmland and Borongole mission compound. Today as I'm sharing this field report to you, the Lord has answered our prayers. We did not only succeeded in getting the funds needed to do the weeding for hundreds of acres, but we have received 11 women to do the weeding, four of which returned directly from the Ugandan refugees camp back home to South Sudan. Thank God! God is faithful. The year 2017 has been a year of bountiful blessings with so many wonderful accomplishments from the Lord in the midst of so many challenges. ... Giving us the faith and the opportunity to serve the Lord and His people through Operation Nehemiah Missions. The last time we shared with you at the beginning of October, we were praying for workers to help us with weeding at the Beth Israel Farmland and in Borongole Mission headquarters.

While UN predicts that thousands of South Sudanese children will be starving to death, in 2017, Operation Nehemiah is actually doing something about it by creating a conducive environment to bring people back from the refugee camp to raise food by themselves to feed themselves and create food bank to address the long term solution to food shortage and establish food bank for the country.

Taking a look at the spiritual aspect of the Christians and the church in South Sudan one year later in the midst of trials

The Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation is thriving in the midst of displacement. Our ground leadership of the Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation working hand in hand with the Pastoral Forum of Nimule are pressing on with work of evangelism, discipleship program. On the upcoming trip, we plan to conduct discipleship workshop with several church leadership on the ground.

Co-laboring with churches across the United States

On October 13-16, our ministry missionary travels and speaking engagements for within the USA took us to Dodgeville, WI to attend annual missionary conference organized by Faith Fellowship Church. We are thankful to God for our family friends William and Rebekah Neal and their extended family Alex and Alicia Ruggieri long time supporters and co-laborers in the Great Commission For inviting us and for their hospitality. We want to thank God for Pastor Ethan and Amanda Druckenmiller, the Elders and the congregation for having us.

Orthodox Presbyterian Church- Schenectady, NY

On Sunday September 24, our family was invited to share the vision of Operation Nehemiah at Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Schenectady, NY. We want to thank God for Pastor Tom Trouwborst for inviting us to share the vision of We are always pray for co-laborers and looking forward to share the mission of Operation Nehemiah in South Sudan. If you want to invite us to your local church for speaking engagement, please call us at 413-770-4711

Currently Jonathan and Joyce Lueken are traveling across the USA visiting families, speaking in churches and raising support

Last Thursday afternoon, we met for prayers at Operation Nehemiah main office with our Medical Coordinator Mr. Jonathan and Joyce Lueken and Jonathan's parents Roger and Patty Patty Lueken. Jonathan and Joyce have been here in the States since June 2017 from South Sudan. Jonathan has been serving as our missionary to South Sudan both on short and long term since 2013. He is currently here with his wife Joyce to help deliver their first baby girl Patience who was born in July. Jonathan is studying tropical medicine to go back to South Sudan so that he can improve the health situation there. Currently the Luekens are traveling across the USA visiting families, speaking in churches and raising support before they return to South Sudan possibly next year. Please pray for them.

How can you help in the restoration effort spearheaded by Operation Nehemiah Missions?

You can join us today in lifting up our hands in raising up awareness of what Operation Nehemiah is doing through your local churches. You can gather people to pray and raise financial support to support and advance the work of the mission in South Sudan in the areas of critical helps listed below.

All in all, The Lord is continuing to meet all these needs. Between now and November we are hoping to raise the following funds. You can lift up these needs in your prayers.

From our original budget of $65, 000 for this mission trip in November : We are now down to $18,000.00

We have up to November 9 to raise this balance of support. Thank you so much for commissioning us to go on mission with your prayers and financial support. Whether you send us or you come with us, your involvement is not less than ours. We are all laboring for his glory.

“ For what thanks can we render to God for you in return for all the joy with which we rejoice before our God on your account,…” 1 Thessalonian 3:9

God bless

In His grace

William Levi, Founder and Overseer,

Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough, MA 01237


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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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