A tribute to Herman Simmeth: So Lord, teach us to number our days in 2023
Dear Brother and Sister,
Shalom to you and your family. Iam wishing you a prosperous New year 2023. This is the moment to thank God for Life itself. 2022 came and went. "So teach us to number our day that we may get a heart of wisdom." Psalms 90: 12. Yes, indeed, it is so true isn’t it? Some of us have made it to 2023 But some of our dear ones never crossed into 2023 but remained on the other side and passed on to Eternity. Those who have learned to number their days spend them in pursuit of wisdom, goodness, and the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). They don’t have to fear the wrath of God when their earthly lives are over. Yeshua came to earth to make a way for us to be made right with God (2 Corinthians 5:21). But He won’t force His gift of eternal life on anyone (John 3:16–18). Those who never learn to number their days spend them as if this life is all there is. I truly want to thank God for you because of the precious time He gave us to spend wisely last year, laboring for the Great Commission.
A tribute to Herman Simmeth: Last October 2022, I got a sobering call from Mrs. Patricia Simmeth who allowed me to share this tribute on ONMI Newsbreak. She and her husband Mr. Herman Simmeth were longtime supporters of ONMI from the onset of the ministry in the early 90s to date. This is a small part to say thank you and to pray for Sister Patricia Simmeth who is a widow now. She said her husband was very ill and since he had been part of ONMI for all these years, she would like me to pray with him, if he could speak , this would be his desire. I got on the phone with Brother Simmeth and prayed with him. He was weak but alert and he could hear my voice. We prayed together and said , Amen. He echoed it by noting his head his wife confirmed.
Couple of days later, I called to check on him, But Mrs. Simmeth said, he passed onto Eternity soon after we prayed. They were married over 40 years. Death is like a thief. Nobody knows the hour when it will strike. But yet death has no power over those who are in Yeshua. Brother Simmeth was ready and he was at peace with Yeshua. He went home peacefully. He finished the race, fought a good fight and, kept the faith.
Iam sure you too knew someone or several people dear to your heart up until last year or even up until this week, they breathed their last and passed onto to Eternal Life or Eternal damnation. As Hebrew 9: 27 says, it is appointed for a man to die once then judgment. In 2023, we just have to remember to be ready and right with Yeshua whether we live or die, we must live and die for HIM and be ready for His Return. This life is short, but Eternity is long. Those who put their Trust in Him will not be put to shame.
In Eternity , there is no time for repentance nor forgiveness, but judgement. Therefore, as Apostle Saul, Ambassador of Yeshua implored the Corinthians, to be reconciled to God, so also in 2023, we too must implore people in our lives without Yeshua not to waste time but be reconciled to God in Yeshua.
The highlight of 2022
As we begin the year 2023, there are so much I would like to share with you. The highlights of 2022 was seeing God’s provision and protection upon our lives in the family and ministry here in the USA and around the world . Through trial and tribulation, He has sustained us. With your benevolent support, in the midst of gloomy USA economy outlook and erosion of US Moral society , with His blessing and your benevolence , we were able to press ahead.
Despite it all, you came through and able to put smiles on the faces of these youngsters who are not longer living in the camps _ Guavas harvest
Despite the odds, you came through and able to put smiles on the faces of these youngsters are longer living in the camps but in South Sudan
In May 2022, I spent one month in South Sudan with ground team of ONMI field staff. I was able to overseer the completion of Bethlehem Primary School building, We managed to cut down food import from Uganda at least by 90 %. Over 100 people gave their Live to Yeshua the body of Yeshua is growing. In 2022, ONMI’s South Sudan mission enjoyed the longest security calm in the region. Cease fires and upcoming election for 2024 are holding up. Nehemiah Field clinic treated at least 2000 outpatients thank to your financial support to buy medicine and pray for them. God has been protecting and providing for those who have returned from exile to rebuild their country from the ashes of war.
Communion Sabbath
Outlook of South Sudanese families not living in the refugee camps
Out look of South Sudanese spiritual elders not serving in the refugee camps