Our country director and his wife received their sixth baby yesterday.
Dear brothers and sisters, thank you again for everything,
Shalom, Nehemiah Trumpet Call Gospel broadcasting studio is on track to be ready by Christmas. As I shared with you from our previous news report in November. The Lord had provided the needed fund to complete the building project with essential infrastructure in the facility to run the state of art Gospel broadcasting studio in the Republic of South Sudan for the glory of God.
A profile of a godly couple who keeps ONMI in South Sudan operational , Our country Director and his wife received their sixth baby yesterday.
Mazaltov and congratulations to our Country Director of ONMI in South Sudan, Pastor Timothy Ajjugo Levi and his wife Joy for the birth of their 6th baby, a healthy beautiful girl, yesterday. According to Pastor Timothy, his wife went through a difficult birth. She was in horrendous pain for three days. But she was able to deliver the baby without problem. Psalms 139.
They are on the forefront of ONMI work in South Sudan
Pastor Timothy is one example of the vision of Operation Nehemiah Missions for restoring the Biblical families in South Sudan from ground up. Our vision is to spread the Good News, and conducting discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time. We saw them as young couple coming to the Lord together and getting saved. They were both baptized together in 2009. We discipled them and mentored them one on one and married them in 2009 . We encouraged them to procreate and value life. Today they have solid marriage and are blessed with 6 children.

They are just one example out hundreds of families whose lives, we have seen transformed for the Lord. Timothy was appointed to be ONMI's South Sudan country director at the age of 22 and his wife was 19 in 2009 after a difficult leadership restructuring. Under His leadership, the ministry has grown exponentially.
Field Management: The Holy Spirit is in charge and I don't have to worry whether the job can get done based on the way how our field staff conduct themselves under the leadership of our country Director Pastor Timothy Levi. The strength of this ministry is the ground team in South Sudan based on trust developed between us over time. Over the years, I found out that this is the best way to run a ministry beyond the shores of USA to expand the Great Commission. The Holy Spirit has to hold people accountable. First we started with discipleship and mentoring new believers in Christ to have a new life by renewing their minds, grounded in the work of the Holy Spirit and ceasing from dead works, thus working with their own hands. Second, taking care of their families and third, becoming part of the Great Commission and good steward of God's people, money and property dedicated for the work.

We are still on track to open and dedicate NTC 97.3 FM Gospel Radio studio by before Christmas.
My family, Operation Nehemiah and our field staff in South Sudan want to thank you for your prayers and support to make this effort a reality. Our goal and vision in South Sudan is to restore and rebuild the family, the church and the country from the grip of Islamic persecution and oppression for the glory of God. Today, in South Sudan, the Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation and Operation Nehemiah Missions established several local churches, appoint 9 pastors, witnessed thousands of lives saved set up a Gospel radio station reaching out to tens of thousands of people in South Sudan and Uganda, restores families and marriages, brought in clean water, medical clinic, help people to stand on their feet. The Gospel is going forward, and people’s lives changed for Yeshua.
Power source is important and we decided to use solar energy for our primary source of power to run the station. this is what we are doing. We have installed 8.640 KW solar panels, three air-conditions, retrofitted the studio room suitable for acoustic broadcasting, furniture for the offices and reception room. Septic system and Nehemiah Internet Cafe are our next items in line to work on.

Road accident almost took the life of our Agricultural coordinator. Thank God for sparing his life.
Last week we almost lost one of our staff in South Sudan, our agricultural coordinator Pastor Madara Benjamin was almost killed on a South Sudanese highway on his way to the farm by an 18 wheeler tractor trailer doing a double overtake. He was caught in between but by the grace of God, he made a quick reaction time , and veered off the highway into the bush to avoid being crushed. His life was spared even though he had lot of pain in the chest, his car for the mission incurred extensive damage. He needs medical attention and as well as the vehicle requires repair. Overall, he id doing well. Praise God.

Pastor Madara Benjamin
Beth Israel Farmland and & fire line challenges as rainy season comes to an end.
Beth Israel Farmland; As you read from our previous field report, we shared with you, the progression from the Beth Israel Farmland. This year's production has has exceeded our expectation, as we continue to thank the Lord for your prayers and financial backing to make this initiative possible this year. As we are approaching the end of 2018, the rainy season has come to an end at the end of November. Active Cultivation to break new ground and begin to plant new seed is off for now until March 2019 that is when rainfall will start again. However, this does not mean the work in the farm is going to stop. We are gearing toward the harvest of the sorghum grain this month. Laying fire-line along the boundary of the farmland is very critical to avoid destruction of the entire farm by tropical wild fire during this dry season. We have oranges, cassava, mango trees, etc to protect from being destroyed by the fire.

ONMI Mission compound in Borongole ( Bethlehem) in Pageri county will serve as staging ground to receive people returning from exile in 2019.
There is now high indication that South Sudanese will return home from exile in 2019. It is good news but we need to take into account some serious measure to deal with the reality of this massive repatriation looming at the horizon as tens of thousands of people coming back to a country they called their own but there is nothing to start with. It is an opportunity for us to serve the Lord and preach the Gospel. We will need your prayers and support.
We have been asked by the Pageri county government to be prepared as a church and as as ministry to make Bethlehem (Borongole) in 2019 as staging mission compound for people who have fled from exile to return to before they can go back to their respective homes and villages to rebuild their lives. Tens of thousand people from Pageri county had abandoned their homes in 2016 and went into exile due to national crisis in the region, cause by a circumstance beyond their predicament. Now there is prospect and stability coming to South Sudan, , people are looking to return to their homes but there nothing there to return to. Homes have been either looted or destroyed by fire in the past 2 years.

This was the Niel Beth Israel Messianic Congregation 2014

2013 Borongole mission compound - water supplying at least 2000 people every day
From 2008 through 2016, ONMI'S main mission headwaters in Bethlehem ( Borongole ) compound had the capacity to supply water to 2000 people per day that was about 250 family heads per day. The mission compound has a church , a clinic and ONMI broadcasting studio housed in the same compound. This is the only operational compound with running water which has not shut down during this crisis and it is still operational today.

Borongole in 2013

ONMI mission compound supplying medicine and water to at least six hundred students in 2015

Jan 2018 - restoring water system

My son Nechemyah inspecting Borongole Mission compound from our last trip September 2018

Holding meeting and prayer at ONMI mission compound in Borongole September 2018
Prayer support : Walking by faith not by sight . We do our part and God does the rest. We are almost there to our target.
1- Operation Nehemiah Mission’s Budget to close the gap in 2017- 2018 fiscal year starting in September 2017- ending October 2018. We needed $62,000 by December 2018. We received $47,000. Balance to be raised : $15,000. Help us today match this balance before the end of of the years . It can be done!!
2- Pray for Our agricultural coordinator for full recovery from the accident and that the vehicle will be fixed.
3- Pray for my family as two of our children and I are planning to travel to Israel on ONMI's exploratory trip to the Holy land with Hayovel for two weeks in February 2019 to visit the Holy sites, Messianic Community and Israeli farmers in Judea and Samaria. This will set the stage for us to bring South Sudanese pastoral delegation in the Fall of 2019.
4- Pray for Timothy and Joy and the staff in the field.
Our online tax deductible contribution can be made at www.operationsnehemiah.org or mail your check to the address below.
In His Grace,
William Levi,
Founder and Overseer,
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237