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Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for Me?

Shalom to you I want to thank you for your faithfulness and continuous support to advance the Vision of ONMI here in the USA as well as in South Sudan. I am very grateful for your strong support for standing with us in prayers and encouragement to my family and ministry. ONMI has not lost momentum during all these unsurmountable Pressure from all fronts because of your support. The year 2021 opened up with a lot of challenges and opportunities as well. As the Lord is faithful, I declare his promises “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for Me?” Jeremiah 32:27.

This last trip has renewed and strengthened the vision and goal of ONMI from 2021 – 2025 because the main staff of the mission are now back in the country where the Country Director is taking his proper residence according to the vision and the goal of the ministry. I want to thank you for your patience and prayers bearing with us throughout these 5 years waiting for God to open the door for people to come home from exile to implement the original vision of Operation Nehemiah Missions since 1993.

What happened then and what is going on now in the Sudan in relationship to ONMI ?

I want to answer some questions from couple of our subscribers who wanted to know something and perhaps it can help everyone.

We are reminded that Those who forget history, are bound to repeat it. The backdrop of the Vision of Operation Nehemiah Mission.

As time passes, people forget why you are supporting Operation Nehemiah's effort in South Sudan and what is this all about the Sudan?.

The South Sudan national Crisis of 2016 should not be confused with the reason why ONMI is working in South Sudan today.

We are in South Sudan because we are in continued journey of progression. We are rebuilding the lives of people from the ashes of Islamic war of Persecution that went for 50 years. This current displacement only added to our challenges and daunting task to rebuild a people and a nation. This is why we are thankful to God for your support that you are still persevering with us.

Our mission predated the 2016 Crisis. The Crisis of 2016, disrupted our original progress by driving tens of thousands of South Sudanese again into Uganda exile, leaving the country again in desolation and in ruin. As we kept pressing on for the past 5 years implementing the vision of the ministry among the remnants, again, just as we were about to lose hope, as South Sudan descended into the gutter of self destruction, God intervened and stopped the war in February 2020.

It was at the backdrop of this historical event, explained above , we are witnessing the return of the people from the second exile. As a result, the nature of the challenges remain the same even though the nature of the threat is not exactly the same. People are now suffering from devilish weapons of rebellions against God because of material and worldly pursued. If it is not Islamic persecution, it could be something else. We are still dealing with the same country, same community and facing the same challenges to rebuild the country from nothing. This was why I said, in my last report, that we have just begun rebuilding the country' from scratch as tens of thousands of South Sudanese are coming back from exile for the second or the third time. The challenges that each family faces is the same across the board.

The questions;

Where will I stay? Where will I find food,? Is it safe to return? Will the peace treaty hold? Where will my children get education, go to Church, or have medical care ? Many families are grappling with these questions. Some are considering the idea of making a partial move to South Sudan so that all of their questions can be satisfied. Specially so that their children can get education in Uganda and still have the benefit of living in South Sudan or if there is nothing in South Sudan, then some families have considered, staying in Uganda all together.

Missionary fatigue.

Some of our US missionary families and friends with whom we co-labored for years in South Sudan have their own fatigue syndrome just as well. To many , South Sudan is a lost cause, irredeemable people and country. It is a waste of time and dangerous place to do mission. But again, there is no a safe place to do mission on this planet . Spiritual darkness is everywhere. We are only safe and at peace in Yeshua. John 14: 27 . God wants us to shines as children of Light no matter what. Matthew 5: 13-15

What is ONMI Response?

With your support, and having confidence in God in faith, ONMI rejects both options and want families and their children to return home and remain permanently in South Sudan and rebuild their country. Missionaries, both short and long term are welcome to come to South Sudan and fulfill their calling in the Great Commission.

We point them to God and the OPPORTUNITIES that exist in South Sudan

South Sudan is a virgin land. She is very young independent country. It is God’s gift to the Christians after years of Islamic Persecutions. The opportunity to excel and serve God’s kingdom on earth is tremendous in South Sudan. It is the land of Pioneers and Dreamers for those who walk by faith not by sight.

We are thankful for America

We must be thankful to God for having our base in the USA where people generously give to the cause of the Great Commission they believe in. If we were to be in other country, I don’t know if we could have been successful


So, with your help, we are implementing the followings: based on the original Five central focus of the ministry.

1- Keep the families and their children in South Sudan.

2-Re-establish Church services and Biblical discipleship: Construct a new church building to house minimum 700 people.

3- Open Private schools to educate our young. Open Bethlehem Primary & Nursery Academy : Construct the school to serve as day and Boarding school.

4- Establish food security by expanding Farmland and produce food from within the country

5 - Re-open Nehemiah Field clinic.

Phase one of Construction of production has started. This week has kicked off with Hydraform block production. the strength of the block is 7 PSI in against African traditionally burned bricks. This red Soil you see here will be transformed into construction blocks next week!

We are anticipating to make 140,000 of them to build the church, primary and nursery school, dormitories and wall Fence.

Next week, as we are waiting for Cement delivery from Uganda, you will be seeing the actual blocks coming out of this soil. The composition of the block is 90 % soil, 4 % cement, 4 % sand and 2% water

In our annual response to food security : ONMI entrepreneurial coordinator for vegetables, Bee Keeping and Tree Plantation, Mr. Festo's Otim has been fully engaged since March in setting up nursery beds for vegetables. This week, he and his team are busy transplanting onions, peppers, cabbages, carrots, tomatoes to their final growing fields.

Prayer for USA

Conservatives and Red states refused to be bullied or poisoned by Woke CEOs who have been beaten into silent by Leftist Liberal progressive agenda that is destroying America's Faith, Family and Freedom. The combined Biden and Obama's presidency has no support or encouragement for Judeo-Christians America, Faith, Family and Freedom. Their administration policies set up at home is driven by UN global Agenda 21 which echoes their policies setup abroad as Opposed to President Trump's MAGA . Their agenda has infiltrated and poisoned Corporate America, Social Networks and Corporate Media. They want Corporations to be their primary implementers . They are working hard to get rid of it. But Conservatives are fighting back for our freedom at home and abroad.

Prayer for Israel

We mourn and grieve with Israel the loss of lives and those critically injured by stampede during a frantic rush at a very large Religious gathering in northern Israel as reported by TPS News Israel.

Hundreds of thousands of Jewish worshipers arrived at the gravesite of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai to celebrate Lag BaOmer and participate in the traditional bonfire lighting. At about 1 am, the throngs bottlenecked at one of the entrances to one of the celebration complexes and hundreds of people were crushed, many suffocating under the mass and the intense heat. The police, MDA, ZAKA, United Hatzalah and IDF forces worked through the night to evacuate the wounded and tend to the dead.

Prayers and Needs for ONMI in South Sudan and USA

ONMI staff and their families

May Budget is $60,000.

Break down:

$20,000 for USA office,

$20,000 construction project South Sudan

$ 20,000 Infrastructure


Sustain support for staff and infrastructure on the ground and the USA

Construction plan for the school and the Church

Water Tank: We need at least 10,000 Liters water tank

Church Building Project -

Bibles, Out reaches and discipleship:

Medical needs -

New Teachers

Education: 150 Student desks

50 Double Bunk Beds for 100 students -


Education: 100 Mattress

Education: Stationery

Current stability must be observed. People coming back from exile should not be discouraged by dubious armed group staging devilish ambushes on innocent lives on international highway.

Rather together, we must fight Satan, poverty, illiteracy and UN constant presence in a sovereign country must be removed peacefully. They must go back to where they came from. Enough is enough.

May you continue to pray for these believers and they made their ways back to their home country. Everyone is returning to start life from scratch. Reuniting families and resources to support basic infrastructure are the most difficult and challenging things. But Every body is faithfully doing their share to stabilize things here in South Sudan.

God bless

May God bless you and Keep you and be gracious to you and give you His Shalom.

In His grace

And Service

William Levi, Founder & Overseer, Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough, MA 01237



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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