Field Report from South Sudan
Shalom my co-laborers in the Great Commission. I'm very delighted to report to you that my trip to South Sudan with Operation Nehemiah Missions has been a blessing. I have done so much in 2 weeks than what I have anticipated to do. Thank to our ground leadership team here under our country director Pastor Timothy Levi and our Gospel station manager Robert Amoko and our farm Manager Julius Onek. We all worked together to accomplish a lot in a short time. I also want to thank God for all of our donors in the USA for making this Mission trip possible for me. Thank you for keeping my wife Hannah and children in your prayers as they did not accompany me on this trip. May God Almighty continue to bless the labor of your hand. The local pastors here in our network have mapped out my trip logistic in such a way that everything perfectly worked out .
This has been truly providential hand of God in the whole trip. I left the USA on November 20th, arriving in South Sudan on November 22nd . I met with our country Director Pastor Timothy Levi at our Mission Headquarters at the Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon Mt, in Nimule, EE state . We hosted Jack Worthington, our short term Missionary from the USA who had been here 2 weeks ahead of me, Just left three days ago for USA.
On the 23rd we addressed and settled the issues related to land at the Beth Israel Farmland to be exclusively dedicated to the work of Operation Nehemiah Missions in South Sudan.
On Sunday November 24th, we visited and attended the Nile Beth Israel Congregation in Mugali under Pastor Thomas. I preached the word of God and discussed the God's Call on Pastor Thomas.
On November 25th, We visited ONMI Compound at of Borongole and Beth Israel Farmland in Akko Mountains.
On November 26th, we welcome Pastor Daniel Machuei, from Rumbek to pickup solar Bible Audio player for a church called Beth Messiah which we help him and His friend Pastor John Thon Makur planted two years ago in Rumbek which is about 386 miles north of our mission headquarters. This is the farthest we have gone in spreading the Gospel in South Sudan, bringing our vision to evangelize South Sudan from South to North and from West to East.
November 27th, we received Jino Longa an evangelist tasked with translating the New Testament from English to Madi Burulo a local language spoken here which is almost disappearing fast. ONMI presented Jino Longa with a Laptop to do translation of the Bible.
ON November 28th, I spent an hour on the radio to discus the out come of my most recent trip to Israel with over the airwaves of South Sudan and Uganda.
We also had medical outreach to the community dispensing medical supplies.
This Sunday, I attended the Nile Beth Israel in Bibia where I addressed the State of the church which which I overseer. During the service the Elders prayed for my family and ministry for healing, God's provision and protection. We also had baby dedication .
I was back in the Beth Israel farmland to pray with the farms staff and gave them encouragement . We planted 1200 Eucalyptus trees yesterday in addition to 2000 which were already planted before my arrival.
The farm is teeming with a lot of food Crops which are ready for harvest. We have cassava, grain, orange, Guavas, Peanuts, millet, Papayas . The biggest challenge is now finding market for them,.
Today, I;m leaving for the USA and at least I want to give you an overview what the Lord has done during my time here on the ground.

Prayers and appreciation.
I want to thank God for your prayers and financial support to cover the entire month of October to take care of our general Fund after we surrendered everything to God. Counting on our blessings and believing in His unfailing promises, we waited patiently like Rev. George Mueller of Bristol, UK who depended solemnly on God for the provision needed to run a 2000 children orphanage.
Current Budget
1- Our fix/variable monthly support December 2019.
We have a projected budget of $18,000. But God knows what is actually needed. So I’m not concern. I only ask you to join us in your prayers.
"Take therefore no thought for the tomorrow: for the tomorrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient to the day is the evil thereof."
USA ONMI office - $5000 General operating fund
Agriculture - $3,500.00
Medical - $1,500
Mission field staff $4,000
Equipment /fuel - $1400
Evangelistic outreaches - $2000.00
MBBTT Bible Translation: - $2000
NTC 97.3 FM operating & maintenance budget - $2000
2- To donate to our Special long term project : Nehemiah Polytechnic institute:
Pleas follow the link to Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute
What is the goal of NPI ? One of the key solutions to stop people from leaving South Sudan into exile, stop the war and contribute to peace and economy stability is to build vocational schools that will have a tangible impact on the community. To date, South Sudan imports most of her skilled labor force from Uganda and Kenya. A country can’t survive like this. The root causes of instability in South Sudan are spiritual, physical, political and as well as economical. There is a massive exodus of people leaving the country either because of war or the search for education and employment. Unfortunately, 99 % of them never come back. Therefore, with your support and encouragement, our next initiative is the construction of the Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute and Studies of Biblical Worldview at the Yerushalayim Summit on Gordon MT in Nimule.
3- Another special long term Project is the Mugali Church, Parsonage and well project.
We received the first funding of $3,000 toward the construction of the church, the parsonage and well in Mugali village. We thank God for this funding. Fund will go toward bricks production. Of the $34,000 needed, we are now down to $31,000. The project is kicking of beginning this November.
Church building - $ 15,000
Parsonage - $10, 000
Well - $9,000
IN His Grace
William Levi, Founder and Overseer