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Family and Mission highlights 2018: Major focus on food security in this report.

Shalom co-laborers in Yeshua, merry Christmas to you and your families. It is unbelievable that 2018 is actually coming to an end in few weeks. But praised be to God for bringing us together this far by faith. The year 2018 has been been a year of challenges and opportunity to serve the Lord with gratitude. His word is a light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet. We always don't see everything which the Lord prepares for us ahead of time. Taking one day at a time, by faith, with your prayers and support, we will be finishing this year with great accomplishment both at the home front and in Operation Nehemiah Missions.

Family Highlights: Our home schooled eldest daughter Abijah (16) sat for her SAT exam and passed it. Our second born Nechemyah 14 is sitting for his A + Plus IT exam next week. Three of our younger children Hadassah 13, Jemimah 11 and Yehudah 9 are involved in learning architectural/ Engineering drafting. They are designing buildings, roads and bridges and are excited about them etc. Our 7 year Yerushah is learning piano etc. The biggest take of all is the arrival of our 7th born baby Shoshanah in March 2018.

Mission highlights: Major focus on agriculture in this report: We conducted two missionary trips to the South Sudan in May and September 2018. When we look at the success in the Beth Israel farmland in the agricultural sector of ONMI initiative, so much has been accomplished since April 2018. ONMI reached out to the community by providing them with tractors which were fitted with disc plows to clear their fields and produce food for themselves . The restoration of solar water system in two of ONMI compounds of Borongole and Beth Israel in January 2018. The ordination of 6 pastors in May 2018. Delivering of evangelistic materials to the community. Tens of thousands people received the gospel message through the radio. Medical supplies to four different villages in May and September 2018. The completion of the NTC 97.3 FM studio, Nehemiah Internet Café etc which will be the highlight of our next report , we can say with confidence that the Lord did this in the midst of chaos. The South Sudan' revitalization of peace agreement signed so that that hostility ceased and people return to their homes. For this we rejoice and as 2018 closes, may the Lord open a broad door for his work through ONMI in 2019. Together with your support, we will advance God’s work in South Sudan and even here in the USA.

Recapturing the vision and the goal of ONMI by its leaders : Without taking your time , if you have the times, please watch these three video clips to hear from three of us, our country Director Pastor Timothy Levi, ONMI Station Manger Robert Amoko and myself. We share our experience, observation and what we ought to improve on and what is your involvement in this work.

Papaya fruits

Passion fruits

Sorghum field, ready for harvest in 2 weeks

Sorghum field, ready for harvest in 2 weeks

sesame curing and harvesting

Prayer support : Walking by faith not by sight . We do our part and God does the rest. We are almost there to our target.

1- Operation Nehemiah Mission’s Budget to close the gap in 2017- 2018 fiscal year starting in September 2017- ending October 2018. We needed $62,000 by December 2018. We received $58,000. Balance to be raised $6,000. Help us today match this balance before the end of of the years . It can be done!!

2- Pray for Our agricultural coordinator for full recovery from the accident and that the vehicle will be fixed.

3- ONMI Visiting the Holy Land: Pray for my family as two of our children and I are planning to travel to Israel on ONMI's exploratory trip to the Holy land with Hayovel for two weeks in February 2019 to visit the Holy sites, Messianic Community and Israeli farmers in Judea and Samaria. This will set the stage for us to bring South Sudanese pastoral delegation in the Fall of 2019. Trip expenses - $5,700

4- Pray for Timothy and Joy and the staff in the field.

Our online tax deductible contribution can be made at or mail your check to the address below.

In His Grace,

William Levi,

Founder and Overseer,

Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough MA 01237



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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