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The Exiles are returning home to dedicate & rebuild their lives & country . Thank for your

Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Yeshua the Messiah,

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support of Operation Nehemiah and our ongoing work in South Sudan.

Here at home, we are in the planning stages for our mission trip to South Sudan this May/June. 2019. There are quite a few logistical details to put in place, along with spiritual preparation for fruitful ministry in the field. We are also planning to attend the annual National Religious Broadcasting (NRB) conference in Anaheim, CA from March 25- 29TH. Please keep our family in prayer.

On the mission front: God is answering our prayers. The national Crisis that gripped South Sudan is winding down. There is hope specially in Pageri County, where our ministry has been headquartered for over 12 years. For the first time since July 2016, exiles are beginning to return to take hold of ONMI's Bethlehem Mission Headquarters in Borongole. It has been two years, these the area, including our mission properties. Considering the magnitude of destruction in the region that ensued between 2016-2018, this is a huge step forward toward peaceful rebuilding.

ONMI Bethlehem Missions Center, Borongole - 90 Miles south of Juba

Like in the day of Nehemiah:

Like Nehemiah, with your help we are encouraging the exiles to return home to rebuild their broken communities. For the last two years as the region sat in desolation, we continued to believe that the conflict in South Sudan would come to an end and that the people would return to rebuild this land that God delivered from the grip of Islamic tyranny in 2011.

With your support and prayers, the trumpet call of Nehemiah has gone out in calling God's people from all walks of life to take part in rebuilding the walls of a thriving society for Christ: one person, one family, and one village at a time. Revival in South Sudan is coming.

Opari village 115 Miles South of Juba : ONMI Evangelistic outreach : Bible distribution to the people returning home from exile.

Operation Nehemiah Mission, evangelistic outreaches to the people of Opari Village, South Sudan

Pageri- South Sudan, 95 miles South of Juba

The exiles have teamed up with the remnants in the land to dedicate, consecrate, and prepare the region to the Lordship of Jesus Christ as tens and thousands of South Sudanese are anticipating to come home from exile

Moli Tokuro, South Sudan: 80 Mile's South of Juba.

ONMI Evangelistic outreach to the people of Moli Tokuro. Jesus says, the harvest is ready, but the laborers are few.

Pray for the following developments:

1- The Bethlehem Mission Headquarters will be serving as a staging ground for families who are returning from Ugandan exile. Clean water, medicine, and tools and spiritual support will be available to help families restart their lives. 2- Pray that we will be able to carry out more evangelistic outreaches into the communities of Moli, Opari, Kerrepi, Pageri, and Mugali.

Needs: A Backhoe and front loader tractor - $78,000

We have been facing a growing challenge over the years in clearing land for agricultural development to establish food security.A multi purpose tractor with a backhoe and front loader

will help us uproot tree stumps, remove large stones and sharp edges, level ground for construction, and open water ways on our feeder roads so that our vehicles won't constantly get stuck on the way to the farm during the rainy season.

If we can deploy this equipment in the field as early as March 2019 , we will be ready by April when the rainfall begins. We are hoping to open another 20 acres of cassava, 20 acres of sorghum grain, 10 acres of fruit trees and 10 acres of lumber trees in 2019. With the right tools, South Sudan can feed her own people and even start exporting the overflow of food to other country.

If anyone has CASE or John Deere tractor in excellent condition and wants to donate it to Operation Nehemiah Missions before April 30th, please contact us right away.I We can fly it to South Sudan and it will be there just in 4 days. Your charitable donation is tax deducible.

Transportation need in the field - $35,000.

We are in need of 13 passenger Land Cruiser to facilitate off road transportation for staff and missionaries from Village to village to do God's work.

After decades of Islamic persecution that leveled South Sudan, there are virtually no roads . With villages scattered 10 to 40 miles apart, we need dependable transportation for our ministry teams to bring the Gospel and medical outreach to the most vulnerable.

we are in the planning stages for our mission trip to South Sudan this May/June. 2019. There are quite a few logistical details to put in place, along with spiritual preparation for fruitful ministry in the field. We are also planning to attend the annual National Religious Broadcasting (NRB) conference in Anaheim, CA from March 25- 29TH. Please keep our family in prayer.

Prayers: March - April:

Our online tax deductible contribution can be made at or mail your check to the address below.

In His Grace,

William Levi,

Founder and Overseer,

Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough MA 01237



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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