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NTC 97.3 FM studio building is on track to be ready by Christmas. Thank you.

Shalom brothers and sisters in Yeshua, we hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving last Thursday. We thank God for our Thanksgiving. It went very well for us here. We were joined by our long time family friends from New Jersey Bruce and Laura Boucard to celebrate Thanksgiving. Again thank you for your prayers and encouragement as always. Now we are looking forward to celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas in December.

In this mission report, we are going to give you updates on the Status of the NTC97.3 FM Gospel radio Studio which has been going on for the past 6 months. We broke ground in July and work has been going steadily ever since.


The vision to building this studio came to us in March of 2017 when we were on the ground, literally camping at the Yerushalayim Conference center on Gordon Mt. Seeing the burden weighing down our field staff at NTC 97.3 FM at every level, technically, logistically and lack of adequate broadcasting facility, we went on our knees and prayed to God to provide us with a water and a building to serve as a broadcasting studio. The answer to pray exceeded our expectation.

The team

The Yerushalayim Center on Gordon Mountain became the ONMI missions headquarter after the national crisis, which erupted in 2016, that let us to temporally evacuate from Borongole to Gordon Mt. We thank God for you for helping us afford water supply on top of the mountain in 2017. This well proved to be instrumental to think about putting buildings on top of 2800 ft Mountain on the breath taking view of South Sudan, Uganda , the Nile valley and Nimule town down below the valley. Without proper facility and housing, we found ourselves putting broadcasting equipment in a very hot utility room which is not meant for broadcasting. Acoustically, we are not equipped to deliver sound and clear message to the listeners. There is no housing to accommodate staff, guests and missionaries. Everything is conducted under the trees. However, that is just about to change for good. We thank God, now through your support, we have two buildings at the Yerushalayim Conference Center on Gordon mountain.

March 2017

March 2017

November 2017

November 2017

November 2017

November 2017

November 2017

November 2017

November 2017

November 2017- NTC 97.3 FM studio at current state

In May 2018 - the Funding for the studio project below was initiated We received a contribution designated for constructing the Nehemiah Broadcasting studio facility to improve the situation for conductive Gospel broadcasting at NTC 97.3 FM.

fast Forward six month later, The NTC 97.3 FM studio building is done. It is very large, with nine spacious rooms. It has the capacity to do what we envisioned to do up there including, setting up state of the art broadcasting room, conference room that can also serve as worship center for the Nile Beth Israel, a recording room, reception room, and 4 rooms designated for staff and internet Cafe.

November 2018

November 2018

Tiling the floor November 2018

November 2018

What is next right now? I know you and others are praying for my family and the ministry. I have seen His mighty hand clearly on this. A week ago, our country Director Pastor Timothy Levi and the ground leadership said, officially, they are done with the studio building as it is. But now it has to be fitted to satisfy broadcasting standard acoustically and be operational. So we needed additional funding to address XYZ, things like getting the broadcasting studio room to meet acoustic standard, septic system, internet cafe, office furniture etc. I told them, if God is in this, He will raise the fund. We went on our knees. I drafted a proposal for funding and forward to a potential benefactor. The next day, I got a response, the entire fund was raised and has been dispatched to the field staff to implement what they are asking the budget for. So All in all, I'm delighted to report that the Studio building is coming to a completion. Construction cost was under budget. Scheduling for completion is in time. We are on track to dedicate this building ready for Operation by the end of December. Praise God. 2 Corinthians 9:8

The current do list remaining project procurement stage by stage

We are now looking at completing stages from 14 to 18.

by the end of December, the building will have been completely paid for and it will be the property of Operation Nehemiah Missions to advance the Kingdom of God in South Sudan with not debt.

The Next stages 14 Power Source Stage 14 – Power Source, electrical wiring and air conditioning the building suitable for broadcasting. This fund will do the following: 3 Air conditioning, inverter, 12 Solar batteries, 26 solar panels (7.12 KW) , 4 charge controllers, electrical wires and labors, etc. Broadcasting will be 24/7.

Retrofitting the studio room: Stage 15. We are retrofitting two rooms within the Studio building for broadcasting and the other for audio recording: the two rooms for Broadcasting and recording studio each need to be built to meet international broadcasting and recording standard. A broadcast radio studio mixing desk Studio staff are trained to make sure that the “levels” that leave the studio do so at a constant level. This is for two reasons: 1) to make sure the listener doesn’t keep having to turn their radio up or down, and b) so’s not to get distortion or to damage equipment. These rooms are to be kept at certain room temperature and in alignment with acoustic compliance to keep the equipment from frying or meting while giving quality broadcasting Gospel message over 1 million listeners in South Sudan and Uganda –

Stage 16 Septic system : We need a septic tank to contain the sewage waste coming out of the studio building. We are anticipating at least 5 staff and their families going to live and work at the Yerushalayim Center to manage the radio station on daily basis plus over 20 visitors may be showing up for interview on daily bases. So Sanitation is very important.

Stage 17: Furniture; We will be working on setting up desk, chairs, tables and computers in each room.

Stage 18. Nehemiah Internet café at the Yerushalayim Center Mt Gordon -

Incoming generation from the tower is coming along. We have signed a five year contract with Skynet ( a Google Branch search engine firm from Uganda, East Africa) connecting Uganda to South Sudan (Kampala to Juba in matter of seconds) to have wireless internet access in exchange for using our 300 FT radio tower, the most suitable tower because of its height and location in the region being the tallest in the country to carry their boosters signal. This is timely and providential as peace agreement are signed to end the war and people are coming back. We have been waiting for this for at least 11 years since the tower was set up in 2007. ONMI's Yerushalayim compound on Gordon has full access to wireless internet now. Under the agreement, we can set up to 15 computers terminal to connect wirelessly to internet and use it as internet Cafe hub to generate some income from within the country. Right now, we want to start with 7 computers and two printers.

Thank you from the team of ONMI staff in South Sudan.

We could not be thankful enough for you for coming along side our family and Operation Nehemiah Missions for bringing the Good News to the people of South Sudan.

May the Lord bless you and Keep you. May the Lord makes His Face Shines upon and be Gracious to you and give you Shalom Peace, Numbers 6: 24

Prayer support : Walking by faith not by sight . We do our part and God does the rest.

1- Operation Nehemiah Mission’s Budget to close the gap in 2017- 2018 fiscal year starting in September 2017- ending October 2018. We needed $62,000 by December 2018. We received a matching gift of $40,000. Balance to be raised : $22,000. Help us today match this balance before the end of of the years . It can be done!!

2- Pray for our family. Two of our older children Abijah and Nechemyah Levi are planning to travel to South Sudan between the last week of December 2018 and first week in January 2019. The scope of their trip is go and dedicate the new Broadcasting studio and and set up the Nehemiah Internet cafe with necessary computers which they will bring with them.

Our online tax deductible contribution can be made at or mail your check to the address below.

In His Grace,

William Levi,

Founder and Overseer,

Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough MA 01237



Please let me know your thought on it. Thank you so much. God bless In His grace William Levi,

God bless

In His Grace


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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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