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"Beauty in Ashes", they came in Rags and without Salvation, they returned in full...

Shalom to you and family,

Last week, I brought to you the joy of Salvation seeing how God brought 80 young people to Salvation in South Sudan as we celebrated Father's Day here in the USA . This is not coincidental event. It is truly a testimonial power of God that God is our Eternal Father who adopted us after the Fall of Human race from Grace as His children, brothers and sisters by the power and atoning Blood of Yeshua and through the renewal and generation of The Holy Spirit. You have adopted South Sudanese believers as your spiritual sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, just as God adopted us. Through your love, prayers and financial support and encouragement, many souls have been restored.

God commands us to mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice. Romans 12:15

As I write this report, I also want to be mindful as beneficiary of your generosity on behalf of ONMI that many of you are going through your own trials in this live. Some of you have death, illness, loss of job and family Crisis. No many people know what you are going through because you may not have a platform to share your struggles other than those who are around you. But God is always there regardless and I want you to know that you are not alone. We are standing with you in your struggles. Couples of years ago, I sent a Thank you note to our consistent donor and couple of of times the newsletter came back unread. One day, the relative of the donor called me and told , he had passed on. I was so devastated because such a dear brother slipped into Eternity WITHOUT WARNING. However, God commands us to mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice. Romans 12:15

I would like you to remember these families in your prayers as THEY ARE GOING THROUGH DIVERSE TRIALS:

The Miller family - who are grieving the loss of their youngest sister

/sister in law to stroke that came without warning!

Mrs. Asselmeyer struggling with s paralysis could

not longer walk .

The family & friends of Gladys Delatorre, she went to be with the Lord

one month ago.

Pastor M. Gantt - Heart conditions

In South Sudan: Jeremiah and Winnie- loss of a child due to miscarriage

In South Sudan: The Morejan Family as they are grieving the loss of Ambassador Angelo Vuga Morejan who passed away in Uganda and as they struggle with government red taps and protocol to get his body for burial from Uganda to South Sudan. ONMI has been tasked with responsibility to use the backhoe to clear overgrown family property deserted due to Crisis of 2016 so that he can be buried and for thousands of mourners to gather since he is a national figure.

In South Sudan; Jam

es & Rejoice family, grieving the loss of multiple family members and relatives in successive death in the past one month.

In Rumbek, Lake State, South Sudan, Pastor Thon asked for prayers as cattle raiders from adjacent clans took thousands of cattle and gunned down 8 of his friends in the raid.

My own family , the Levite family

Mission report: They came in rag and without Salvation, they returned in full. In three months 89 Received Salvation and all are smiling in their new uniform.

Now three months have passed, since Bethlehem Nursery & Primary School made its debut in April, we have seen nothing else but God’s blessing on our commitment to meet the needs of the returning Christians families from Ugandan exile and thanks to God for your generosity. Your support to Operation Nehemiah to bring in Bibles, and support our ground pastoral leaders and school teachers to teach the fundamental of Biblical world view to this young generation is bearing fruits. Those parents who made their decision to bring their offspring to be educated at the school we just opened in Bethlehem, EE South Sudan, will not be disappointed. As Ugandan school system went down on lockdown mode due to covid19 for indefinite period, our school remains opened. We are now in the process of retooling as the children went home to their families for short break. The block production is moving on in full speed.

The Children are dispersed for holiday for 3 weeks. They will come back on July 19.

This woman to the Left being baptized was a Muslim now she is our sister

These are the products of your generosity to secure food for the community directly grown off the land. these are not imports

They are wishing you and appreciation and good by for now.

So far, no single hair of their heads was lost during malaria outbreak in May. They were fed with food grown at Beth Israel Farmland which you support. They came in rag clothing, now they are going home with beautiful school uniform and smiles on their faces.

Many came in without faith in Christ but 80 of them gave their lives to Jesus including a Muslim woman who is now a born-again believer. She has joined us as school teacher. As we speak, the block production is going full speed.

USA, Israel & South Sudan Live Reports

Now days, you are going hear not just read more about what is happening in USA and Israel through our weekly Live streaming program which you will find right here at NTCBN ( Nehemiah Trumpet Call Broadcasting Network)

Tonight from 8:PM- 9 30PM , our Guest speaker on the show will be Frederick Gillette.

Do not miss to check out our my previous interview I had with Pastor John Thon from Rumbek, South Sudan, Chana OZ from Israel, Dianna Ploss from MA and Bethany Hatch from EL Passo, TX

On July 2, my guest speaker will be Mariam Ibraheem who was condemned to death by Islamic Sharia law in the Sudan for being a Christian but miraculously she was release and she came to the USA to tell her Story.

Needs for prayers as we are closing out June. Thank God , we raised $40,000 , et $20,000 balance uncounted for. This is urgent!

However, we are coming to the of June momentarily. To date, we have raised $40,000 still behind by $20,000.

If God's willing that this fund comes in the next few days, we want to use portion of the funding to get more sleeping bunk beds, mosquito nets, Electrical power for the student for reading and school desks for the students before they get back.

We also want to put part of the funding to address the food security at Beth Israel Farmland. We are planting various tropical food to meet all the needs in the field.

Prayers and Needs for ONMI

ONMI staff and their families

June Budget is $60,000.

Raised; $38, 900

Balance due $22,100 before June 30.


May God bless you and Keep you and be gracious to you and give you His Shalom.

In His grace

And Service

William Levi, Founder & Overseer, Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough, MA 01237




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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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