The NTC 97.3 FM is now operating from the new studio building. Promise kept.
Shalom co-laborers in Yeshua, merry Christmas to you and your families. Taking one day at a time, by faith, with your prayers and support, we will be finishing this year with great accomplishment both at the home front and in Operation Nehemiah Missions. Please find below video clips and pictures depicting the completion of NTC 97.3 FM studio building , acoustically compliance and functional offices in place including the fact that we have tested the new power connection in the new building, we were able to go live on air from there. Therefore, the NTC 97.3 FM is now operating from the new studio building at ONMI's Yerushalayim Center on Gordon Mt . We have been broadcasting since Yesterday.
However, due to time constrain on the part of the local government, the studio will be officially opened and dedicated by Pageri County Commissioner and several Church leaders on December 29. It has been pushed from Thursday December 20th as originally planned due to Christmas Holiday as many people are away for htis important holiday..

Family Highlights: Our home schooled eldest daughter Abijah (16) sat for her SAT exam and passed it. She has now obtained here driving permit and practicing driving. Our second born Nechemyah 14 is sitting for his A + Plus IT exam this Saturday, December 22. Three of our younger children Hadassah 13, Jemimah 11 and Yehudah 9 are involved in learning architectural/ Engineering drafting. They are currently designing Nehemiah Light House for prayers to be built at Yerushalayim Center on Gordon Mountain and are excited about this project . Our 7 year Yerushah is learning piano etc. The biggest take of all is the arrival of our 7th born baby Shoshanah in March 2018.

Mission highlights: Major focus on Nehemiah Trumpet Call ( NTC 97.3 FM) Gospel radio studio building in this report:
The NTC 97.3 FM studio building in now complete and operational. We could not thank God enough for your sustained effort to bring the project to a close. This has been a team effort from the USA and South Sudan where everyone has their hands to the deck in executing project. From our last report, I projected ahead of time that the studio will be operational and ready for business before Christmas or before the end of he year. Today, I'm here with great delight to announce to you that the studio is ready for business. We have officially opened the studio yesterday. The Gospel is going forward over the air waves of South Sudan and Uganda 24/7. We are implementing the Great Commission as " Yeshua came and talked with them. He said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make people from all nations into talmidim, immersing them into the reality of the Father, the Son and the Ruach HaKodesh, 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember! I will be with you always, yes, even until the end of the age.” Matthew 28: 18-19
Dedicated of Studio will be on December 29, 2018
Remarks from the country Director and the Overseers of ONMI
Without taking your time please watch a short video clip of a summary remarks from our country director Pastor Timothy Levi and I, giving you general overview of what transpired from the day we launched NTC 97. 3 FM studio with your prayers and support at the beginning of May and how the Lord oversaw it from the beginning to the end.

2018. Prayer support : Walking by faith not by sight . We do our part and God does the rest. We met our target beyond what we requested for Hallelujah !!!! The Lord did it. Thank you. It is done.!!
1- Operation Nehemiah Mission’s Budget to close the gap in 2017- 2018 fiscal year starting in September 2017- ending October 2018. We needed $62,000 by December 2018. We received $60,000. Balance to be raised $2,000. With several pledges on they way, we declared mission accomplished. Together with you, we have closed e 2017- 2018 ONMI budget gap. Glory be to God.
2- Pray for Timothy and Joy and the staff in the field.
3- Pray for my family as we move into new year.
2019. I will outline our mission focus and activities in the first quarter January - March 2019 in our next newsletter after Christmas.
ONMI Visiting the Holy Land: Pray for my family as two of our children and I are planning to travel to Israel on ONMI's exploratory trip to the Holy land with Hayovel for two weeks in February 2019 to visit the Holy sites, Messianic Community and Israeli farmers in Judea and Samaria. This will set the stage for us to bring South Sudanese pastoral delegation in the Fall of 2019. Trip expenses - $5,700
Our online tax deductible contribution can be made at or mail your check to the address below.
In His Grace,
William Levi,
Founder and Overseer,
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237