She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs:31:25
Dear Co-laborers, in the great Commission,
Shalom, when we left South Sudan at the end of September, several farm products at the Beth Israel farmland were doing very well. Banana, oranges, guavas and Papaya were just about ready for harvest. The only challenges we were facing was the shortage of workers to do the weeding of a vast area planted with sorghum awaiting to be weeded. From stand point of traditional agriculture, weeding fields of crops fall in the women domain in division of labor after the men completed their share of the work in the area of opening, clearing and sowing the seeds.
The women at work in the field, taking their shared responsibility with men to stabilize the family and the church institutions.
Last week, the women gathered and they went out to the Beth Israel farmland and weeded the field of sorghum. They left the field of Sorghum clean and thriving, teaming with their husbands and children in clearing the road heading to the Beth Israel Farm. We are simply amazing, seeing the spirit of unity among these Christian families working together in raising food for themselves. So we are hoping for a bountiful harvest in November. What you are witnessing here is a very rare glimpses of hope and stability you are seeing out of South Sudan which is not reported by the global media. Why because, we are reporting on progress that depicts family stability, reduction of poverty, relationship and unity building between men and women and Biblical stewardship. The UN will tell you quite a different story about South Sudanese women that they are confined in the refugee camps or IDP camps, scared for their lives, scared of men and scared of being a woman. They need this or that, but the Christian women of Pageri county of South Sudan who are under our outreach through the mission of Operation Nehemiah are not afraid nor complacence. They are strong, they are fearless, they are pro family, they take their womanhood seriously and not afraid of men who are their fathers, husbands and brothers. They are going out into the field, working hand in hand with their families to feed their children. Please pray and support the mission of Operation in bring the Gospel message that freed men and women from the bondage of sin which breed fear and moral decay leading to the dis-stabilization of families and the church.

ONMI, 97.3 FM broadcasting Studio is at the completion stages. Our team in South Sudan and us from this end want to fulfill the promise made with you and donor about the use of the fund raised to complete the studio building for NTC 97.3 FM. I'm so elated to see a beautiful red roof covering beautiful building just a week after we got back. Windows and doors are also ready to be installed. Thank God for your prayers and support. From here the Gospel will be heard over the airwaves of South Sudan and northern Uganda. Many souls will be brought to the loving Relationship with Father God, through Yeshua our Messiah, thus fulfilling the Great Commission.
Matthew 28: 19.

Thank God for our ground team in South Sudan, they are not sleeping. They got the message. They are not waiting for the UN or the government to do the work for them. They are working very hard to develop their community and dedicate their lives to serve the Lord for His Glory. This building has gone up so quickly in less than 2 months. By the grace of God, we from this end, with your support, will thankfully continue to support them with the resources, they need so that they can they do the work. That is how the Great Commission is accomplished. We each play a part and a role in it to move forward
This is the part of South Sudan, you don't hear about. No body talk to you about it. But here at Operation Nehemiah we are bringing it to you the beauty of the country and what the few dedicated remnant are doing with bear minimum of resources. Some incredible development from the ground up resources yo have sown into.
Incoming generation from the ground using the NTC tower is coming along. We have signed a five year contract with Sky-net ( a Google Branch search engine firm from Uganda, East Africa) connecting Uganda to South Sudan (Kampala to Juba in matter of seconds) to have wireless internet access in exchange for using of our 300 FT radio tower, the most suitable tower because of its height and location in the region being the tallest in the country to carry their boosters signal. This is timely and providential as peace agreement are signed to end the war and people are coming back. We have been waiting for this for at least 11 years since the tower was set up in 2007.
Nehemiah Internet Cafe at Yerushalayim compound on Gordon is under way. Today, we are beginning to seeing the benefit of the full implementation of that agreement once this building is completed and the computers are in place. ONMI's Yersushalayim compound on Gordon has full access to wireless internet now. Under the agreement, we can set up up to 15 computers terminal to connect wireless to internet and use it as internet Cafe hub to generate some income from within the country. We are going to connect the other two compounds in Borongole and Beth Israel Farmland, splitting the 15 computers in the ratio of 7 for Gordon,4 for Borongole and 4 for Beth Israel.

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ONMI Missionary travel across the US beginning in a week.
I will be leaving for ONMI’s annual fund raising activities with my family, traveling across the US beginning Oct 16 - 31. Our trip will take us to IL, IN, KY and NC. Therefore, may you consider helping us achieve this goal. as of now, we need $5,500 for the trip and the budget attached below give you breakdown to know what the needs are and how you can best help and pray for these needs.
Prayer needs:
Operation Nehemiah Mission’s Budget to close the gap in 2017- 2018 fiscal year starting in September 2017- ending October 2018.
For us to move forward into the fiscal year 2018 – 2019, beginning October 1st, we must close the budget gap and bring the expenses to zero. Right now we are operating $61,000 in deficit moving into the next 2018- 2019 fiscal year beginning October 1st 2018.
1- ONMI USA office support- $ 10,000 of which $5500 for our mission trip across USA
2- 15 computers for Nehemiah Internet café – $9,000
3- Agricultural initiative - $8,000.00
4- Five ONMI mission Vehicles in disrepair,need fixing – $11,000
5- Plumbing and septic for the studio - $4500
6- Field staff support - $5,500.00
7- Church and & evangelistic out reach $6000
8- Medical -$5000.00
Our online tax deductible contribution can be made at or mail your check to the address below.
In His Grace,
William Levi,
Founder and Overseer,
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237