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Shoshanah Levi was born on March 19. Hannah & the baby are doing wonderful.

Shalom Brothers and sisters! Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement. Wishing you both Passover and Resurrection weekend in Yeshua the Messiah. So today, it is our great joy to announce to you the church family and co-laborers in the Great Commission, the arrival and the birth of our daughter Shoshanah Levi, born on 3/19/18 at 8:42 A.M., weighing 7.35 lb and measuring 20 inches in length. She came in two weeks early base on the doctor's recommendation. Both she and Mama are doing great, Praise God. Like the rest of our children , she was born with a bunch of hair. She's healthy, and such a bundle of joy to be in our lives after 7 years on the waiting. We are so thankful to the Lord for giving her to us. This was Hannah's 7th C-section, so we are praying for a swift recovery. So far every thing is going well with her and the baby. They have been discharged from BMC medical center and we have them home with us since last Friday . So I thought is well fitting to give you this announcement and appreciation. Psalm 136 and 139.

May Mission trip:

Now that my wife has safely delivered our baby girl and winter is fading into Spring, we are asking for your prayers and support as I'm preparing to travel to South Sudan for 3 weeks on administrative missionary journey in May 2018.

At NRB conference Proclaim 2018, with ministry partners and the leadership from USA/Canada, Finland

On US Side of the ministry front: We want to thank God for your prayers and support. Without your support it would have been impossible for us to attend the NRB conference in Nashville, TN. The trip to raise awareness about the work of Operation Nehemiah in South Sudan was a success. Praise God. Thank you for praying for us. We set up exhibit booth where we had various out reaches to the body of Yeshua across the USA, Canada and with a Christian Radio interviewer from Helsinki, Finland. Brother Pasi made this long journey from Finland to NRB to talk about the plight of Christian around the world. He gave 30 minutes of interview to me both in English and Finnish Language to be aired about the plight of the Christians in South Sudan to 4.5 million people in Finland.

In Florida Our missionary trip across USA brought us to Bartow Florida. We had a wonderful service at Community Bible Chapel with Pastor Dan and Bonnie Frodge and several other church in the state of Florida. from there we o traveled across the state of Florida to speak in various churches in , Fort Lauderdale, Lake Mary, Fort Meyers, Winter Haven etc. The My daughters Abijah, Jemimah I were cordially received there by the body of Yeshua. I was able yo share the vision of Operation Nehemiah and the message I presented to the body was on how the Lord answers prayer and to trust in him even in a very difficult situation. 2 Chronicles 7:14, Isaiah 59, Ephesians 6:-10-18.

"We had the privilege of hosting Bro William Levi at our church this past Sunday. He is doing the true work of the Gospel by returning to his country of South Sudan and teaching his people about the Lord and also teaching them how to take care of themselves and not be dependent upon the United Nations. Try and watch this great video write up by CBN News about him, his family, and the ministry, Operation Nehemiah and please help if you are led. He is a modern day Nehemiah" Mrs. Molly Strickland,

From the Mission Front in South Sudan, impact of last year’ s effort. The harvest of 2017. Reaching out to the widows & the fatherless, the displaced Last year, we cultivated 50 acres of tropical crops – the result was amazing. For the first time we were able to produce Over 10,000 pounds of grain, Sweet potatoes, a lot of banana, mangoes and oranges from the Beth Israel Farmland using only one small tractor and 14 dedicated men and their families. Now we have established food bank for them which will take that us to the next level of food security in 2018 and beyond.

From the fields of Beth Israel farmland to the widows and the fatherless of South Sudan.

Here are some pictures of the activities of Operation Nehemiah Mission and the staff on the ground in 2018. We are weeding the cassava plantation, and sharing the resources with the God's family. From last year’s harvest, we are now in the position to fulfill some of the basic Biblical mandate mentioned in James chapter 1- 2 to help the widows and the fatherless with the produce of grain from Beth Israel Farmland.

The main focus for this production is to cut off UN relief dependence in order to create food bank for the remnants who simply want to stay in their own land and work with their hands. What you are seeing here is not support from the UN to the South Sudanese widows and the fatherless it from God through your effort to your brothers and sisters in Yeshua. Thank God for you for making this effort a reality.

Agriculture 2018 initiative Currently, we are mobilizing our effort to raise fund in term of seed money (capital) to keep up the momentum of productivity which we have started last year in the Beth Israel Farmland. We have begun preparing the farmland before the raining season begins at the beginning of March.:Dry season weeding of cassava plantation has been going on plus I'm expecting more pictures coming about this as we approach April rainfall to begin cultivation.

We have a farm tractor which had done all of this work for the last year's harvest. It broke down this week and in in need of repair. . We need support to help our field staff so that they can begin cultivation right away. The fund will help fuel the tractor, make repairs, buy seeds and support farm staff. Our goal is to stamp out hunger, create food security, preach the Gospel of Salvation in Yeshua and support the families. Could we count on your support today?

Mango tree loaded with fruit at Beth Israel farmland

ONMI Country Director Timothy Levi and his son are fixing chain Shaw for work in the farm

the staff of ONMI are collecting Coconut fruits from Beth Israel farmland for food.

Weeded Cassava plantation

Our tractor broke down

Focus of the next mission trip to South Sudan for me will be pastoral and administrative in scope and nature.

I'm looking forward to seeing ordination of 7 pastors who are currently under training. We will be holding prayer for the nation of South Sudan in the town of Nimule with several church leaders in the region. Political, spiritual situation in the country remain volatile and challenging only God can bring a lasting solution to this country which is hurting. But through our prayers. God will make aware.

I will be working with our field staff in the implementation of of various key projects among which is the agriculture production for 2018 and working on new radio broadcasting studio building.

Here are the needs you can pray for:

So, in summary: Prayer need :

I will be traveling to South Sudan with my son Nechemyah and at least with four other missionary’s friends from beginning of May 2018. Mission budget for the trip stands at - $10,000 Restoring and stuffing of the Nehemiah field clinic medical Clinic - $10,000 Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3 FM Studio construction on Mountain Gordon estimated - $35,000.00 Church support toward evangelistic outreach which includes Bibles , FM Solar radios - $15000.00

Agricultural initiative - $6500. ( tractor parts, water pump in the farm, fuel, tools, seeds and staff support)

On line donation can be made at

" Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15: 58

God bless

In His grace

William Levi, Levi

Founder and Overseer,

Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563 Lanesborough MA 01237


Mission trip cost - $10, 000 for three of us.

Agriculture next phase - $6500.

Broadcasting studio building - $35,000 plus

Bibles and NTC. 97.3 FM Radio receivers - $15,000

Medical care - $10,000

General ministry expenses - $10,000

Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough MA 01237

God blessing

in His grace

William Levi, Founder & Overseer

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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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