Have a blessed New Year 2018. Ashanah Tova!!
Shalom to you on the Eve of the New Year!
Many of us have arrived today, at the end of 2017, with so much appreciation and thanksgiving for what the Lord has done in the past year....or just total discouragement as you look back at the experiences of 2017. However, what does God's promise hold for you and me in the Holy Scripture? We don't walk by sight, we walk by faith. The Word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path. We can't see everything at once both good or bad as we go each year. Take one day at a time . Remember Jeremiah 29:11, " For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord of hosts, plans for your good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope!"

Time would fail us to name all the people who have blessed us this year with their dedication to the cause of Yeshua in South Sudan! Thank you so much for the ways you have blessed us! This year has been one of great challenges with the best outcome in Operation Nehemiah's history... True, there were many trials and discouragements that came our way, but the Lord has been with us in each one of them, and we have all grown in our walks with Him.
Our prayer for all of you is that this year will be a year of learning to trust in Him for your every need and that you will go ever deeper in discovering Glory of our Lord- Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah!
If you think off us, please pray that we will continue to accomplish the Lord's will in our ministry and family.
The Lord has blessed us with our seventh baby, and the baby will be born on March 19, 2018! So, my family and I will not be going all together on a trip to South Sudan until the baby is old enough for international travel, but I will be going on short trips throughout the year. Lord willing, my son, Nechemyah, and I will be going to South Sudan sometime in February!
"Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen”
In 2017, 90 % of our mission work in South Sudan has been accomplished by the grace of God with your support. You are welcome to contribute towards the 2017 budget and fiscal year up to midnight today. on line donation can be made at www.operationsnehemiah.org. all your support is tax deductible
Happy New Year!!
In His Grace,
William Levi, Founder and Overseer,
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough, MA 01237