Persevering in the Spirit of Nehemiah the Re-builder
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Yeshua,
Shalom! Thank you for lifting up our hands through your prayers and support. God is accomplishing His saving work in the lives of thousands in Yeshua in South Sudan .

Our mission next mission trip to South Sudan from September 9th - 25th.
Due to the shortened nature of the trip, we won't be taking the entire family to this time. Hannah and our five daughters will stay home for a short while. Instead, I will be traveling with our two sons, Nechemyah and Yehudah. We will be joined by John and Joel Alameida, a father and a son medical team from Minnesota for two weeks of spiritual and medical outreach in rural villages.
Prayer for our leadership and families
Please continue to pray for us and for the work of Operation Nehemiah. The republic of South Sudan is in the process of ending five years of civil war that has dis-stabilized the entire country, sending millions once again into exile. Many are longing to return home. A vast opportunity is now on the horizon to continue implementing the vision which the Lord put in our hearts over 25 years ago: reaching to one person, one family, and one village at a time for Christ.
A city on a hill that can't be hidden, our inspiration for South Sudan
Seven years ago, the Lord gave us a vision to develop Gordon Mountain, overlooking the growing border town of Nimule. We wanted to dedicate this place for the expansion of the Great Commission through Gospel radio broadcasting and pastoral training. Today, that vision is unfolding before our eyes! A deep well drilled in 2017 supplies the compound with clean water at the base of our 300 ft radio tower, where construction of an expansive new broadcasting station is nearing completion. This project will be brought to a close in October, God willing. Future plans include the construction the Nehemiah House of Prayer for the Nations, and permanent housing for staff and visitors.
Persevering in the Spirit of Nehemiah the Re-builder.
Nehemiah stands as a testament to faithfulness and perseverance. He lived far away from his home, yet he never gave up hope that someday he would return to it. He spent most of his life in exile land of Babylon, yet he never wavered in his faith and trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He was a prayer warrior, putting everything before the Lord in prayer, interceding on behalf of his people, and he was rewarded for his diligence and perseverance. Nehemiah cared so much for his people that he never gave up the hope of their restoration, not only to their homeland, but to the God that first called their forefather, Abraham, out of the same area and made a covenant with him, one that Nehemiah believed would stand forever.
Nehemiah continued in his quest to rebuild Jerusalem. God provided all the necessary workers, and the building began. However, they were not without enemies—those who desired to stop the rebuilding. But God intervened as He had done with Moses (Exodus 14:14). Nehemiah 4:20 records, "Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!" This was God’s pre-ordained plan to bring His people out of bondage and back into their land to worship in the temple once again.
Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3 FM Studio Building construction

The final product will look like this
Updates on our Fall fund raising initiative
We are now down to $22,500 to complete our budget for Autumn 2018! We have 18 days to go to meet our goal by September 9th. Will you prayerfully consider helping us achieve this goal today? Every dollar counts.
Prayer needs:
-Pray for our mission in September to minister the word of God and oversee the work on the
-Pray for the success of the negotiations to end the national crisis.
-Pray for the completion of the Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3 FM studio building on Mt. Gordon.
-Pray for our Autumn 2018 fund raising initiative.
-Pray for the Great Commission in South Sudan to go forward
Your online tax deductible contribution can be made at or mail your check to the address below.
In His Grace,
William Levi,
Founder and Overseer,
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237