Contrasting living conditions at the Beth Israel farmland ( South Sudan) with the one in the UN ca
Shalom to you brothers and sisters in Yeshua, thank you so much for standing with us in your prayers and financial support to advance the work of Operation Nehemiah Missions in defense of the persecuted church in South Sudan. South Sudanese are recovering from Islamic oppression. The impact has lasted over for 50 years and it has reverberated through 5 generations. This is why ONMI has a sustained vision for 25 years to rebuild the country by taking one person, one family, one church and one community at a time for the Glory of God in Jesus the Messiah.

As I shared with you from the beginning of January 2019, this year will mark a New ONMI and a reinvigorated desire to interconnect the plight of the Persecuted Church and Jews suffering in the hands of Islamic oppression globally beginning with our home countries USA, South Sudan and around the world. We will keep you updated so that you can be an Ambassador of Christ here on the earth and be able to support the Great Commission abroad where your brothers and sisters in Yeshua are suffering persecution in the Hands of Islamic Jihadist. The cause is one and our mission is just. If God be for us who can't be against us.
As the Scripture says, "So let us not grow weary of doing what is good; for if we don’t give up, we will in due time reap the harvest. 10 Therefore, as the opportunity arises, let us do what is good to everyone, and especially to the family of those who are trustingly faithful." Galatians 6:9-10 .
Back drop of the situation on the ground, Life in the refugee camps. Now contrast this living condition with the one in the Beth Israel farm in South Sudan below.
Today's News report is dedicated to ONMI's agricultural department from the Beth Israel Farmland in South Sudan. As part of our bottom up rebuilding effort, food security has been ONMI's key strategies to stabilize the lives of Christian families who have been making their way from the Ugandan refugee camps back into South Sudan to rebuild their lives, their families and their communities from their ashes of Persecution.

Lives in the refugee camps managed by the UN establishment has made the already terrible situation worse for most of these people who are returning to their homes after 25-30 years in exile. Families have been trapped in the UN refugee camps depending solemnly on UN handouts. Two to three generations of young men and young women were born under such circumstances. They are raised without any spiritual upbringing, mostly by relatives and friends without Biblical and direct parental oversight. Crimes, sexual promiscuity, drugs, drinkings, deceitfulness and stealing have caught up with most of these young men and women.

This life style has created a UN driven relief dependence syndrome with a global trend prevalent in places such as South American Countries. These younger generations, beyond the generation of my own and that of my parents who have gone ahead of us no longer have work ethics or Biblical principles of faithfulness to be a good steward of God's Creation. Even as many of the young generation don't have strong education background, many prefer to trek to big cities like Juba looking for jobs there instead of pioneering a new frontier in their ancestral land left for them by their parents. In Juba, the nation Crisis has been largely precipitated by urban Crimes, sexual immorality, gun violence, homelessness,etc. This is the social & economic epidemic South Sudanese have brought with them from the countries they have been residing in as refugees where the UN agenda has taken deep hold on the community and this is the Crisis we are addressing with your prayers and encouragement

Now contrast this living condition at the Beth Israel farmland with the one in the UN camps above:
Bountiful harvest, a glimpses of hope for living a thriving life in rural South Sudan
I'm very grateful to report to you the effort that Operation Nehemiah has been exerting in South Sudan in creating agricultural development for food security is working. We are seeing a tremendous blessing in this effort specially from 2017 to date. Beth Israel Farmland has been truly productive in yielding food production for the remnants of South Sudan. Thanks to our ground leadership team who have tenaciously held the line of hard work. It has paid off. Here you can witness the impact of last year's effort. We are in the middle of harvesting Sorghum, cassava, and sim sim.
As we are wrapping up the harvest from last year at the Beth Israel's farm production, we are looking forward to prepare the land for the 2019 revolutionary agricultural production. The production you are seeing here is going to help the families in South Sudan, We are going to see to it that the women and children of South Sudan are fed not with UN handouts but the produce from their own country with your help and the help of God Almighty under the sweat of their brow.
They are Free and self governed

The Editor's selection of ONMI News Brief around the World.
You will find News reports below depicting the plight of Christians and Jews around the world so that you can pray for them." Who will separate us from the love of the Messiah? Trouble? Hardship? Persecution? Hunger? Poverty? Danger? War? As the Bible puts it,“For your sake we are being put to death all day long,we are considered sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are conquerors, through the one who has loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers, neither what exists nor what is coming, neither powers above nor powers below, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God which comes to us through the Messiah Yeshua, our Lord.
Islamic State Kills 4 Americans After Democrats Kill House Terrorism Panel
Bodies of 34 Ethiopian Christian ISIS Victims Found in Libya
Christianity Still Suffering in Sudan
Kenya: Canadian among 6 arrested in deadly Islamic attack on popular upscale hotel in Nairobi, Kenya
Jihad is independent of borders, nationality, color, gender, etc. Muslims waging holy war do it in the cause of Islam, not country, which is why these slaughterers hail from every corner of the globe.
World Council of Churches Trained 2,000 Activists in Anti-Israel Advocacy
Prayer needs for the country
Pray for Political success in South Sudan: Tens of Thousands of South Sudanese are planing to return home from exile. Pray that our effort to help them settle down both spiritually and physically will go well. Implementation of the South Sudan's revitalization of peace agreement signed in September remains a challenge facing all the parties involved including the supporting countries in Africa, the IGAD and Troika ( USA, Great Britain and Norway)
Budget for the first Quarter 2019 : $45,500. To date, we are now down to $35,000. Balance needed by Feb. 15. Any project that has met its goal will not be reflected on the breakdown
The Breakdown for the first quarter 2019 is below To get thing started for ONMI in 2019, we need to raise $ 35,000 ( revised from the $45,500) to cover various needs in the ministry: January - February 2019.
3- Repair of the submersible pump in the Beth Israel Farmland - $2000
2- Medical needs - $5000 . Fund will cover medical supplies, fuel, and mobile clinic and staff
3- A new radio broadcast transmitter - $5000 ( stand by Transmitter)
4- Main office & Field office: $14,000
5- Solar radio receivers - $5000 - Solar receivers
Please pray for my family again for strength, protection, peace of mind, wisdom and humility.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Our online tax deductible contribution can be made at or mail your check to the address below.
In His Grace,
William Levi,
Founder and Overseer,
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237