How can we thank God enough for you? Now we are all set for the mission trip.
Shalom Brothers and Sisters, I again, I want to express my appreciation for your generosity in support of my family and the Missions of Operation Nehemiah Mission . Your personal commitment in prayers for us and in rendering practical support to the cause was incredibly evident which allowed us to reach our mission goal to fulfill the Great Commission. Your encouragement , prayer and support means so much to us and to the Staff of Operation Nehemiah Missions in South Sudan. Just two days ago, I shared with you mission budget update that our mission support was short by $6000, we had six day to go. The next day, that need was met right away. God provided the entire funding for this effort , far and beyond our exception. Now we are all set for the missions trip.
From the bottom of our hearts, we can't thank God enough for your generosity. We likened your support an encouragement to Apostle Paul's missionary appreciation to the believers in Thessalonian 3:9 "What thanks can we render to God again for you, for all the joy with which we joy for your sake before our God;"
Our medical team:
Our team have assembled. We are now looking to leave for South Sudan on September 9. Keep our Medical missionaries, John and Joel Alameida, a father and a son medical nurses from MN in your prayers. They will be carrying out a vigorous medical and evangelistic out reach to several villages in Pageri county of Eastern Equatoria State for one full week. We are participating for them to see at least 200-300 patients in that short amount of time. Pray for strength, good health, and success that God will bless the labor of their hands.

John and Joel Alameida

File Photo May 2018

File photo from May 2018
Pray for my sons Nechemyah and Yehudah as we be dealing with both spiritual and administrative oversight of the work in the field.

1- We will be holding a prayer of dedication with of Pageri County site in Pageri village with national pastors and local officials on the ground.
2- We will be reviewing and praying with our ground leadership team for God's favor for steps by steps process as many people are anticipating to return home from exile after two years in refuge. How can ONMI prepare both physically and spiritually to help them resettle their country.
3- We are anticipating to bring in 500 Bibles to be distributed to the local churches and community in the region.

4- We have ongoing work with the construction of Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3 FM studio on Mountain Gordon. we hope to see that project is completed in October and ready for Operation by the end of 2018
5- We have on going work in the Beth Israel farmland. We are going to encourage and pray with our farm staff and their families to stay focus and work hard to see great harvest from the labor of their hand this year so that they can feed their families.
Prayer: So keep praying for these other needs
We need your help to make this mission trip successful:
-Pray for our mission in September to minister the word of God and oversee the work on the ground.
-Pray for the success of the negotiations to end the national crisis.
-Pray for the newly ordained pastors as they embark on planting new churches.
-Pray for the completion of the Nehemiah Trumpet Call 97.3 FM studio building on Mt. Gordon.
-Pray for rain and good Harvest in 2018
-Pray for the Great Commission in South Sudan to go forward unhindered
Your online tax deductible contribution can be made at or mail your check to the address below.
In His Grace,
William Levi,
Founder and Overseer,
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237