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All hands to the deck, as flood cuts off the road and threatens infrastructure.

October 16, 2021: South Sudan: All hands to the deck. Those who have returned from exile realized , if you are going to build a new community in a brand new country ( 193rd nation on earth) from nothing , you can't just get overwhelmed, sit in the mud, complain, cry, lament and blame some one else for not building the road way before the disaster strikes. Today, the only road, leading to Bethlehem-Borongole in Kerepi from the main Juba-Nimule highway was flooded and rendered impassable.


Obvious question for South Sudanese brethren is: Do you want a change? You are the change and make it happens. This is exactly what ONMI staff in South Sudan is doing. You have provided us with resources to deal with situation such this scenery here as crazy as it looks, This is our version of 4feet of snow on the ground. It has been raining daily and the flood sets in as the mud softens , the ground gives way. Nothing is moving.


The Crisis come from all sides and the battles are fought on many fronts: Gospel outreach, Family Protection, Food Security, Infrastructure, Healthcare, Education, Clean water, not to mention Elephants dangerously roaming wild destructive to human and crops etc.

Last year around this time, the rain came very heavily and broke the river bank and took out the only bridge connecting us to the Beth Israel Farmland. With your support, we came out strong. We fixed the bridge. So far it is holding up. This year, the rain down poured very heavily for days and took out the road connecting ONMI's Bethlehem mission and the surrounding community to the Main Juba- Nimule highway.


It has effectively blocked vehicles from bringing some construction materials into location. Thank God for your help. But this year we are more prepared thank to you for the backhoe, tractor, dump truck and all the available tools our disposal. Our staff galvanized their manpower, went out to fix the road. Yes, there are challenges but the opportunities are even greater and better.

ONMI staff at Bethlehem Borongole , EE State refused to surrender themselves to be cut off from the main road by the flood in history in Kerepi Sub District off Juba- Nimule highway.

They refused to wait for the UN agencies come and assess the road. All that they will do is to turn this into the fallacy of Climate change and do nothing, then blame the government of South Sudan for not doing enough with road condition. Our team rolled their sleeves and got to work. All hands to the deck. All available tools backhoes, tractors, dump trucks, hoes, shovels are brought to bear to fix the road.

This is the spirit every South Sudanese needs to embrace if we are going to develop this country from nothing. Thank you for pushing us forward with the vision of ONMI.

These are tough times for these returnees coming back home from exile. But these challenges must take their courses to build them up to do bigger things which God is preparing them for.

Future plan for Road construction equipment. So as we walk by faith, not by sight, we are praying for some road construction equipment between 2021- 2025 . Notably Road grader, Roller and rock crusher and a good dump truck.


Bethlehem Primary school Construction Phase two has kicked off and even the rain and the flood won't stop it. The rain has messed up the road for bringing other construction materials in to the site. But we have at least 80% of construction materials on location. However with the fixing of the road in progress, the engineers are ready to carry on with the work.

For months, since April ONMI's block production team have been producing these Interlocking Hydraform blocks on the other side of the property,. They have been waiting for the foundation to be finished. Last week, we finished the foundation now we have moved all the blocks to the construction.


News brief from American Center for Law and Justice: the USA

Biden's DOJ just attempted to block the Texas Heartbeat Act.

Thankfully, a federal appeals court temporarily reinstated the lifesaving law, for now. That could change AGAIN any day.

We must continue to fight the abortion distortion and SAVE BABIES.

Christians in Afghanistan are in extreme danger.

The Taliban is going door to door looking for Christians to kill, even searching phones for Bible apps. ACLJ Senior Counsel for Global Affairs Mike Pompeo warned of an impending "genocide" of Christians.

Jordan Sekulow just delivered an urgent oral intervention to the U.N. urging international intervention to defend Afghan Christians.

A Christian man faces a possible death sentence under Pakistan's archaic blasphemy laws. And Christian and Hindu girls (minors) are being forced to marry Muslim men.

We made a critical oral intervention on behalf of Pakistan's helpless Christians, while our legal team on the ground takes action in Pakistani courts.



The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is being interpreted by Jews around the world as a call to come to Israel, and the Jewish state must be

253 new Olim from the Bnei Menashe community in India landed in Israel on Wednesday. Hailing from Manipur in northeast India, they have ..

Israel's President Isaac Herzog addressed on Wednesday the International Forum on Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Anti-Semitism in


John us in prayer for the following needs

My family & ONMI staff and their families need your prayers for protection for marriages, families, health, provision, wisdom and strength.

Financial - October Budget Balance is priority - $98,000

How can you help?

. As you have been a witness to what the Lord is doing through ONMI - October is $98,000. Donate Now What is currently on the table for ONMI - September is the last month of the rainy season to close out the year 2021 in active farming to have a good harvest in November and December. We have 2 weeks to do active cultivation. ONMI's October monthly contribution stand at $80,000. This money is broken up in 5 segments:

Raised: 25,000m balance$73,000

USA Office: $20,000. Fund will go toward fundraising, management and operational cost

Bethlehem Primary Construction budget 2nd Phase- $20,000

ONMI ongoing Projects: block production, Agricultural, Medical and Radio Broadcasting - $20,000

ONMI Staff & infrastructure: $20,000 for Management, staff, fuels, and Gospel radio broadcasting

Transportation bus: $18,000


May God bless you and Keep you and be gracious to you and give you

God blesses

In His grace

William Levi, Founder and Overseer

Of Operation Nehemiah Missions

Po Box 563Lanesborough MA 01237




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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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