Living under Sharia Law in the Sudan
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Shalom, as part of Operation Nehemiah Mission work, we play dual missionary roles in expanding the Great Commission both in the USA and South Sudan. I came here to the USA almost thirty years ago because of Islamic persecution in my native country, Sudan. Now it has become apparent that Islamic encroachment is lurking at the shores of United States and we must not keep silent, America as we know it, for the past 2 decades has been under going Islamic invasion. So it is imperative for us who had lived under the oppression of Islamic Sharia law in the Sudan to warn America of the pending Islamic stronghold in the USA. Over the weekend, I spoke at Camp Constitution Conference held at Lake Side Christian Center in Pittsfield, MA. I discussed the Islamic persecution of Christians in the Sudan and what American Church and families must know and prepare for about the diabolical encroachment of Islamic jihadist in America.

When you support Operation Nehemiah Missions' work in Sudan, you are standing with your brothers and sisters against the encroachment of diabolical agenda of Islamic quest to control the continent of Africa.
In His grace,
William Levi, Founder and Overseer, Operation Nehemiah Missions