"For such a time as this [and for this very purpose]?” Purim
Shalom to you brothers and sisters in Yeshua, wishing you a blessed Purim. I' am going to be focusing on the whole battle fields not just in South Sudan but throughout the USA and Israel to give you the full picture as to what we are dealing with. It is not just about raising money but what impact can our financial support have on these issues we are dealing with today and how do we pray?
Lesson From Purim:
A Couple of days ago, I shared with you the spiritual challenging of our generation in the 21st century. Anchoring our principle on the vision of Nehemiah, we are able to face the challenges of our days. You can't run passed Nehemiah, Ezra and Esther when you are involved in running a ministry, a church, synagogue, a family, a country or a business. The resolve of these three biblical characters are very impressive for putting faithful fight against tyrants and oppressors. Today, we are celebrating Purim in remembrance of Queen Esther under the rein of Persian King called Ashauraus, who was her husband as well. We are reminded of this message to her from her uncle Mordecai who said, "Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, “Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father’s house will perish [since you did not help when you had the chance]. And who knows whether you have attained royalty for such a time as this [and for this very purpose]?” The Book of Ezra engages the existential tensions implicit in post-exilic Israel. Being “in the world, but not of the world” and trusting the “good hand of God” when confronted with the secular fist were among the more prominent problems the Israelites and all true Christians faced today.
Yeshua validates the work, the faith and the vision of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther in John 17 when he prayed for His congregation.
In John Chapter 17, Jesus actually prayed and validate the work of Nehemiah, Ezra and Esther. "They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.—John 17:16–19 Again, Jesus doesn’t pray for their immediate well-being. He prays that they would be sanctified or made holy—that they would be kept pure and set apart for God’s use. Where evil promotes itself through error and deception, Jesus prays that the disciples will be purified by the truth. As we celebrate the Purim today we must set ourselves a part for truth and purity and holiness."
Israel is facing another Haman of today, but there are also Esthers to confront him head on.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu quoted from Esther as a warning to Iran's constant menace of Israel with death and destruction. "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu invoked the story of Purim and the downfall of the wicked Haman, who sought the Jewish nation’s destruction, to warn Iran against threatening Israel with nuclear weapons.
TPS News Israel, Aryeth Savir Reports:
USA- Israel News AMIR TSARFATI Reports:
It is unfolding before our very eyes. According to a chilling report by Behold Israel., In Step Towards Returning to the Nuclear Deal, Biden Administration Ends UN Sanctions on Iran. The sanctions, which the Trump administration formally reinstated in 2020, are now being lifted as of Thursday in what is considered to be a telling move by the White House concerning its plans to return to the nuclear deal.
USA: Family Research Council, Tony Perkins Reports:
Marriage, Family and Sexuality. House of Representatives Launches Greatest Ever Assault on Faith, Family, Life, and Freedom
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- By a vote of 224-206, the U.S. House of Representatives gave approval to H.R. 5, the deceptively titled "Equality Act."
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins made the following comments:
"We are witnessing the greatest assault on religious freedom, biological reality, and parental rights ever seen in the U.S. Congress. The sweeping Equality Act expands the definition of 'public accommodation' in many instances to include churches and schools -- including religious schools. The bill redefines what it means to be 'male and female.' It politicizes medicine and forces doctors to violate their consciences. And it redefines religious freedom into something that would be unrecognizable to our Founding Fathers. …."
Family Research Council echoes Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's message to Joe Biden.
USA: Please do not forget to pray and share Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's Message to Joe Biden. Alot of what you just read from Family Research Council, echoes everything that Messianic Rabbi Jonathan is warning Jose Biden and the nation about. He is not taking heed. They need 60 votes in the Senate to make the Equality Act a law of the land. You will be sure that Joe Biden will sign it into law as soon as it reaches his desk. They can even bring the whole vote count to pass it to the simple majority of 50 from 60. This people will stop at nothing unless God steps in. Just watch!
Biden Administration's Policy' impact on US Family, faith and Freedom
The Social network watch dogs are tasked with taking down any message from church leaders across this nation who are within their pastoral mandate to address government leaders when they are superseding their God given authority over the role to govern the nation and encouraging them when they are rendering justice and honoring God. Messianic Rabbi's Jonathan Cahn's message to President Biden was taken down immediately after they found it was watched by over 2 million people in a week. But here it is. Watch it before it is taken down again and again.
Nehemiah held the line, are we holding the line?
What do you do? At the backdrop of this sobering events of our times, how do you address everything Biblically to keep pressing ahead when everything else around you is crumbling without blaspheming God or giving into the enemy? This is where Nehemiah comes in. We are living just like in the day of Nehemiah. A people without vision perish. Each generation has its own critical challenges, each time it involved authority that supersede its power over the governed. This authority always seek to impose itself as God over the governed. We can't just throw the towel and call it a quit and join their ranks. I ask you to have spiritual eyes to see the struggles and the trials in South Sudan in term of what is happening here in the USA and Israel as the same thing in nature. They are tied together because the nature of the opposition is the same. It is spiritual. You can't fight it with physical weapons. Our warfare is not against blood and flesh but against spiritual powers in higher places. It is diabolical and it seeks to defile and render irrelevant that which God has used throughout the ages to sustain a family and a country.
South Sudan: Pastor/ Rabbi Jeremiah Levi, third generation in the Levite family is holding the Line. He is one of the first one going back home.
He was born in Ugandan exile in 1994 during the Sudanese second war of Islamic Persecution to my Eldest brother Rabbi/Pastor Michael and Katherine Levi. He is one of more than 27 pastors called into the ministry from this one family tree. Operation Nehemiah Missions helped and resettled the family in South Sudan in 2007. Jeremiah was only 13. During my family's annual visit to South Sudan to validate the work of the mission, Jeremiah was always seen helping his father setting up worship service for the Congregation at the Nile Beth Israel Messianic Congregation and composing songs to worship the Lord from scratch. He always gets my children involved in what he was doing. In 2016, he came to me and wanted me to disciple him. He wanted to become a Messianic rabbi and Bible teacher and a pastor. There was strong opportunity for the ministry to send him for medical school so that he can serve the growing medical needs of the ministry. He declined.
He said he just wanted to be a pastor. Without prerequisite for theological education only guided by the word and the Holy Spirit, Jeremiah studies the word under the feet of his Elders. Three days week, we plowed through the Bible and used Rabbi Jonathan Cahn's Olive Tree discipleship material and Growing in Maturity Messianic Discipleship Book By Dr. Daniel Juster. Then came the National Crisis in South Sudan in July , 2016, which drove him and his family back to Ugandan exile for the third time. But Jeremiah continues to study the Bible and the materials which I left behind with him on his own. He continued to help his father and his brother who is leading Operation Nehemiah as our country's director. In 2018, a need arose in the congregation in various places to ordain 6 pastors. Jeremiah was one of them, the youngest of all pastors ordained. In 2019, Jeremiah married a young lady named Winnie. Together, they become instruments used by God to advance the Great Commission. As his father is struggling with blindness, having hard time to read the word, Jeremiah and his brother stepped in their father's shoes, holding the line. Today Pastor/Rabbi Jeremiah Levi set up the Watchman on the Wall Pastoral Forum with the vision to Spiritually transform the country and bring spiritual revival to South Sudan and northern Uganda. Last week, he led a group of pastors to the refugee camps in Uganda to prepare the people to go home. This weekend, he is holding a prayer Revival Meeting at ONMI's Yerushalayim Summit on Mt. Gordon, in Nimule, South Sudan, Trumpeting the Good News on NTC 97.3 FM .
Next, he and Winnie have gone ahead to ONMI's Bethlehem/ Borongole mission headquarters, a place which they are have prepared to be their home in South Sudan. This was where he lived for 12 years before the ward broke out and he is going back there to continue to live for Yeshua and raise up his family and shepherd the flock. They have moved there now and preparing to hold the next revival and dedication of Watchman on the wall Prayer meeting with those who have returned from exile.
This is where Jeremiah and Winnie will live in Bethlehem Borongole
Food security and the impact of your contribution.
Beth Israel farmland, is like the Egyptian's Goshen in the day of Joseph. Tucked away in the highland of Akko Mt, the land is so fertile where everything you plant growing quickly and be able to meet threats of drought, locusts, war and displacement. Even in the driest of season, due to specific climate in that region, rain tend to unexpectedly just comes and keep the ground wet most of the time. Opened by ONMI in 2004, the land remains as a source of inspiration for Operation Nehemiah Missions to create a permanent reservoir of food security in South Sudan. This is largely because of your contribution financially to keep us pressing ahead. Only limited by man power, yet we are able to continue annual output of incredible amount of tropical food to meet the need of the community. We grow tropical fruits such as mangos, oranges, bananas and staple crops such as sweet potatoes, bean, cassava, grain, and corns, millets and sesames etc.
In this report, we going to share with you the impact of your support in sending fund grow sweet potatoes which is source Carbohydrate as tuber plant. So we are in the middle of harvesting Sweet potato's . As you can witness, men and women working together peeling, drying and packaging the produce into the sacs for local consumption as well as for local market . We are still scratching the surface of the serious business of using this land and professionally curing this produces for both local and national consumption. Nevertheless, the vision is correct and goal is being realized. As we are expecting people back from exile, they not coming back just eat grass. There is food to start with and this is not UN hand out of food ration. We can build on that. March and April are around the corner, we are preparing the ground for the 2021 cultivation. Please keep this effort in your prayer.
Nursery Bed and Tree planting: Up to the recent, all of our fruit trees were imported from Uganda.
We have been importing most of our fruit seedling from Uganda. The disadvantage of that is, trees seeding are very expensive, and cost a lot of taxation at the border with Uganda and it is not good for South Sudan's economy. You can't create a revolving economy based on that. So lately with availability of water, we are able to start Nursery seedbed in the farm and begin to grow both fruit and timber seedling ourselves. We are very thankful to to God on your account for your understanding the need and contributing funding for this effort.
Israel: Highly recommended . Check them out with link below. Two Israelis friends have created Family board game, called The Way of the Patriarchs. They have raised $4000 already. they need $4000 more
I had the privilege to meet two Israeli young men, Amotz Eyal and Amit Barak while here at NRB conference in CA, USA and at Christian Media Summit in Jerusalem, Israel. Amotz Eyal is director of TPS - Israel's News Agency. TPS News is officially one of the Israeli based News outlet we are privileged to quote from and use their materials on our website, radio station as well News blog. These gentlemen have developed a project called the Way of the Patriarchs, a family board game designed to address the needs during this pandemic period as traveling to Israel for a tour of the Holy land has become increasingly difficult.
it and Amotz have summarized their thoughts below in their own word. Pray for them and let us help them meet the their goal. it is $8000 dollar project ending in a month. You can help directly from their website below. If you allocate some money to this cause through ONMI, please make sure you indicate that it is for them. I will makes sure, it gets to them.
So be happy to help spread the word about the game:
How can you help?
As we are entering the beginning of First quarter January- March 2021, ONMI's Monthly fix & variable budget for the month of February stands at $60,000. We are confident that by the grace of God with your tenacious support, we can meet this goal before the end of the month or a week into the next month. So far we received, $10000,00. We are short by $50,000
All contribution to Operation Nehemiah Mission is tax-deductible.
If the Lord leads you to help us today, for on line donation that will have immediate impact,
please visit our website at www.operationsnehemiah.org
Mission trip:
I will be leaving for a validation mission trip to South Sudan for 2 weeks beginning march 17th to inspect, validate and encourage and be encouraged by the ground leadership team
"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by in Yeshua the Messiah. "
In His grace
William Levi, Founder & Overseer
Operation Nehemiah Missions
PO Box 563
Lanesborough MA 01237 USA