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God Has the Last Laugh. The Impact of SCOTUS Decision: 9-0

Shalom to you brethren. Today, I'm delighted to share with you my domestic mission outreach here in USA. This is a country I'm proud to call my second adopted home here on earth where God has been using me here as fellow American to warn you not to trade your freedom for all the(isms) Islamism, Communism, socialism, Marxism you have been taught in our education system across this exceptional nation as the best alternatives to our Constitutional Republic that has proven to be the best in 244 years thus far. It will be tragic and illusionary beyond proportion for Americans born here not to take heed to the warning that you do not give up on your faith, family and freedom. Do not to surrender and do not throw away your God given Freedom and Blessing of nation. For then in a blink of an eye, replace it with some devilish ideologist from the pit of hell. Unfortunately, this is where we are headed. Only God can help us!!

As originally a native of Sudan, I came to America to seek religion Freedom to escape the Sudan's Islamic persecution of Yeshua), my mission here is more than just to reclaim South Sudan for Yeshua, but like so many of us who have had lived under tyrannical regimes and religious oppression before coming to the USA, do not give in, do not surrender your freedom for a lie.

Regardless, God has the Last Laugh for He will not be mocked. Why are the nations in an uproar, the peoples grumbling in vain? The earth’s kings are taking positions, leaders conspiring together, against Adonai and his anointed They cry, “Let’s break their fetters! Let’s throw off their chains!” He who sits in heaven laughs; Adonai looks at them in derision. " Therefore, kings, be wise. Be warned, you judge of the earth. Serve Adonai with fear; rejoice, but with trembling.

Pastor Hal Shurtleff - V The City of Boston making final remarks

On the steps of the City Hall of Boston, MA addressing the faithful and warning the nation.

Leaders of Liberty Counsel

ONMI with leaders of Massachusetts Family Institute and Liberty Council attorney

With Pastor Shurtleff President of Camp Constitution second from Left

Sister in the Lord who fled Communist Vietnam after the fall of Saigon

So, Psalms 2 applied in such exact ordinance of the City of Boston, MA where God has the last Laugh in the affair of man Contesting his sovereignty and persecuting His children. The City of Boston, MA where the Pilgrims & The Puritans came to the new world seeking for Religious Freedom in 1619 from English Monarch does not longer resemble its historical Biblical legacy. William Bradford, who served as the second governor of MA for 30 years (1623-1633) was signatory to the Mayflowers Compact a governing document which played Foundational role in shaping of the MA in 1780 and of The USA Constitution 1789respectively respectively. Drafted in the Mayflower Compact, one its guideline stated that the colonists would live in accordance with the Christian faith.

Numerous times, this Historic City clearly highjacked by the devil rejected the flying of the Christian Flag on the flagpole of the Boston City Hall. Because the Leftist Liberal City governance said, it was offensive to those whose God is themselves/bellies, as they love to promote satanic activities which is their religion blatantly in defilement of sacred institutions of God (family, Church, Government and businesses.) “The commissioner of Boston’s Property Management Department worried that flying a religious flag at City Hall could violate the establishment clause. ... He therefore (decided) the group could hold an event on the plaza but could not raise their flag during it.” While every year from 2005- 2017, "Flag Day in October, they flew every other flag raising and lowering more than 28o Plus including the LGBTQ and that of Communist China. In May 2022, The USA Supreme Court Decided in Epic Victory for The Church and The First Amendment, Scored 9-0 in favor of Shurtleff V Boston of City. “When the government encourages diverse expression — say, by creating a forum for debate — the First Amendment prevents it from discriminating against speakers based on their viewpoint,” wrote Justice Stephen Breyer in the majority opinion.

Thank to Pastor Hal Shurtleff President of Camp Constitution and “The legal organization Liberty Counsel, which represented (Camp Constitution’s director) in the litigation. We Won 💯. Today August 3rd is for the first-time the City of Boston took the right step as obligated by The Supreme Court to Fly the Christian Flag, the only One besides the USA National Flag and The State Flag of MA and no other flag was present. Now they have learnt their lesson because this is USA not Sodom & Gomorrah Iran, the Sudan or Communist China.

Coming the from the Sudan to America for Religious Freedom like countless others before me, I was humbled by this event as I was invited by the President of Camp Constitution to speak at this historic event on behalf of Persecuted brethren in Yeshua who came from the Sudan and other nations to Religious Freedom in America.

So, to be clear, the Christian flag won't be flown again on the Boston City Pole under this current entrenched Leftist Liberal governments at all state, county and city levels in MA. God will bring the Christian flag back anytime He chooses because there is nothing hard for him to overturn. This was made exemptional to right the wrong and to make the point that the City of Boston was playing double standard and actively engaged in persecution and violation of Pastor Hal Shurtleff and Camp Constitution’s First Amendment Right.

In fact, when the City of Boston realized that Pastor Hal Shurtleff was appealing the previous court decision to the US Supreme Court, they knew they were going to lose so they offer to stop Flag flying Day in October every year all together in exchange for not going ahead with the appeal. But Pastor Hal Shurtleff refused, and he said, it was never about him. But it is all about protecting the Freedom of Religion, Worship, Assembly, Press and Speech from being infringed upon. Had he simply, out of fear flew the flag without, mentioning the name of Jesus and the history of the Judeo- Christian America behind it, they would have allowed the flag to be flown with the rest of the pagan and Satanic flags. This is clearly not different from ISIS asking Christians to recant Jesus and opt for Mohammed if they don’t want to be beheaded. He Instead, he went ahead and appealed it and won. Therefore, The US Supreme Court obligated the City of Boston to raise the Christian Flag even as the City of Boston discontinued their annual flag raising event. God Has the Last Laugh. Amen. Acts 4:12 Peter declared there is no other name on earth and in heaven by which man can be saved except The name above all name, Yeshua the Messiah

"Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.19 But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges!20 As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”'

Praying for ONMI for these needs

Would you consider donating today? These are the most immediate needs that need to be met in august 2022 to meet the needs at $135,000 covering (USA office -$25,000, Church construction - $35,000, Dormitory - $15,000, Medical Facility - $25,000. Gospel radio - $15,000, Agriculture - $10,000, South Sudan office - $10,000. Your donations are tax deductible and online donations can be made at

Checks can be sent to Operation Nehemiah Missions PO Box 563 Landsborough, MA 01237.

Thank you for your generosity and honesty. May God bless you and keep you.

In His Grace, Founder and Overseer, William Levi

Tel: 413-770-4711,



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

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