"They have told the Church about your love" 3 John 1: 5-8
Shalom to you and family. We are now back in the USA from our Missions trip to the Sudan from May 17th – July 2nd. As you have been following the progression of what the Lord is doing in South Sudan, we are witnessing a tremendous work of the Lord in that country. The church planting is going on, people’s lives being transformed for the Lord, the Gospel is going forward and the field staff are growing strong in their spiritual walk in the Lord.There is tremendous development in our agricultural sector, . Food is growing in all our three compounds, Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon Mt, New Bethlehem compound in Borogole and the Beth Israel farmland in the Ako Mountains.
We thank God for you and your family as you continue to lift up our hands to press on with this great work.
To continue our long term mission in this challenging mission, we will need your tenacious prayers and support. As the Scripture declares “Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters, even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church about your love. Please send them on their way in a manner that honors God. It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans. We ought therefore to show hospitality to such people so that we may work together for the truth.” 3 John 1: 5-8
These are some of the pictures we received from ONMI field report after we our return from the mission at the beginning of July. The stability of the family with basic skills such as making clothing for their household remain our top priority.

As you can see in these pictures, at the Yerushalayim Summit center, three weeks after our return to the USA, the mountain top compound is thriving with crops and trees that we planted with field staff.

Peanuts growing in unlikely places , on the rocky formation of Yerushalayim Summit of Gordon Mountain

At the Beth Israel farmland

In Borongole, Bethlehem Center mission located 35 miles
We stationed water taps in several places throughout the compound to water the plants when there is no rain. But the report we have been getting so far indicated rain is falling and plants are thriving. The backhoe is one of the best gifts from you to ONMI to sustain the work of Operation Nehemiah Missions. Without the backhoe, it would have been impossible to achieve the work we have achieved in a short amount of time. May the continue to bless the labor your hand.

The church planting is going on, people’s lives being transformed for the Lord, the Gospel is going forward and the field staff are growing strong in their spiritual walk in the Lord

Here are the needs :
As are almost arriving to the end of July, we have some financial obligation to meet. Our primary commitment here is to ensure that we keep our donors informed of the on going work in the field, thanking them of their continuous support and prayers. To catch up with August’s financial obligation, we will need to raise $15,000 to close the gap of our financial obligation for the work in July which is this month coming to an end. I hope to raise the support within the next 10 days . I’m writing to you because I know you are praying for this mission and for us. As this is God’s work, he will make the provision possible in any way he wants. Could you please join us in prayers to ensure that support is raised to implement these efforts on the ground.
For your tax deductible contribution on line donation to Operation Nehemiah Missions can be made at www.operationsnehemiah.org Or you can send your tax deductible contribution to the address below.
In His grace,
William Levi, Founder & Overseer
Operation Nehemiah Missions
Po Box 563
Lanesborough, MA 01237