Our daughter, Abijah Levi has joined college at 16!
Shalom. Thank you brothers and sisters in Yeshua for all that you have been to us in sustaining the mission of Operation Nehemiah Missions for the past 26 years. We could not be thankful enough to God on your account. You may not be fully aware how much your support and encouragement has impacted our lives in keeping us as fulltime missionary parents/family in running Operation Nehemiah Missions since 1996.
At the family front: Our family has grown tremendously, taking one day a time in home schooling. On August 28th, 2019, we sent our eldest daughter, Abijah Levi to a Christian college, the Berkshires Institute for Christian Studies base in Lenox, MA. Her dream is to be come a midwife, a wife and a mother one day. She is 16 and has full scholarship. We want to thank God for the College authority to award our daughter with a fulltime scholarship. Most students get there at the age of 19 after finishing high school at 18. She may be probably the youngest of them all. The Bible says to whom much is given, much is also required. Through years of hard work and a lot of tears, she has come through, praise the Lord. She is now in college, staying only 10 miles away from home. Our prayer and hope is that she will put to practice all the teaching and Biblical training she has received in her tender age under our roof. The prove of her salvation, and Biblical upbringing will be tested out there in the general public. Our goal of homeschooling is not to hide her and her siblings from the world but to prepare them to face the world, to be light and salt in this perverse and crooked world. Matthew 5 :13-15 Please could you join us in prayer for her that all will go well with her. Numbers 6:24.

Abijah Levi, second from the right, back row joined Berkshire Institute for Christian studies - Courtesy of BICS
In the mission front:
We have on going work in the field. We are very delighted to see tomato and okra harvests are under way at ONMI Bethlehem Borongole compound is coming along.

- Church Planting: The church planting project in the village of Mugali is in progress. Land and people are already there to start with including the pastor. The church will be built in the village of Mugali, South Sudan which is about 30 miles east of ONMI’s Yerushalayim Summit Center on Gordon Mountain in Nimule South Sudan, very close to the border with Uganda where we house the NTC 97.3 FM radio station and the future home of Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute, Studies of Biblical World view and Nehemiah Light house Conference center.

Pastor Thomas will be the main leader of the congregation out of the 6 ordained pastors on May 13, 2018 There are six parameters that have to come together in order to make this effort successful. The land, the people, the Pastor, the church, water and the parsonage. We have Pastor Thomas, he has 10 acres of land already and the people he will be shepherding. They just baptized 11 people two weeks ago!!

Order of Priority:
In the order of Priority, the well will go first because it will provide water for the community around and it will speed the process of building both the church and the parsonage. Making bricks for construction and everything else require water. We need to drill a hand pump water well on the property where the parsonage and the church will be built. Drilling a hand pump water well on the property using a one day commercial driller to come and drill the well will cost $9000, the well will be operational, the next day.

This is an example of funded completed well project ..
As many nations seek ways to end this crisis from various efforts, Operation Nehemiah has been using faith & Biblical approach to rebuilding a people and a country from ashes war of persecution from the bottom up. We are taking and restoring one person, one family, one church, one village and one county at a time.
The size and budget for church
We need to build a church that will house minimum 200 people and maximum 250 people with future plan to plan more congregation. The Budget – $15,000.00 project could be implement within 2 months if the fund is there to be installed in 2 segments. Fund will cover, the entire building project from start to the finish without the furniture.

We need Parsonage on the church premise : We need to build a two bedroom rooms parsonage for the Pastor and his family – The budget is $10,000.00. This fund will also build the entire house from start to finish without the furniture.

Priorities: Please join us in prayer for these needs.
Last month, we want to thank God for your tenacious prayer and effort in helping us raised the entire $18,00 needed to sustain the work in the month of August.
Nevertheless, there are three areas of monthly needs in the ministry where funds are needed . Some are immediate short term ( one time ), some are fixed capital (monthly funding that help us maintain the current monthly activities of the mission while creating a revolving economy from the ground effort using this monthly capital in all area of development to offset support coming from the USA ) and the last one is a future projected capital funding to take care of the projects such as Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute and the church in Mugali . We have resolved our expectation for funding in the order of priorities. As long as we meet our goal for the fix monthly budget to keep us functional that will be sufficient. The Lord is in control.
In the month of September, our main focus is to raise $ 20,000 for the immediate monthly fix capital funding to keep up the existing and ongoing activities ( agricultural , medical, staff support, radio broadcasting, evangelism & education) in South Sudan and ONMI’s office in here in the USA office functional . This funding stands at $20,000 in September. It may change in October depending on the needs. This is our target to raise this fund between now and the end of September.
Church in Mugali - budget stands at $34,000.00
3- Nehemiah polytechnic institute and Studies of Biblical World View - The Budget $$$ ? This is still under review for the final submission.
Your tax deducible on line donation can be made to Operation Nehemiah Missions at www.operationsnehemiah.org
or you can mail your tax deductible check made to
Operation Nehemiah Mission at
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237
In His grace
and Service
William Levi, Founder and Overseer,