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The Republic of South Sudan is undoubtedly a fabulous land with great potentials.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Yeshua,

Shalom. I'm just excited to give you our weekly updates from South Sudan and the work of Operation Nehemiah Missions among the people. As there are several activities and projects that we are involved in, the the next couple of weeks will be our focus on agriculture and Nehemiah Trumpet Gospel Radio Broadcasting Studio building project (NTC 97.3 FM).

The untapped virgin land of South Sudan

The Republic of South Sudan is undoubtedly a fabulous land with great potential. Please watch a small video clip below and several pictures from the Beth Israel Farmland in term of the scope of the work we have done in 2018 with your support. Our prayer and hope is that this must as well be the beginning of transforming South Sudan into food producing country in Africa. So we need your continuous prayers and support to make that happen.

This is great report compiled by our field staff in South Sudan at the Beth Israel Farmland about food security in which you don't get to hear anywhere else but through Operation Nehemiah Missions because we are putting all our hands to the deck. From August through September our ground staff toiled in faith hoping to see a bountiful harvest in the midst of dry spell. My sons and I briefly joined them on the ground in September to see how they are progressing in the midst of the challenges. We prayed for rain and that God would provide workers to weed the fields of sorghum which were about 4-5 inches off the ground back then and the Lord answered our prayers. The rain came and the workers weeded the field. What you are seeing here is the result of your prayers and support.

For a moment, I thought I was watching midsize corn field in Uganda or in the Midwest, USA. This is surreal, yet this is in South Sudan. The scope of our prayer is that, the harvest will be complete and successful without interference from birds, pestilences, animals and thugs in December. Healthy food from the farm are the first deterrent to stopping hunger, malnutrition in children, deterrent to tropical diseases. What we hope to see next year is to double the production you are seeing here in term of field size and varieties of crops and fruit trees to be planted. This is one dimension of a solution to deal with multifaceted problems facing South Sudan. Job 30:25 " Have I not wept for those in trouble? Has my soul not grieved for the needy?"

Beth Israel Farmland - video clip of Sorghum Field.

Yeshua says I'm the bread of Life..

Thank God for you for your generosity without which we could not have had the opportunity to see the bountiful potentials of the land of South Sudan in agriculture. Agricultural sector is so critical for the revitalization of the economy of South Sudan since 99 % of the population is agrarians and lives off the land.

Just as much as we are preaching the word of God , and expanding the Great Commission, we must simultaneously meet the physical needed of the people. Yeshua himself, in his public ministry, taught the people the kingdom of God in the open fields. He taught them parables using examples from His Father's Creation: the people and the landscape. He fed them both physically and spiritually. He gave them food for the nourishment of their bodies and food for the spiritual nourishment of their souls. All of His miracles depicted in feeding the people physically, were to point them to himself as the true and living bread that come from above to earth to give Eternal life, Yeshua says in John 6:35 says, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” Bread is considered a staple food—i.e., a basic dietary item. A person can survive a long time on only bread and water. This is our prayers and discipleship approach for training the South Sudanese in understanding their salvation and fulfilling their calling in the Great Commission.

Keep persevering with us

What is so remarkable is that we are seeing the Lord has raised believers (Christians family of families in churches ) in a small scale across America to bear with us by joining hands with us both in times of war and in time of peace in the rebuilding effort of this new nation for the glory of God.

The Gospel is going forward through the local pastors and as well as through the Nehemiah Trumpet Call Gospel radio reaching out to tens and thousand of people both in the South Sudan. So we implore you to keep on standing with us in this work. Hebrews 13:3 Remember those in prison as if you were bound with them, and those who are mistreated as if you were suffering with them.

Please find attached raw pictures of field staff with more bananas, women came to take part in harvesting oranges in big sacks. Share with your families this report, depicting the expanse of blossoming field of grain. This is South Sudan, not Uganda. We can actual raised food out of South Sudan and feed our people.

1- What is South Sudan's political climate right now as she progresses toward implementation of the peace agreement. ? Here are some of the hot issues on the table for discussion.

2- She is going back to the British Colonial administrative map of South Sudan to find a solution to the current political impasse.

November 13, 2018 (JUBA) - The South Sudan National Dialogue (SSND) body has proposed to re-establish the three-province system in the country saying it was a valid administrative division.

The SSND steering committee, on 23 October 2018, endorsed a "Proposal on the Reorganization of the South Sudanese State". This document will be discussed and amended in regional meetings to be held across the country and the National Conference before to be presented to the revitalized transitional government when it is formed in 2019.

The text seeks to assess several national issues including the performances of the South Sudan ruling SPLM and severely condemn the single-party political system established after the independence.

The document keeps silent on the contested 32 states established by President Kiir in October 2015. But it points to the failure of the 10-state administrative system inherited from Sudan saying it had not worked.

Following what the text proposes to revert back to the three colonial provinces of Bahr el Ghazal, Equatoria and Upper Nile and to restore with it the same subdivision of administrative districts as they had existed before.

Accordingly, Bahr el-Ghazal will be subdivided to "seven districts as they stood before independence as ­ Aweil; Gogrial; Lakes; Eastern Lakes; Raga; Tonj; and Wau, with their colonial district capitals".

"Equatoria should revert back to its colonial districts of Juba; Kapoeta; Maridi; Tombura; Torit; Yei; and Yambio".

"Upper Nile reverts back to its districts of Akobo; Bentiu; Bor; Kodok; Malakal; Nasir; Pangak; and Renk."

The proposal underscores that there may be a need to operate some "minor adjustments" due to increased population or other reasons.

"You can call these states or regions, whatever names or titles you wish. The idea is to rethink the type of administrative reforms from here because these were the only administrative formations that South Sudanese political rivals did not contest," adds the document. Courtesy of Sudan Tribune

Please take a moment to consider this. Now, more than ever, people reading ONMI News brief won't get news like this anywhere else regarding what is happening in South Sudan. ONMI News Brief, coming out of South Sudan is not like what you're are used to hearing and reading in the liberal mainstream media. ONMI News brief is a report done from Biblical World view: Our reports and pictures you always read and see are raw, truthful, direct and documented in real time, speaking to the heart of what is taking place there .

Commitment: It takes dedicated people on the ground, a lot of time, money and hard work to produce these report. But we do it because we believe our work is critical to give a different image about this young emerging nation and tell the truth about a people and a country that has been written off by the pundits as a failed state without hope.

Prayer support

Operation Nehemiah Mission’s Budget to close the gap in 2017- 2018 fiscal year starting in September 2017- ending October 2018.

1- Nehemiah Internet Café - Entrepreneurial venture : $18,500 .

Fund will cover 10 computers, 5, printers and office equipment. With availability of high speed Internet at ONMI Yerushalayim center on Gordon Mountain, we can create revolving economy.

2- Vehicle Needs : $16,300.

There are a number of ONMI mission vehicles in disrepair . We only have one vehicle working. $9000 of this $16,300 will help us acquire a relatively used land Cruiser in good shape and the remaining fund will help us fix the rest of the vehicles to help us in the ministry

3- $5,000 for plumbing, and septic system

4- $ 3000 medical

5- $ General mission support $ 10,000

Our online tax deductible contribution can be made at or mail your check to the address below.

In His Grace,

William Levi,

Founder and Overseer,

Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough MA 01237



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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