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A voice for South Sudan in the USA also means to stand for and with USA

Shalom to you Brother and Sister. Join me to pray for the USA and all those support for the work of ONMI this week. A voice for South Sudan in the USA also means to stand for USA. These days, I have been speaking at major events in eastern and central part of MA in Boston & Auburn area about issues confronting all of us Americans in the bluest of the blue states such as MA and the rest of New England. Some of the leaders of these event, want people like me who came from other countries legally to seek religious freedom in America to remind Americans born here in this country not to ascribe to the woke ideologies that have burned other nations to the ground from taking root in this country.

I also notice in this speaking engagement, there are still the Gideon army who has not given into the intimidation of Satanic attacks through the Liberal Leftist agenda even in these ultra-Liberal states. Conservative Americans from all strides are taking MA and USA in general back from the Liberal left and this effort is reverberating across the country. Everybody I met is saying the same thing that what has befall the United States is Spiritual warfare than physical. Therefore, we must resort to spiritual measures to fight back. The bible is our guiding light and wisdom. We must return to the word of God, which is the old path.

Born and raised in the Sudan under Sharia Law, I came to America to seek religion Freedom to escape the Sudan's Islamic persecution. My mission here is more than just to reclaim South Sudan for Yeshua, but like so many of us who have found refugee here we want to fight together with you for the soul of this country to keep the USA out from the brink of tyrannical & diabolical ideology from the pit of hell in the likes we have never seen before.

The current woes we are facing as a nation whether it is the scourge of abortion or Homosexuality/LGBTQ in steroid, economy, inflation, attack on nucleus family, CRT, Woke culture, political incompetence in WDC, shortage of food supplies, skyrocketing gas prices, open borders, deadly impact of Covid Vaxx killing more Americans than the cure, war mongering and fermenting global chaos , violent Criminal enterprise across the USA, they all boil down to only one thing, a decaying nation in rebellion against God. These are only symptoms of deeper issues which we are facing as a nation.

We must return to the foundation not made with the hand of man that made the USA the Greatest Judeo-Christian civilization on earth. Isaiah 59. Repentance is in order and God promised to heal us. The United States of America is the face of the world. There is no country on earth that has every sample of the entire mankind created in the image of God male & female on this planet than the USA. But in all of this we also know the Evil and the enemy is lurking in the mix. The goal of the enemy is to tear down and erase from existence the evidence of the fabric of Judeo- Christian Civilization which underlines the stability of the enduring constitutional republic known as the United States of America.

The USA is at critical juncture of her life as an Exceptional nation on earth. The fundamental question arises to everyone who live here. Which side are you on as the line is drawn and there is No a middle ground? Irrespective of your social status, skin complexions, ethnicity, rich or poor, or what your political persuasion is, God saw it fitting for us to be in this country as one human race on this planet to enjoy the blessing of resources which are priceless. Iam a Conservative Messianic Believer and I stand for putting God First and America First Principle. When q we put God First and the closest, the America First Principle succeed, then all benevolent mission within and without the USA will succeed because by the delineation of USA as a Constitutional Republic, it imperative that America First principle is no brainer.

We cannot survive as a people, much less as a country if we do not believe that there is Good versus Evil, there is truth versus false, right versus wrong, Light versus darkness and God versus Satan, and we cannot embrace both nor deny that they do not exist. Whether you are born here or came from somewhere else like me who sought Religious Freedom here, ask yourself, what is your goal and role here in the USA? To be thankful or to blame everyone for your woes.? To be a victor or a victim? To be Awake or to be a Woke? To replenish or to plunder. To give or to get. Whether to protect our Judeo-Christian Constitution and Amendment or replace it with Islamic Shariah law? To acknowledge God's unwavering regulation on climate or to be agent or hoaxer for Climate Change? To keep our Constitutional Republic or replace it with Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Antifascism, BLMism? Do you want to leave the United States better country than you found her or contribute to her demise? Even though she falls, she shall rise when we repent from our sins and return to God. 2 Chronical 7:14.

Thank you for praying for our country and supporting the vision of Operation Nehemiah Missions

Would you consider donating today? These are the most immediate needs that need to be met in August 2022 to meet the needs at $135,000 covering (USA office -$25,000, Church construction - $35,000, Dormitory - $15,000, Medical Facility - $25,000. Gospel radio - $15,000, Agriculture - $10,000, South Sudan office - $10,000. Your donations are tax deductible and online donations can be made at

Checks can be sent to Operation Nehemiah Missions PO Box 563 Landsborough, MA 01237.

Thank you for your generosity and honesty. May God bless you and keep you.

In His Grace, Founder and Overseer, William Levi

Tel: 413-770-4711,



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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