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They will revive them, though they have been deserted for many generations.” Isaiah 61:4

Shalom, thank you for co-laboring with us in the Great Commission. I'm back from Israel on November 7 and supposed to leave for South Sudan on November 13th. However, due to time constrain as I still have to gather resources within the next few days while in the USA, I decided to move my mission trip departure date to November 20 and will be returning on December 4th instead of January 10th. You are welcome to donate to Operation Nehemiah towards this trip effort before November 20th.

When I was in Israel at the Christian Media Summit set up by Israeli's government Press office, many people approached me and wanted to know what is the nature of the work of Operation Nehemiah Missions in South Sudan.? Some people still vaguely remember, that South Sudan broke free and became an independent country from the grip of Sudan Islamic regime in 2011 and yet they don't know what is going now and how can they help?

South Sudan is independent Country but it is the column of under developed world

Well, ever Since South Sudan got her independence From Sudan' s regime in 2011, many people are thinking that the country is now better off on her own. That is true to point. South Sudan is lying in ruin even as we speak. she has not fully recovered from 50 years of displacement of people in the midst of protracted Islamic war of persecution which has displaced 100 of thousands of people, one generation after another for 5 decades. This is not to mention the impact of UN driven relief dependence that has twisted the minds of the young people who have spent most of their lives in the UN refugee camps in the neighboring countries. . The fact of the matter is, South Sudan is far away from better off. Because the destruction that came upon South Sudan for 60 years has stagnated everything. We have to rebuild everything from scratch. The family, the church and the communities are in broken . There are not infrastructures whatsoever. South Sudan does not have reliable road for transportation. There is serious scarcity of food to feed the country. There are shortages of healthcare facility. There is no clean water nor reliable source of electricity to power to the country. It is encumbered upon us to make up for these needs. With your understanding, prayers and support, Operation Nehemiah is attacking the crisis head on. We are not waiting for the government or the UN to open up roads, establish healthcare , bring in electricity of provide food for the community. With your support we are able to address these needs directly.

"They will revive them, though they have been deserted for many generations.” Isaiah 61:4

When it comes to restoring the family and the Church we are there, producing food and meeting medical need of the people we are there. Providing people with clean water, bringing in electricity power we are there. Opening roads and repairing bridges, we are there. However, the need is great and we are stretched out. This is why we need your continuous support to continue the work of Operation Nehemiah in South Sudan. Rebuild the Ancient Ruins “They will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago. They will revive them, though they have been deserted for many generations.” Isaiah 61:4

Galatians 6: reminds us that " Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up. therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to the family of faith.…

With the arrival of Backhoe and front Loader in May, we are able to do many things. This week, ONMI using this versatile equipment to open a vital feeder road that brings food from Beth Israel Farmland to the main Nimule - Juba highway.

Nehemiah Field Clinic brought Medical supply to the people living in Moli - Tokuro.

We want to thank you for your support for Nehemiah Field Clinic. In our effort of taking one village at a time, this past week, we brought medical supplies to the people of Moli- Tokuro, a village where people don't have medical healthcare as this is one of the remotest villages of South Sudan far from the nearest infrastructure. It takes $1500 monthly to maintain Nehemiah Field clinic outreach effort.

The resilient Community of Moli- Tokuro is the hope for South Sudan. They have a running local government, school and medical clinic. ONMI's has come alongside to support the students and the teachers of Moli Tokuro elementary School with funding to pay the teachers' salary and purchase students books to continue learning.

Moli Tokuro is a resilient village in Pageri county. 50 percent of Its population remains in the country while the rest of the villages were deserted and people ran into exile. Will you pray and join us in improving the livelihood of the people of Moli Tokuro.

We have just planted five acres of Eucalyptus trees

We are currently involved in Plantation of Eucalyptus trees lumbers to build houses and make furniture. To date, South Sudan import 90 % of its timber for building from Uganda. But with your help, we are determined to stop that in 4 years. It is absurd that a fertile country as south Sudan should import all of its construction material form somewhere else. The Eucalyptus Tree has it all! Its fast growth rate makes it ideal for homeowners and landscapers seeking a quick growing tree.Instead of waiting 30 years for shade and property value increases, the Eucalyptus Tree grows as much as 6 feet a year!The Eucalyptus Tree is an evergreen, so its healthy green foliage is visible even during the dull winter months. Join us in funding ONMI's Forestry project.

We are taking one person, one family, one church and one community at time. Could you join us in the noble and godly task to help us restore South Sudanese family, church and country from the ashes of Islamic oppression. To donate you can visit us at

Thank very much, with your prayers and support, you are able to help us Operation Nehemiah Mission bring much needed help to the People of Moli Tokuro. We brought in medical supplies and books for school children. By the grace of God, as the Lord leads, you can donate to Operation Nehemiah by visiting us at Your contribution is tax deductible.

One day and one month at a time. The just shall live by faith. October is covered. Now, our next target is November 2019.

Prayers and appreciation.

I want to thank God for your prayers and financial support to cover the entire month of October to take care of our general Fund after we surrendered everything to God. Counting on our blessings and believing in His unfailing promises, we waited patiently like Rev. George Mueller of Bristol, UK who depended solemnly on God for the provision needed to run a 2000 children orphanage.

Current Budget

1- Our fix/variable monthly Budget for November 2019.

We have a projected budget of $20,000. But God knows what is actually needed. So I’m not concern. I only ask you to join us in your prayers.

"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof."

USA ONMI office - $7,000 General operating fund

Agriculture - $3,500.00

Medical - $1, 500

Mission field staff $4,000

Equipment /fuel - $1400

Evangelistic outreaches - $2000.00

MBBTT Bible Translation: - $500

NTC 97.3 FM operating & maintenance budget - $2000

2- To donate to our Special long term project : Nehemiah Polytechnic institute:

Pleas follow the link to : Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute

What is the goal of NPI ? One of the key solutions to stop people from leaving South Sudan into exile, stop the war and contribute to peace and economy stability is to build vocational schools that will have a tangible impact on the community. To date, South Sudan imports most of her skilled labor force from Uganda and Kenya. A country can’t survive like this. The root causes of instability in South Sudan are spiritual, physical, political and as well as economical. There is a massive exodus of people leaving the country either because of war or the search for education and employment. Unfortunately, 99 % of them never come back. Therefore, with your support and encouragement, our next initiative is the construction of the Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute and Studies of Biblical Worldview at the Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon MT in Nimule.

3- Another special long term Project is the Mugali Church, Parsonage and well project.

We received the first funding of $3,000 toward the construction of the church, the parsonage and well in Mugali village. We thank God for this funding. Fund will go toward bricks production. Of the $34,000 needed, we are now down to $31,000. The project is kicking of beginning this November.

Church building - $ 15,000

Parsonage - $10, 000

Well - $9,000

On line donation: or sent check to Operation Nehemiah PO Box 563

Lanesborough MA 01237

God bless

In His grace

William Levi, Founder and Overseer,, Operation Nehemiah Missions

William Levi founder and Overseer

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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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