" In America, we don't worship government, we worship God " President Trump at Value V
Shalom to you brothers and sisters in Yeshuah, from the bottom of my heart, on behalf of my family and Operation Nehemiah Missions, I want to express my gratitude to you for making it possible for me to attend the Value Voter Summit representing Operation Nehemiah Missions. To be honest, it would have been practically unattainable for me to attend this pivotal event without your financial backing. You underwrote the cost for this event, May the Lord bless the labor of your hand for co-laboring with us in the Great Commissions. We set up a exhibition Booth at Value Voter Summit where hundreds of people visited our booth, took our materials, bought my book, the Bible or the Axe , exchanged information and expressed the desire to support pray for Operation Nehemiah Missions.
I have not doubt in American Exceptionalism and it is here to stay, even though it under major assault by the forces of evil from the media and ultra liberal left . We each play a role to keep it,. It is not rooted in her power, might and strength, but rather in by in her spiritual humility before God the Creator. If my people who are called by my name can humble themselves,, pray and turn from their wicked ways, I will look down from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land. The reality of American exceptionalism has been highlighted by many speakers after speakers at the Value Voter Summit over the weekend in Washington DC. It manifests itself in her Virtue, Faith , Generosity, and Freedom enshrined by God in our constitutions. No many nations send missionaries and money to advance the Great Commission around the world than the USA.
I'm grateful to God for bringing me to America from South Sudan almost 31 years ago. Arriving here at the age of 22 in 1988, with nothing. I have seen God's Hand upon my life through the challenges of life and opportunity to serve His people here and in South Sudan. I thank God for Bringing me here because it is here that He strengthens my faith, giving me my family and ministry and the family of families in Yeshua who have come along side to co-labor with us in Operation Nehemiah Missions. God uses this country to bring a tangible help to support the work of Operation Nehemiah Missions in South Sudan.
Those who stopped by our exhibit Booth, prayed for us and gave us encouragement

An Elder and his children from IL who had me spoke at His church in 2016

A college professor from Michigan

ONMI Exhibit Booth

A former Missionary to Jordan

Radio Programmer from Kansas gave me some interview

Another interview .. with a Journalist....

A German Journalist from With Epoch Times stopped by

With Denis Prager from Prager University

With a family from Sacramento CA
Major Highlight of the Summit: At the Value Voter Summit in Washington DC, yesterday, I want to thank God for affording me the opportunity to attend a Gala Dinner Honoring Rev. Andrew and Maureen Brownson who suffered persecution for their faith as missionaries to Turkey. By the grace of God, Pastor Bronson was release under Strong support from President Trump and VP Mike Pence after declaring him guilty of terrorism against Turkey. God miraculously delivered him. Pastor Bronson and his wife shared their testimonies and one thing Pastor Bronson said, was, He wants to remain anonymous here on earth and He wants Jesus, His King to get the Glory. He shared the suffering and the persecution of the believers throughout the ages. He said, His mother told him upon visiting him in prison that this is his time, he has joined the line of those who have gone before him and he must persevere through it all.. He has concern and prayed for the faithful in this generation and the next generation to stay faithful..
The Key note speaker is none other than our own President, Mr. Donald Trump himself with over 3000 of Christians in attendance. Before he started his opening remarks, Pastor Bownwson prayed over the President. It was such a blessing to have a President who allows himself to be prayed for. May he continue to depend upon the Lord. His undefeated and perfect Creator. The President delivered immense and inspiration message encompassing the family, the Church and Government. I was humbled to be in the company of the President yesterday. It was surreal. . In His remarks, he said, "Our rights come from God our Creator not from government and it can't never be taken away from us " Thank God for Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council for organizing this event, year in and year out, a must watch speech. I We sat just about 25 ft - 30 ft away from the President.
You can watch the entire speech from the President right here.

President Trump addressed 3000 people at the Value Voter Summit during the Gala Dinner honorirng Pastor Brownson

Meeting Pastor Brownson in Person.

Mrs. Maureen Brownson, Pastor Brownson and Tony Perkins

At our table from l- r Pastor Rodger, myself, Bethany and Jerrod

Waiting on line for President Trump to address us at the Gala Dinner Dinner Honoring Pastor Brownson

President Trump introduced by Tony Perkins, the President of Family Research Council

Tony Perkins introduced Pastor Brownson at the Gala Dinner

I'm praying for Pastor Brownson and He prayed for me.
Next Major event for me in October is the Israel's trip

I will be traveling to Israel for one week in the first week of November to attend Christian Media Summit, an annual gathering organized by Israeli Government. Please pray for me for the success of this event. Not Only, have I been invited to go for the event, but also an opportunity to speak at the event. Pray that the topic that I will share and the issue that I will address will be uplifting and will bring blessing to the listeners and give God the Glory. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. There are areas of reciprocal relationship between South Sudan and Israel as well as with USA I can focus on in order to strengthen the unshakable bond of relationship between the three nations shaped by our shared value of our Judeo- Christian civilization, upon which the church is built. The South Sudanese and the US church is the common wealth of Israel. Israel’s existence is critical for the manifestation and validation of the irrevocable promise of God according to the Scriptures. Those who seek her demise want to erase God’s historical Written Word, the Bible which is indispensable to both Jews and Christians.
It is through your support and prayers we are able to do what we are doing in Operation Nehemiah. However, this is God's work. We are his workmanship. We walk by faith not by sight. Here is the breakdown of October budget you can lift up in prayer sand help us where the Lord leads you:
1- Operation Nehemiah Mission expense in the USA main office - $8000.00
2- Operation Nehemiah Agricultural Department - $5000.00 ( Eucalyptus project )
3- Medical expenses - $ 1500.00
4- Radio department - $ 1000.0
5- support for field staff - $3500.
6- Moli Tokuro Elementary school - $1000.00
7- General mission support in the field - $5000
Online donation can be made to Operation Nehemiah Mission at www.operationsnehemiah.org
My family continue to thank God for your prayers. I ask you to keep praying for Hannah and the children

May God Bless you and keep you and be gracious to you and give you His shalom. Number 6:24
in His grace
William Levi, Founder and Overseer,
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237