Messianic Fellowship opens at the ONMI's Yerushalayim mission Center on Mt. Gordon, south Sudan.
Shalom brothers and sisters in Yeshua the Messiah,
Here we have come through the trials and challenges in life and in ministry, yet the blessing of 17 years in love, marriage and family with 7 little ones, surpasses all our trials. We just celebrated our 17th years on January 5, 2019. The Lord is good and faithful to us and His love endures forever. My beloved wife Hannah is still beautiful in and out, a faithful missionary wife and mother hanging tight with me on this journey to pursue the Lord's calling in our lives to advance the cause of the Gospel. Thank you for your prayers and support for my family. Without you, we couldn't have done this alone.
Our 17th anniversary

Our passion is to blanket South Sudan with home based church Fellowship.
Last year in September 2018, my sons Nechemyah, Yehudah and I took a mission trip to South Sudan accompanied by two nurses, John and Joel Alameida from MN. Upon our arrival, we were met and received by our ground leadership staff headed by our country director Timothy Levi. In the course of our two weeks on the ground, joined by six newly ordained pastors back in May, 2018, we conducted 5 medical and evangelistic outreaches in the villages of Opari, Moli, Pageri, Mugali and the Beth Israel. We treated over 500 people and reached out at least 1500 people. At least 100 people gave their lives to the Lord.

Through out the outreaches, we witnessed a reverberating trend of needs echoing the same theme in the Mighty power of God in Christ at work.. The people are hungering for the word of God. They were praying for a well, a pastor, a parsonage and a church in their village. The spiritual state in which these people were living were not different from when Yeshua walked the earth 33 AD ago. " Yeshua went about all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and weakness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harried and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his talmidim, “The harvest is rich, but the workers are few.Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send out workers to gather in his harvest.” Matthew 9:35-38. Before we left, I sat down with the pastors and prayed about what we saw. God gave us a vision for each village to drill a well, raise up a pastor, build a parsonage for that pastor and his family and a open a church. Every now then, since I returned to the USA, that vision remains in the front of our minds and hearts.

As you are reading this News report, I ask you to pray specifically to God for the funding of these facilities and infrastructure in each of these villages to be built: Moli, Mugali, Opari, Pageri and Nimule.
Echoing that vision, we officially opened Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation at the Yerushalayim Mission Center on MT Gordon using a large conference room inside the New NTC 97.3 Fm studio building. Here is a testimony from one of our staff, Robert Amoko, the station manager. Yerushalayim ONMI Missions center on Gordon is overlooking the city of Nimule town right at border with Uganda. Nimule has over 100,000 people living in the city. So there is a great potential to expound the Great Commissions here.
A city on he Hill can't be hidden, a deterrent to spread of Islamic in South Sudan and here in USA
Messianic Fellowship at the Yerushalayim mission center on Mt. Gordon, south Sudan. " You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. neither do people light a lamp and put it under a basket. Instead, they set it on a lamp stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.…" Matthew 5:14
" We are doing well here in Yeshua name. I'm very glad to report to you how we are starting the New year. First thing first, the conference hall at New NTC 97. 3 FM Building is now serving as The Nile Beth Israel Messianic Chapel at Yerushalayim summit on Gordon MT. Couple of weeks ago, this place was empty. Now it is full. On Sunday we don't have to walk far away to find a place of worship and fellowship. It is right here by us. We gather every morning 9 to 10 AM and every evening 8 to 9 PM for prayer and worship . We are are praying for a mixer with table microphones that we can link it to the main studio for broadcast. A piano keyboard could blend our hymns as well. Pastor Matthew, a visiting Pastor, from Juba , your faithful friend, said this morning in a prophetic way that this place will in future be flooded with people coming to pray and fast for the nation and it will not even be enough to accommodate all. He in fact is here from Juba for a one week prayer and fasting program."
Please express our deep felt appreciation to all the benefactors who helped us with this facility. " it seems the need is never ending but it is rightly so warranted to advance the Great Commission in this country. We are re establishing a country and a people from scratch to be built on a biblical foundation in Yeshua. So these worship equipment are needed to accomplish just that. Please pray and share these needs with our brothers and sisters in the US who have stood with us all this time in our struggles to rebuild South Sudan for the glory of God.. Sincerely Robert Amoko, NTC. 97.3 FM station manager, Yerushalayim Center, South Sudan

Jesus has the power to set man free. Till then, no man is free.
As our warfare is not of flesh and blood, but spiritual, fighting the power of the enemy and the principalities in the air and in the high places, is the central focus of ONMI . We are here to update you on the current Spiritual state of South Sudan as she broke free from the grip of Islamic oppression in 2011. In the practical sense of what we are witnessing on the ground, South Sudanese like America is not free from the influence of Islamic terrorism or the bondage of sin because no one is seeking for the living God in Christ Jesus. People are self absorbed and deceived. The one who has the power to set man free from the power of sins, Islam, paganism and death is Yeshua the Messiah. for if the son sets you free you are free indeed. Never than before the people of South Sudan needs to hear the Gospel proclaimed to transform life and a nation desperately needing both a physical and spiritual redemption. This is the reason why you are supporting the work of ONMI in South Sudan.
Jesus says: "The Truth will Set You Free…" slave is not a permanent member of the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8: 36
Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not be encumbered once more by a yoke of slavery "If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.
Usually these movements – whether ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram or the Taliban – occur in areas where a political (or power) vacuum exists. Islamic Terrorism thrives where civil society has collapsed and there are no institutions to contain and address the threat.
Such is the case today in South Sudan.
South Sudan is located in an extremely dangerous, yet key, part of Africa. To the north is Sudan, a country whose president masterminded the well-documented genocide in Darfur and gave sanctuary to a young Osama Bin Laden. To the south is Uganda, home of Joseph Kony’s notorious Lord’s Resistance Army, which shocked the civilized world through its practice of mutilation. Nearby, Nigeria is the base to the armies of Boko Haram, infamous for the kidnapping, rape and murder of young girls.
South Sudan is threatened by many of the same evil forces that have been on a killing spree, with no end in sight, unless they are stopped by functioning African nations with help from Europe and the United States.
Three successive U.S. presidents strongly supported South Sudan in its successful fight for independence from Sudan. The country became fully autonomous in 2011. However, as in many new countries including America’s 1776 birthright, conflict remains.
Today, South Sudan is wracked by a civil war. The United States to date has largely stayed on the sidelines, choosing a strategy of neutrality in a faraway part of the world.
I believe it is in our national interest to be engaged and to support the elected government of the world’s youngest nation, for two reasons.
First, the civil war represents a humanitarian crisis: 50,000 have already died, 2 million are displaced, and millions more risk famine.
Second, the reality of the world in which we live is that terrorism thrives in the type of vacuum currently present in South Sudan. If the elected government of South Sudan falls, terrorists such as ISIS and Boko Haram will be the ultimate beneficiaries. Bill Owens, Former Governor, Colorado .
Thank you for praying and allocating your gift with a purpose to advance God's work .
Pray for Political success in South Sudan: Tens of Thousands of South Sudanese are planing to return home from exile. Pray that our effort to help them settle down both spiritually and physically will go well. Implementation of the South Sudan's revitalization of peace agreement signed in September remains a challenge facing all the parties involved including the supporting countries in Africa, the IGAD and Troika ( USA, Great Britain and Norway)
Budget for the first Quarter 2019 : $45,500. To date, we are now down to $33,000. Balance needed by Feb. 15.
The Breakdown for the first quarter 2019 is below To get thing started for ONMI in 2019, we need to raise $ 33,000 ( revised from the $45,500) to cover various needs in the ministry: January - February 2019.
3- Repair of the submersible pump in the Beth Israel Farmland - $2000
2- Medical needs - $5000 . Fund will cover medical supplies, fuel, and mobile clinic and staff
3- A new radio broadcast transmitter - $5000 ( stand by Transmitter)
4- Main office & Field office: $14,000
5- Solar radio receivers - $5000 - Solar receivers
Please pray for my family again for strength, protection, peace of mind, wisdom and humility.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
Our online tax deductible contribution can be made at or mail your check to the address below.
In His Grace,
William Levi,
Founder and Overseer,
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237