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Two weeks in South Sudan already. Field report

Shalom my brothers and sisters in Yeshua the Messiah. From the bottom of our hearts, my family and Operation Nehemiah Missions’ field staff in South Sudan want to thank you for your continuous prayers and encouragement to us to keep on pressing on.

Today is June 2, 2019 and I’m writing this field report from ONMI’s Yerushalayim Mission Center located on Gordon Mountain in Nimule, South Sudan. As you know, we left the US for South Sudan on May 17, 2019 to join Operation Nehemiah’s leadership team in South Sudan to validate the ongoing work here on the ground. This is now our second week in South Sudan.

In Entebbe airport and at Central INN as we prepared to head out to South Sudan. May 18-19

We are encouraged by what the Lord is doing here in South Sudan among His people. Hannah and the children are doing well. Sister Ashley Andrus, the young missionary lady who joined us on this trip was here for ten days and her time was up. so she had gone back to the USA. She wished she could have stayed longer but her work schedule would not allow her to stay longer than the time she wanted to stay. She headed back to the US on May 29. We are grateful to hear that she arrived safely back home.

Upon our arrival we were received by our country director Pastor Timothy Levi, his family, the field staff and the body of Yeshua of the Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation. In the first week of mission trip, we spent our time on meeting with field staff, mapping out the scope of our trip, going over various aspect of the work we ought to be doing for the time we will be staying on ground.

We held our first Sunday service at the Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation here at the Yerushalayim mission center, on Gordon Mt. Nimule. The message was broadcasted live over the airwave of South Sudan and northern Uganda. I preached on that Sunday and shared the message about the primary vision of ONMI, which is the Great Commission from Romans 10: 9-17. “Beautiful are the feet that bring Blessed tiding and the Good things to come.” People came up from downtown Nimule to join us for the morning worship to the top of the mountain. We had communion here for the first time. We want to thank God for you for helping us with the fund to build this brand new NTC 97.3 FM building which was erected last year. This building serves several purposes. It is here where our radio studio is based, along with Nehemiah field clinic and the Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation.

Today We also have another Sunday service here at the Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation at Yerushalayim mission Center. We went live on air with the worship service. My message today is about Paul’s apostolic mission in planting churches and raising Elders, 1 Timothy 3: 2 Corinthians 10, laying the right foundation of the church 1 Corinthians 3: 11, the structure of the church governance ; 1 Peter 5: 2, responsibility of women, wives and mothers , Titus 2.

Our desire to spread the Good News and impact the life of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time is taking root here. With the impact of war that has affected and displaced so many people, especially the family unit, we are here to set the right example for how Christian family should conduct themselves. Not that we have all the answers to all the struggles which the families are going through; it is imperative for us to obey the word of God according to scripture in respect to the role that family plays in bringing godliness in a godless society. We ourselves must live by the same rule set out in the word of God how husbands, wives and children should conduct themselves in Christian household. Ephesians 5:22-31, Colossians 3:18-end. In the light of this, every other day, my family go on the radio to minister the word of God over the airwaves of South Sudan and northern Uganda with praise and worship, and reading and teaching of the word of God according to scripture for Holy living.

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The agricultural work at the Beth Israel farmland is going forward. With arrival of the backhoe, the farmland has been cleared of tree stumps making it easy for the tractor to plow the field. We are gearing toward using the equipment for preparing the road leading to the farmland. Currently, the biggest problem we are facing here is the problem of rain. It has not been raining since the rainy season begun in April. The land is very dry and the seeds that are planted have dried up. June is not a good month for cultivation because it has dry spell during the whole month. But this year, the month of did not yield rain either. May be June will give us some rain than previous years. We are praying that God will change things about that so that the remaining months will be productive. There is nothing hard for Him. So we are asking you to join us in prayer for rain to soak the ground and make this year to be a year of great harvest, better than last year.

Next Sunday, we will be dedicating the New NTC 97.3 FM studio building to the Lord. You can join us in prayer for this event this building will serve the purpose for which it was erected.

One way of bringing peace and stability to South Sudan is both spiritually and physically by teaching the people of South Sudan the word of God, that transform their souls through Salvation that give newness of life in Christ. South Sudan needs economic development to contribute to peace. South Sudanese needs civic education and patriotic education to love God and their country. This is the challenges we are facing in this country.

The ongoing peace negotiations and implementations by government is paramount, it has to be applauded and must be brought to full completion.

However what we are doing here in Operation Nehemiah is to create Christian civilization, infrastructure and economic stability which will contribute to peace itself. Our people need the power of the Gospel to transform their lives for holy living. Therefore, we are training and raising up the national pastors to take hold their country in teaching and training the next generation to live a life worth of Christ calling and be able to contribute to the betterment of the country.


The Case for Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute and Biblical worldview.

South Sudan need honest God-fearing hardworking citizens to impact the way how this country will be governed. People need jobs, so that they can support their families. This means they need technical education in order to get tangible skills necessary to get jobs that can pay the bill. South Sudanese in the next 20 years does not need white collar workers. The whole country needs blue collar workers. We need technicians in all level of development to lay the real foundation for national building. Quest for good education has been the challenges facing South Sudanese families ever since the country gained her independence in 2011. Besides, national crisis that has plagued the country for all these 6 years, since 2013, leading to mass exodus of people into Ugandan exile. The quest for good education has been one of the leading causes of mass exodus of young South Sudanese into neighboring countries in search of good education. South Sudanese parents can do everything in their power to send their children out of the country in search of good education for their children even if this will mean leaving the country all together.

Majority of South Sudanese government officials send their children outside the country in search of good education for the children. This continuous loop of sending the future of South Sudanese out of their country for good education has resulted to massive brain drain of citizens who could develop their own country. But many of them don’t come back.

Vision to establish Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute and study of Biblical worldview is under way. Between 2002-2004, we established Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute in the Ugandan refugee camps to train South Sudanese in exile in hope that some will come back to rebuild their country. We graduated 82 students in various fields of vocational training. In 2004, we decided to put the initiative on hold because we realized, rebuilding and discipleship of the lives of individual, families and community, taking one person and one family at a time comes first.

People need Biblical education not just secular education to give them a Biblical world view to serve this country for the glory of God. To bring a Biblical Education to impact the lives of South Sudanese, we need to open Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute ( NPI) and Nehemiah Light House Conference Center at the Yerushalayim Mission center on Mountain Gordon in Nimule. Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute will have a Biblical foundation to train high school graduates for one year in various field of technical vocations. Upon completion of the facility, we then pray for Christian educators and teaching materials to educate potential students who will join NPI. Students can only graduate after completing required courses on Biblical worldview.

Prayer Need:

  1. Pray our team as we plan the initiative to build Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute and studies of Biblical worldview. Pray for the budget for this initiative. Project Budget will be rolled out for this initiative in our third quarter budget 2019 ( July – September)

  2. Pray for my family as we are anticipating for launching outreaches to 4 villages of Opari, Moli, Pageri and Mugali.

  3. Pray for our ground staff as we meet with them on daily basis for prayers and discussing ministry initiative for 2019.

  4. Pray for unity within the team and our families

  5. Pray for our health and Nehemiah Field Clinic

  6. Pray for rain

  7. Pray for complete implementation of the current Peace agreement signed by South Sudan with warring factions.

  8. Join us in Prayer for ongoing monitory support for Operation Nehemiah Missions.

  9. The day to day needs here is great. Painting the 300ft radio tower and structural maintained is needed. Budget - $5000.00

  10. Praying for wisdom here. Supplying water on Yerushalayim Center is a challenge. We need a solar sub pump that is big enough to push the water right up the mountain. There is a need for rewiring the pipelines from down below up to the top of the mountain. Budget - $7,500

  11. The level of the water table in the well drilled in 2017 has drastically gone low. Water is not reaching the mountain top due to low pressure. Current sub pump does not do the job as it should. We need a bigger solar sub pump to lift the water directly from 1500 ft below the mountain right up to the top of the mountain without the need for holding tank in the middle and without the need for water pump to push the water up the mountain.

  12. Medical and evangelistic outreaches to 6 villages – Budget - $6,000.00

  13. General ministry operation here and in the USA and South Sudan - $12,500

  14. Pray for a 40ft container full of in-kind donation from CA , USA making its way to ONMI South Sudan to help those who have voluntarily repatriated back home to start their lives.

On Line donation can be made at

In His grace

William Levi, Founder and Overseer

PO Box 563

Lanesborough MA 01237

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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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