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ONMI reporting from South Sudan

Shalom. It has been three weeks for us here on Mission trip to the South Sudan. A lot is going on. We are using our time between the Beth Israel Farmland and Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon and visiting villages for spreading the Gospel. Here on Gordon Mt. We have been busy using the Backhoe for leveling the entire surface of the plateau to make may for future construction on pc Nehemiah Polytechnic institute. In the villages we are reaching out to the community in the remote areas with the Gospel and food distribution for those who have just returned from exile. We are also setting a church here on top of the mountain. Every Sunday people congregate here for fellowship and discipleship. We also have family devotion on the radio on daily bases. Our daughter Hadassah was diagnosed with malaria and typhoid fever. She is taking medication and doing fine. The work in the farm is going well. Drought has been a problem due lack of rain. It has just started to rain now and we started planting cassava, sweet potato and grain already.

Two months ago, a forty ft container of rice meal set off from CA, USA bound for South Sudan to be distributed to South Sudanese by Operation Nehemiah Mission. Sure enough, the container made its way to OMNI Yershalayim Summit on Gordon MT. Upon the arrival of the container, we went out to four villages of Opari, Kerepi, Molitokuro, and Pageri and gave it out to the community who are returning from refugee camps to restart their lives. Virtually from scratch.

Abijah Levi ventured out to Nimule Market to work with woman and her mother on how to make delicious South Sudanese shabushah, a kind of cooked bean mixed with Paper bread and salt with great flavor. We often buy it from them but this time, they want Abijah to come over and learn to cook it so that she can make it for our family.

The current need here for us is prayer.

We need your prayer for my family. There has been constant spiritual attack on my family here. We need you to intercede on our behalf. We need prayer for capacity building with our ground staff. Hannah will truly need your prayers for all the challenges and the responsibility that comes with it as a mother.

Finance: There is a need to fix problem with the water source on Gordon. We are praying that the Lord provides $30,000 between now and the end of June before we get back to the US. 1.The fund will address: Solar Water well renovation effort on Gordon MT. 2- expanding 39 acres in the Beth Israel farmland. 3- Painting of the 300Ft tower 4-Ministry management effort on daily basis

5. Total healing and good health for our family

On Line donation can be made at

or send your tax deductible contribution to Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563, Lanesborough, MA 01237

In His grace, William Levi, Founder & Overseer, Operation Nehemiah Missions

our family at home. I dropped her off at an open market under the sun and off she joined these women to Make it. Meanwhile, Yehudah , Yerushah and Jemimah with the help of their cousin, Pastor Jeremiah Abuni Levi refused to be outdone. They built a tree house which the children have always dreamed to make in America, but now it is fully done here in South Sudan. Shosannah is finally warming up to her cousin, Jeremiah Levi. She is 24 years young than Jeremiah. Shoshanah and Yerushah met two Ethiopian Christian children here in Nimule, Jody and Ruth. The four look like true sisters.


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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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