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Do not mess! "Our children are the seeds of mankind" Parents warn!

Shalom my dear brother and Sister in Yeshua, I pray and expect that this newsletter finds you well in Yeshua. From the family and Mission front: Your participation in the work of ONMI has been uplifting and encouraging on every front. I will be embarking on one-month Mission trip to South from May 1- June 4. This is my annual mission visit to the South Sudan to validate and update you on all the effort you have been putting forth to push us forward in 2022.

Thank you for prayers

I ask that you keep praying for my family and the families of our field staff for God's protection and continuum provision. I also pray for every one of you, our prayer partners and benefactors and your family for God's healings and protection and provision.

My annual visit to South Sudan comes with excitement and challenges of its own. Iam excited because just like in the days of Saul’s apostolic ministry and missionary journey concentrated in Asia minor (Turkey), Greece, Rome & the Balkans along the coast of Med Sea in the first century. He could not wait to get back to Jerusalem to meet with the brethren, bringing with him the encouragement and financial support that the churches he visited had raised in support of the brethren in Israel. … “but now, I am going to Jerusalem serving the saints. 26 For Macedonia and Achaia have been pleased to make a contribution for the poor among the saints in Jerusalem.” Romans 15:26. Like the Macedonians & Acaians, you always make my journey back to South Sudan fruitful. I always go full of your gifts and blessing to the brethren.

The challenges come with the imperatives to bring with me any material needed in the field from the USA to advance the Great Commission. These materials come in the form of discipleship materials, education, agriculture, medical, IT, water, and Gospel radio broadcasting etc. and much more. These are challenges that have been taking most of my times lately as I share the needs with you benefactors, precipitated by the urgent need for financial intervention to get everything ready for the plane.

I want to thank you for your contribution to meet these needs. Through your intervention, I was able to purchase most of the sensitive material for the luggage coming on board with me. I now have One week left from tomorrow. Of the $25,000 earmarked to take care of the USA side of things and trip logistic and all these other needs as I mentioned above, we are now closing the gap. If you the Lord leads to give, you are more than welcomed. Praise the Lord. If you have already contributed, I thank you for everything to make this happens "And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”. 2 Corinthians 9:8

Nucleus family is under attack - Report acr0ss the USA

As I prepare to travel to South Sudan, my heart is heavy and yet hopeful that God will have His way in the midst of it all. I will be remised not to remind you to pray and have concerns for this beloved country of ours, USA. We are saturated with so much evil reports on hourly bases plaguing America. But yet faithful brothers and sisters like you across the nation, give us reasons to hope.

As a father to 8 children and many of you are parents as well, the nucleus family is under attack in the likes we have never seen before. The enemy's eyes are on the nucleus family/ When a government proposes to mandate childcare, sexual brainwashing o our children at the adolescent, when men taking over women sports , when the definition of a woman who is created in the image of God and who brings the lives of boys and girls into this world is left to anyone’s guess, when a government is deliberately engaged in trying to pass behemoth bill that will give free money to the institutions that hate God and nucleus family is empowered to take care of your children and putting parents mandatorily on welfare check payment, you know, the goal is to severe children’s tie to the nucleus family and parents are marketed to breed children in controlled human labs for the pleasures of the State which has become a god. Sounds familiar? China!

When you destroy the seeds by eating them

When you destroy the seeds by eating them or letting them get rotten during and after harvest, as a farmer, you know you will not plant in the next season. Growing up in the arable land of Sudan and Uganda we only ate what we grew in our own farm. You can’t go and grab food from your neighbors by force. There was no farm markets or supermarkets. My parents used to warn us not to eat the seeds set aside for the next season plantation or else we won’t plant or harvest our crops to sustain the family. Protecting seeds from fire, heat, rain, rodents, and ants took precedence over everything else because our lives depended on it to guarantee food security in the next season.

Our children are the seeds of mankind

Our children are the seeds of mankind, the future generation to be preserved for the continuum of mankind to the next. You can’t make this up. It has been here since Creation. We need boys and girls to remain in the state of God’s Creative order, male and female he created them to procreate and fill the earth and take dominion. It is not that complicated. Every aspect of our body’s organs is accurately and timely designed and placed to fit in like puzzles before inception by God himself. The closest analogy, I can think of is like professional engineer who designs planes to take off to the sky with exact built-in components to balance drag, lift, gravitational and thrust forces. It is the principle of irreducible complexity. It is either there or nothing. Otherwise, it won’t fly.

Iam speaking about the brainwashing and body mutilation & evisceration of young children from inside out by the woke sexual perverts, removing their vital sexual organs that can never be replaced in zillions of years by replacing it with something fake. All this is done in the name of gender equity and gender Dysphoria. How does this line up with the idea that children are not adults until they turned 18 to make real decision for their lives? So much of hypocrisy there.

These are perilous time folks “Thorns and snares lie on the path of the perverse; he who guards his soul stays far from them. Unfettered and the timeless sustaining wisdom of God from generation to generation says “ Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. “ Proverbs 22:6. Satan is now taking this Proverbs and perverting it by taking our children at adolescence and turning their minds and hearts into septic tanks. Yes, if they these people are not confronted from carrying out Satan’s plan, they will train our children in this nation to grow and go through that path of evil; and they will not depart from it.

It is very dangerous and evil days we live in specially when The thorns and the snares that lie on the path of the perverse is our own government and corporation at all levels which are hell bent on inflicting irreparable sexual indoctrination on our children from age of 3- and up.

Unfortunately, our current ultra -Leftist Liberal government officials from the President, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Press Secretary, a recent supreme Court Justice to Walt Disney, and Media do not blush to tell parents and the nation that surgical sex reassignment to children is “American Value.” Since when? They are removing already brainwashed gender dysphoric children from the parents if the parents refuse to go along with this woke cultural epidemic that as been hatched out of our own academic system across America.

Calling good, evil and evil good, this government and woke corporations have opposed, silenced and threatened individuals, and states like FL, VA, TX AL with impunity for doing what they were elected to do, i.e, for taking exact corrective measures to allow parents to be the primary instructors for the upbringing of their children in their respective states and in this country.. “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Proverbs 29:2

Would you consider donating today? These are the most immediate needs in April 2022 to meet the needs below. Total budget - $111,000. Immediate needs involving my mission trip to South Sudan and several projects for April - $111,000. entails – Mission trip & US office - $25,000, medical equipment - $28,000. South Sudan office - $24,000, Agriculture - $10,000. Church construction – $10, 000 and medical building construction-$10,000. Fuel and maintenance - $5000,

Your contribution is tax deductible and online donation can be made at Checks can be send to Operation Nehemiah Missions PO Box 563 Landsborough, MA 01237

Since I will be traveling out of the country in May through June, large donations can be wired directly to Operation Nehemiah Missions bank account # 827160781, Greylock Federal Credit Union, Routing number # 211885250

Thank you very much for your generosity and faithfulness.

God bless you & keep you.

In His grace, William Levi, Founder & Overseer

Phone: 413-770-4711 , e-mail:



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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