Comprehensive summary report from our mission trip & our next steps.
Shalom brothers and sisters,
Praise the Lord!! Thank you for your prayers. We arrived on the US soil on July 2. We got back from South Sudan last week, landing at JFK from Nairobi on connecting flight that started from 8 hours overland traveling from South Sudan to Entebbe,Uganda and an hour flight connecting us to Kenya from Uganda. Kenya Airways has started direct flight from Nairobi to JFK non stop. It is fast but we had to sit for 13- 14 hours for the whole duration of the flight. I want to thank God for Mr. Kevin Rousseau, Chair of the board of Elders of Operation Nehemiah and Geoffrey Duclus for picking us up from the airport.

The overall highlights of our mission trip to the South Sudan May - June 2019
We left the ministry and it's activities on the ground in good hand under the management of our ground team and the Country Director Pastor Timothy Levi . On Saturday June 28, we held our last Worship service at the Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation at the Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon and headed out on the same day for Uganda to fly out to the US the next day. During the entire time on the grown, every Sunday we had worship service. We drove down the valley to bring people to church service. The messages were concurrently aired on the radio for the general population out there. The radio Gospel messages were preached every day from 5 AM - 11 PM over the airwaves of South Sudan and northern Uganda.

Attending to the need of those returning from exile
Two months ago, a forty feet container of rice meal set off from CA, USA bound for South Sudan to be distributed to South Sudanese by Operation Nehemiah Missions. Sure enough, the container made its way to OMNI Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon MT as we just got there. Upon the arrival of the container, we went out to the villages of Opari, Mugali, Kerepi, Moli Tokuro, Nimule town and Pageri and gave it out the content to the community who are returning from refugee camps to restart their lives virtually from scratch. Over 5000 people were supported by this effort.

Elementary school at Moli - Tokuro reopened for students. ONMI, through your support help them, get back on track!
While on the ground, we visited the village of Moli Tokuro. We came to meet with chief and the school headmaster. We were accompanied by Pastor Jeremiah Levi and Pastor Peter Dominic. The chief and the school teacher wanted us to build a church in their village, their children's education and renovate their town hall. We prayed with them about these needs. As we were leaving, we delegated our ground team to deliver school materials to Moli Tokuro Elementary school in Moli sub county in Pageri county. The school materials will meet the need of 143 students and pay staff support of 7 teachers for three months. Operation Nehemiah Mission delivered school materials to Moli Tokuro Elementary school in Moli sub county in Pageri county. This is one of the last primary schools in the remote part of Pageri County, Eastern Equatoria state which has not deserted South Sudan for exile during the 2016's national Crisis which has gripping the country to date. Our next support will be needed for October- December 2019.

Through your support, ONMI is planting a church in Mugali
As we were leaving, we delegated opening of one church in Mugali village and assigned one Pastor named Pastor Tom to manage it. God has opened a big door for Pastor Thomas, one of the Pastors ordained last year to open a branch of a church in Mugali sub county of Pageri County. He is given a land measuring ten acres to accommodate the need of the congregation. The church is now meeting under the tree for the start. ONMI office in the USA has sent $1000 request by the Pastor to purchase chairs. Please pray for this congregation. Pastor Tom was ordained last may 2018 at the Beth Israel Messianic Congregation, Bibia in Uganda. But he is now resolved to go back to his village in South Sudan to carry on with the work of the Lord. This is consistent with our desire and prayers to get people to return to South Sudan without being forced to come back against their will. Pastor Tom is in the brown shirt in long sleeve praying over the people with Pastor Timothy Levi.

Backhoe & Front loader has accomplish its task at ONMI Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon, it headed back to the Beth Israel farmland
After one and half month from May into June , clearing road, digging trenches, breaking rock surfaces at the Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon, the Backhoe has finished it's assignment up there and has returned to the Beth Israel Farmland and Borongole Mission center to clear the road, opening water ways, up root trees that hinder cultivation. This equipment is God's Gift from you to Operation Nehemiah. It is versatile, robust, effective and efficient. Thank you for your prayers and support.

The Beth Israel Farmland's product making its way to Juba
In the Beth Israel farm Land, plantation is going full speed. The tree stumps are removed so that the two tractors can plow without breakdown easily. We got cassava stalks, sweet potato leaves, beans, peanuts and fruit trees planted over 20 people working in the farm. The same operation is going in Borongole he Bethlehem Mission compound.
Two tractors are operating plus the backhoe. Water system in the farm is fully rectified. There is no water problem in any of the three compounds: Beth Israel farm, Borongole and Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon.

Beth Israel Farmland is connecting to Juba, South Sudan
Pastor John Severino Fuli my childhood friend came from Juba, South Sudan to see us at ONMI Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon. The scope of his visit was two folds. He came to pickup Bibles for His church from Operation Nehemiah Missions and the other reason was to help Operation Nehemiah Missions agricultural products to be marketed in Juba city. We believe this is the best arrangement ever to introduce people living in big city like Juba in dire poverty with bounty of the food in the country side. We never had farm products sent out to Juba in this volume. We are hoping to see more of this effort going forward. Pray that this effort will bear fruits. This is our general and specific strategy to help rebuild South Sudan both spiritually and physically and family in need.

Water, Internet and agricultural initiative at the Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon Mountain rectified.
At the Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon, we left the mission headquarters in good shape than ever before. Before we left, with your support, we rectified the much needed water problem. We managed to eliminate the need for holding tank 3/4 placed in between the Mountain summit and the well, 1700 ft located at the foot of the mountain. Thank be to God to you for your support. We bought strong solar pump powered by 5000W Solar panels and be able to pump the water right up to the top of the mountain where we have the compound. We can now pump 3250 gallons of water in less than two hours into town tanks up there.

Turning rocky mountain top at Yerushalayim summit into agricultural production
We opened 3 acres of land up there and growing food for the staff serving at the Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon. They have water to do irrigation if need be during the dry season.
We planted numerous fruit trees throughout the compound. The backhoe broke the surface of the Rocky formation and exposed fertile ground underneath. We can virtually grow anything up here. We leveled the entire surface of the 7-8 acres of land up here awaiting mission development with use of the backhoe. We opened and and widen the 1/2 mile Of road from the top of the mountain to the main highway using this versatile equipment, the backhoe. We planted fruit trees and natural trees throughout the top mountain.

Turning the top of 2800 ft mountain at the Yerushalayim Mission Center on Gordon mountain into agricultural production. Together with our ground team, we have been busy with development. Every one has rolled their sleeves and working very hard in planting peanuts, corns, beans, cassava and bean on the Rocky surface of the mountain here. Thank God for the backhoe, we used it to break up the Rocky soil and penetrate deep into the rich soil underneath. The compound requires horticultural work, our children and the ground team all got together to plant fruit trees and beautiful flowers all around the compound. For the first time, we are able final clear the road leading from the mission compound up the mountain down to the main road heading to Juba and Nimule.

Full scale Internet access at Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon- ON Line long distance learning is now possible
Nehemiah internet Cafe and Nehemiah Polytechnic training Center at the Yerushalayim Mission Summit on Gordon MT. South Sudan. Our son Nechemyah Levi is currently recruiting students to do on line courses via EDX. Here is Rejoice James, taking on line course on mother care. We need more computers and smart phones for their work. With the availability of internet in the compound, individuals interested in learning can come here and learn without leaving the country or their family.

Completing the task God had laid in the hearts of Donald Fonseca and Bishop Andrea Vuni from 1957-1964
Madi Burulo Bible Translation of the New Testament from the book of Matthew - Revelation is under way. The project was started in 1957 by a young American Missionary Donald Fonseca and his South Sudanese co-laborer, the late Bishop Andrea Vuni. Mr. Donald Fonseca and his wife Ruth got married in 1957 and took off to the mission field to the Sudan. God took them from one place to another until He brought them to my grandfather, Bishop Andrea Vuni in the village of Opari, Eastern Equatoria state. There, for the next 7 years they worked together to translate the Gospel According to John from English /Hebrew /Greek to Madi Burulo which is a language spoken by the Madi Moli and Madi Bori community of the Sudan. The work of the translation was brought to halt by the Sudan Islamic regime in 1964 which was the year, I was born. They kicked out all the missionaries from the Sudan as the country erupted in a protracted Islamic war of persecution targeting Christians and missionaries. The translation project has been hindered for 55 years to date. 5 years ago, Bishop Nickolao Vuni, the son of Bishop Andrea Vuni asked me to find Don Fonseca's where about in the USA because he wanted to know if he was still alive and whether he kept some of the manuscript from the work he did with his father, the late bishop.? After a long search, 3 years ago, I stumbled upon this legendary missionary and his wife Ruth , both were in their 80s living in Franklin, TN in assisted home living. Mr. Fonseca, gave me the completed Gospel of the book of John in Madi Burulo and he challenged me to take the mantle of leadership to finish the work he and my grandfather had started. It would take me the next 2 years after we met to find some one with whom we can launch this initiative. On my recent Missionary trip, I finally met the Elder who can help me achieve this task. I put in charge a 70 year old gentleman name Jino Longa to take on the task of assembling a team of translators from among the community. In Opari, we met with Pastor William Bandassi and Pastor Martin to discuss the plan to start translating the New Testament from English to Madi Burulo and the opportunity to open a church. These men are all on board with the plan. Praise the Lord. Now we we need your prayers as we get the ball rolling.

Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute & Biblical Apologetic Studies.
Our next biggest initiative is now working on addressing the need for the construction of Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute and the Studies of Biblical World views at the Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon MT. The academic program will be for only one year so that they students can go out and find jobs or create jobs for themselves an support their families. What is the goal of this initiative? We are up to bring some changes to provide tangible support to South Sudanese without the hope to return home to rebuild their country. We want to stop brain draining epidemic of the children of South Sudan who have been leaving the country with or without their parents in search of better education through the exodus of people leaving the country either because of war or because families just send their children out of the country in search of good education and good life. But 99 % of them never come back. We oppose this whole agenda but what is the alternative in a long run? Opposing the whole trend is a good thing but we need to offer serious solutions to stop the trend of people leaving the country they fought hard for. We want to build Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute and Biblical apologetic studies ( NPI & BAS)
The Technical facility will train Blue collar labor force in various technical fields such as mechanical engineering, civil , architecture, manufacturing, chemical, IT, agriculture, medical, water, business administration, management journalism, Civic, history, Math and sciences, plumbing, solar and the application of the Biblical apologetic to effect their daily work ethics and family. There is no way of stopping the mass Exodus of South Sudanese leaving the country for search of better education for their children to the neighboring countries. The war itself has taken tens of thousands of families out of the country and the remnants who are still in the land are teetering to leave the country the same way as long as the country continue in this trend, no providing education to the people. With your help, Operation Nehemiah want to reverse this trend at least by keeping the remnants in the country by providing with a place where they can study and work.
Funding: By the grace of God, you helped us raised $300,000 in the first half of 2019. Now we are asking you to join us in prayers in raising $400,000 in the second half of the year 2019 from July - December.
From July- October - $300,000
1- First Phase 2019 : Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute & Biblical apologetic Studies first phase budget - $192,000 and the fund will go towards the followings:
a) Dump truck - $30,000 needed to ferry blocks and tiles from Borongole to Yerushalayim Summit construction site - 35 miles. .
b) Hydraform Tile roofing making machine - $70,000 inclusive of sand sifting machine purchase and shipment cost from South Africa to the South Sudan. We will make our own roofing tiles and blocks, excavate our own sands, and as well as soil to the make the products. We already have the block making machine and the Backhoe.
c) Rocks crushing machine - $7000 inclusive of purchase and shipment from Uganda to South Sudan
d) Cement - $35,000 - our plan is to make 150,000 tiles and blocks for construction
e) Construction utility vehicle - $35,000 - Essentially needed for equipment transportation
f) Storage facility - $19,000
2- Mission budget to take care of the existing initiatives - $108,000 July - December 2019
a) USA Office - $54,000
b) South Sudan office - $50,000 ( agriculture, church planting , radio broadcasting, utility and staff )
3- October - December 2019 second phase
a) Construction budget - $100,000 ( Foundation, general building material, labors, windows and doors) for 3 main buildings.
Prayers needs:
1- Unity in the body: Pray that the Lord will join our hearts and minds with the ground team and donors to do His work in evangelism and church planting in 5 rural villages.
2- Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute & Biblical Apologetic Studies.
3- Completing the task God had laid in the hearts of Donald Fonseca and Bishop Andrea Vuni from 1957-1964
4- Beth Israel Farmland is connecting to Juba, South Sudan
5- Stability in South Sudan
6- ONMI is planting a church in Mugali
Our online tax-deductible contribution can be made at or mail your check to the address below. "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8
In His Grace,
William Levi, Founder and Overseer,
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237