God truly answers prayers and by faith, mountains are moved.
Shalom. Your contribution and prayer supports to Operation Nehemiah is an effort to restore the family, the church and the nation of South Sudan to the Glory of God by removing the scourge of UN dependence Syndrome.
Over the years, we could not be thankful enough for your prayers and support to Operation Nehemiah Missions. You have kept us pressing on, make the most out of little. At a time, the work can be over whelming and the vision can grow blurry as the day to day challenges confront us. But as the Word of God declares, “we walk by faith not by sight.” Now 7 years into her independence, South Sudan remains a volatile and challenging place to do missionary work. People come to us time to time to find out whether it is safe to go to South Sudan to do missionary work? My answer is simply as this, there is no a safe place, or time on this planet to do any missionary work in South Sudan or anywhere in the world. If we wait, until it is safe to go, you will wait forever. That day will never come. Jesus never promise us that we will find peace, safety in a country, a person or in thing. It is only in Him we are safe! He says, “ But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid. It is this peace, this confidence that we have which propelled us as a family to go on mission to South Sudan.
God truly answers prayers under situation no one has control.
While still in the US, I posted this video on March 7, 2017, 11 days before we held the National of Prayer in Nimule, South Sudan. Yes, God answers prayers in a situation you or I have no control but surrender it to God in prayers and fasting. Last year on March 18, 2018, by faith, My family and a number of missionaries joined me on a mission trip to South Sudan. I called upon the people of South Sudan to gather in the border town of Nimule for a national day of prayer and fasting, asking God to forgive us as people and heal our nation. The theme of our national day of prayer was anchored on 2 Chronicles 7: 14: " If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray and turn away from their wicked ways, I will look down from heaven, forgive their sins and heal their land. "
Peace agreement signed in South Sudan to end South Sudan's long running civil war on September 12, 2018
On my forth trip to South Sudan since holding national day of prayer in Nimule, on March 18, 2017 , South Sudan signed a national peace agreement on September 12, the day we arrived in the country. I took that as a encouragement from God that our prayers was not in vain. He was peaking to us in a loud voice not to be discourage. We must keep pressing ahead with his business in that country.
Currently, from the political stand points, there is a lot going on in South Sudan. A peace agreement between the ruling government and several breakaway rebel groups in the opposition who have been waging the war, for 5 years had been signed. Implementation of this agreement, reintegration of various ranks of the military to form one national army, repatriation of the civilian population from the refugee camps to return home and take part in the peace process are the challenges of the day facing the people of the South Sudan. We need you to stand with us.
Standing in the gap. In the middle of all of this is us in ONMI bringing the Gospel of Peace to a broken people and a nation. We could not do this without your prayer and support. So I do encourage you not to be weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap. You may not be able to go physically there, but when you contribute financially, pray and encourage us to go on mission for Operation Nehemiah Missions, your effort is as good as being on the ground. I need you to pray for my family and all our field staff and their families in South Sudan who are in the back burners of this important mission. We too go through our own trials but God calls us to preserver in the midst of trial. James 1.

Scope of our mission: The prevailing motive and prevailing desire of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Yeshua the Messiah in the South Sudan by bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their souls. Upon this premise rests the spiritual well being of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. All other developmental activities of ONMI depend on this Biblical foundation. Our goal for this phase of prevailing desire and development are: 1- To develop and support potential leadership with the indigenous Christian community in the South Sudan. 2- To promote the Great Commission and encourage Biblical stewardship among South Sudanese to work with their own hands by offering Employment and business opportunity. 3- To impact the next generation for Christ in the South Sudan by empowering indigenous Christian pastors to teach and disciple the families in their congregations including Gospel radio broadcasting the sound Biblical doctrine of the faith . 4- Establish food security through agricultural development throughout the region 5- To provide professional and biblical based educational opportunities through Home education for adult and parents and children in regions. 6- To improve access to healthcare, reduce the incidence of water borne disease and increase access to clean Water. - To improve access to communication and information technology at the community level in the region. As a ministry, we are practically ways ahead of the curve, seeing the fruit of our vision by empowering the people of South Sudan to realize their God given potentials and the ability to getting involved directly in lifting themselves and their families out of spiritual, physical and financial misery. South Sudan is one of the richest land in Africa with a lot of natural resources still un exploited. So, Operation Nehemiah with your help will make a great difference in the lives of the people in that country for the glory of God. .
Please take a moment to consider this. Now, more than ever, people reading ONMI News brief won't get news like this anywhere else regarding what is happening in South Sudan. ONMI News Brief, coming out of South Sudan is not like what you're are used to hearing and reading in the liberal mainstream media. ONMI News brief is a report done from Biblical World view: Our reports and pictures you always read and see are raw, truthful, direct and documented in real time, speaking to the heart of what is taking place there .
Commitment: It takes dedicated people on the ground, a lot of time, money and hard work to produce these report. But we do it because we believe our work is critical to give a different image about this young emerging nation and tell the truth about a people and a country that has been written off by the pundits as a failed state without hope.
Please contribute to our on going ground-breaking work of Operation Nehemiah Missions on line at www.operationsnehemiah.org
Or send your tax deducible donation to
Operation Nehemiah Missions,
PO Box 563
Lanesborough, MA 01237
In His grace
William Levi, Founder & Overseer
Operation Nehemiah Missions,
PO Box 563
Lanesborough, MA 01237