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Food security is key to stopping war in South Sudan, encourages people to return home and discourage

Dear Co-laborers in the Great Commission,

Shalom. Today we are switching our news report coming out of ONMI works in South Sudan to Beth Israel Farmland. Thank God for you who have caught the vision and understood that food supplies should be an integral part of ONMI's mission in that Country. Food security is the key to revitalizing South Sudan's fledgling economy, which is yet impacted by war. So, establishing food security for the people of South Sudan for themselves by themselves with your financial help as seed money from American Christians in order to get that young country up on her feet is the best thing. It will have lasting impact on the people. Food security is another dimension to the solution to stop the war and encourage people to return home instead of perpetual migration to the camps. Indirectly, by creating food security in their own country, you are helping the USA in stopping mass African migration to the USA so that we don't have a repeat of what we are seeing in our southern borders.

Equipping and discipleship of the people is critical.

I believe the idea of equipping the people of South Sudan both spiritually and physically with tools and resources w which they needs through your benevolent support from the United States is the best approach ever. We rejoice in the Lord to see these men working with their won hands in the field and meeting the need of their families. Thank God, for His mighty Hands, for the on going discipleship we have been conducting in mentoring the men and their families in the Lord. We are seeing real transformation in upright living for Christ through their lives. They are beginning to connect the dots between the fruits of Salvation that lead to good work as opposed to the fruit of unbelief against the living God which produces laziness and dead works. As the Scriptures says to cease from dead work and rather "Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.


Operation Nehemiah Missions is engaged in creating food security for the people of South Sudan. Food products are finding their way into a local South Sudanese markets. Instead of constant dependability on imported food from Uganda, we setting the right example by encouraging South Sudanese to grow food for themselves.

Cassava . What is it really?

What you are seeing here is the harvesting of cassava stocks. If planted in fertile ground, well managed, and received good rainfall, it can yield incredible under ground edible roots as depicted in Beth Israel farm. Cassava is a tuber plant from biological stand point of God's creation. It is Africa's most staple crop grown in tropical savanna grassland . It is high in Carbohydrate and body metabolism in the food diet with various application for food supplies such as flours, etc. Like sweet potatoes, It grows underground by placing the stems ( dotted with eye buds ) cut into 1-2 feet in length and buried horizontally in rows of four feet apart in the ground. The buds sprout by sending out green stems out above the ground with leaves for photosynthesis to take place, It spreads out edible roots underground which becomes what you see in the picture from the farm. One cassava stock can produce as many as 30- 40 pieces of 2-3 ft long edible roots in the ground. They range from 2- 4 inches in diameter. It is perennial crop. It takes at least one year to one and half year to be harvested.

Cassava roots from Beth Israel farmland are sold in Nimule open air-market. Thus a revolving economy is being established. This is encouraging.

Last year the food we produced from Beth Israel farmland was eyes opening to the bigger opportunity to expand this year. Last years produce were primarily given away to widows, orphans and internally displaced families in the region. This year's production are going into the local markets to demonstrate two important factors: We want to show that South Sudan has the ability to supply food for the local markets without depending so much on imported food from Uganda. Number two, it is also to strengthen the idea of Biblical stewardship in making use of what they the local community has for the proper and responsible use of the resources God has given them.

What is our goal next year, if God wills?

We are praying and hoping to at least plant 20 acres of cassava plantation and 20 acres of sorghum grain, 10 acres of fruit trees and 10 acres of lumber trees. We believe, we want to see South Sudan can feet her own people and start exporting the overflow of food to other country. So to do this, we ask for your prayers and financial support.

What we need - is a tractor with backhoe and front loader. If we can deploy this equipment in the field as early as March 2019, we will be ready by April when the rain falls start.

Prayer support : Walking by faith not by sight . We do our part and God does the rest.

1- Operation Nehemiah Mission’s Budget to close the gap in 2017- 2018 fiscal year starting in September 2017- ending October 2018. We needed $62,000 by December 2018. We received a matching gift of $40,000. Balance to be raised : $22,000. Help us today match this balance before the end of of the years . It can be done!! We now down to $20,000.

Our online tax deductible contribution can be made at or mail your check to the address below.

In His Grace,

William Levi,

Founder and Overseer,

Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough MA 01237



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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