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Field Report & NTCBN welcomes Pastor Michael Gantt tonight from 8 PM t0 9 PM tonight

Shalom to you my dear brother and sister in Yeshua. Today is July 20th, we are 11 days away from the end of July. Thank you for your prayer and support for the mission of Operation Nehemiah Missions in South Sudan. Three weeks ago, ONMI’s completed its first academic administrative role presiding over Bethlehem Primary and Nursery School in Bethlehem, EE state, South Sudan. The students finished their first semester at this maiden school first of its kind to educate Biblically South Sudanese children from various ethnic groups from across South Sudan. Parents and their children were taken by surprise in term of learning material that have been taught to their sons and daughters at Bethlehem Primary and Elementary school. They realized the education that their children have received was far superior to anywhere else where their children had gone to school before coming to BPNS.

Back to School

So, this week, parents begun to drop their children off to the school to begin their second semester 2021. The atmosphere at the Bethlehem mission compounds was very enthusiastic. Pastor Timothy Levi, ONMI country director commended.

Therefore, I want to give you my sincere appreciation for underwriting financial support to purchase materials to make bunkbeds, mattress, solar panels, and solar generators for the students. As you can see the in the picture below, our staff is busy offloading materials from truck and they are ready to begin the work of making bunk beds for the students right at the Mission compound.

NTCBN welcomes Pastor Michael Gantt tonight from 8 PM to 9PM and you can watch us rights here at NTCBN

A Watchman on the Wall

Unafraid, Unashamed, Undaunted

His watchmen are blind; they all are ignorant; they all are dumb dogs, unable to bark; sleepers lying down, who love to slumber. Isaiah 56:10

Now as for you, son of man: I have set you a watchman to the house of Israel. Therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them from Me. Ezekiel 33:7

Michael Gantt Ministries Sharpening the Iron of the Church

Prayers and needs for my family

ONMI staff and their families

July Budget is $60,000.

Raised; $17,000.00

Thank You

June Budget is $60,000

Raised $60,000

Balance 0.00


May God bless you and Keep you and be gracious to you and give you His S

In His grace

And Service

William Levi, Founder & Overseer, Operation Nehemiah Missions

PO Box 563

Lanesborough, MA 01237



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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