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"Better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting..."

Shalom to you brothers and sisters in Yeshua,

As always, we could not be grateful enough for your encouragement and co-laboring with us in the Great Commission. There is an area of our mission activities in South Sudan , we don't always share with you as often as we would like to share. One of the best times God used our time for while in South Sudan is bringing the message of salvation and repentance to people who gathered at the funeral of their loved ones. Here in Abilla, Nimule, I was blessed to deliver a message at the funeral of the uncle of one of our staff who died unexpectedly. His nephew James Madama, who works at our Radio station requested the presence of my family at the funeral. I shared my messages from Matthew 25: 1- 5 about the ten Virgins, five wise and five foolish, and 1 Thessalonian 4 about the Lord returning ; Joined by our pastoral leadership of the Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation, the Lord used the occasion for his glory. After the message, so many hearts were pricked. People were cut to heart and many of them went out to the people they had offended and asked for forgiveness and restoration of relationship. The truth of the matter is, there is no forgiveness in heavens and the deceased man was only God's warning for the living to reconcile with God and their neighbors while it is called day. Aman!

They need your prayers and support .

These are just half of our ground team holding down the fort in South Sudan in the midst of daily blessings and adversities

Without their presence, we could not manage/implement the vision of Operation Nehemiah Mission in South Sudan. Therefore in the light of road attack on our vehicle last month, we took precautionary measure to protect & identify our staff on South Sudan's road. We prayed and took necessary action by providing them with ONMI's uniform, ID card , ministry hats and ministry vehicles emblazoned with our logo ONM's flag and a no gun sign.

We can't not retreat nor falter, not now, never. "If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.: Proverbs 24:10.

From left to right rear: Jeremiah, James, Timothy, Brian and Joseph From left right front: Robert, Christopher, Isaac, Michael, Grace, Henry, Charles and David and Abraham, very tall ( rear on the right below)

Important missionary networking across African continent - Africa by Radio Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, September 9-14

We are sending two of our radio broadcasting and programing staff to Nairobi, Kenya for Journalism conference( Africa by Radio) on Biblical world views for leaders across Africa.

I was supposed to go back to South Sudan in October with Dr. Chuck Pollack of Sharing International with his team of Journalists to South Sudan to train our staff in Gospel Radio Broadcasting. Mr. Vasile, President of Reaching for Mankind of CA and I both own Christian radio station in South Sudan, he too was going to take part in this effort. Our stations are both located in the town of Nimule, Torit State. It turned out, this trip could be very tight for me to go back in October because I will be going to Israel in the first week of November( really thanking God for prayers for this very exciting door opening. This will be our first time to the holy land). I will have alot of preparation to make here in the USA.

However, thank be to God, Dr. Pollack has been in contact with the ABR conference in Nairobi, Kenya. He offered the alternative to us to consider sending our staff, two from each station to go to Nairobi to attend the ABR conference taking place from September 9-10 for training our South Sudanese staff in Nairobi and the option to attend the rest of the conference organized by ABR will go up to September 14.

Upon looking at the opportunity, and having so much commitment from this end at least for me, Vasile and I both considered this alternative to be durable. On top of the list, the two men who will be going from NTC 97.3 FM is Timothy Levi, Our country Director and Robert Amoko, Our station manager. The expenses for the two men for the one week conference will be $2,200. 00 support is needed not later than August 31st .

Looking forward: Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute & Biblical Apologetic Studies. Join us in prayers to pluck the leak!

The root cause of instability in South Sudan both is both spiritual and physical are numerous. But we are going to focus on one aspect of this instability and address it. There is a massive exodus of people leaving the country either because of war or the search for education and employment. Unfortunately, 99 % of them never come back. Therefore, with your support and encouragement, our next initiative is the construction of the Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute and Studies of Biblical Worldview at the Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon MT. The proposed one-year academic program will prepare students to obtain or create employment opportunities and support their families, thus stemming the tide of brain-drain and lack of opportunity.

The Technical facility will train skilled labor in various technical fields such as auto mechanics, mechanical, medical nursing, plumbing, manufacturing, solar energy and electrical engineering, IT, agricultural technology, plumbing, hydrology, midwifery, and Biblical Apologetics to reform work ethic and civic responsibility. This academic facility, by the grace of God will train the best of the best skilled working Christian men in South Sudan.

This is the rough sketch of the future outlook of Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute & studies of Biblical world view

Weeding is a must if you expect to have a bountiful harvest: At the Beth Israel farmland, Men, women and children roll their sleeves and got to work the fields. The Bible says, if you don't work you do not eat . Like in the old days, this reality is so prevalent in South Sudan. You only eat what you have planted. If you don not till the land, you won't have harvest and you won't feed your family. So the money that we raise from here with your support serves as capital to purchase tools and the resources to make use of the land.

Keep up the on going work in the country.

The church planting is going on, people’s lives being transformed for the Lord, the Gospel is going forward and the field staff are growing strong in their spiritual walk in the Lord. However, the current pressing need on the ground will need your tenacious prayers and support. ONMI missions and the Gospel radio broadcasting radio station’s frequency 97.3 FM are up for renewal in Juba with the government of South Sudan.

For Operation Nehemiah Mission to catch up with August’s financial obligation, we will need to raise$18,000 to close the gap of our financial obligation for the work in July which has just ended. Thank you as always for support and encouragement.

In His grace

William Levi, Founder & Overseer

Operation Nehemiah Missions

Po Box 563

Lanesborough, MA 01237


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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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