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God shows His pre-eminence in simple engineering. Remove the Fulcrum, the Lever fall apart.

Shalom to you Co-laborers in the Great Commission, I prayer and hope that this missive finds you well in Yeshua. Today in our report you will find.

a ten-minute video clip summary report on the impact of ONMI’s Food security 2022 and what the Lord wants us to prepare for in 2023. I also share with you the current political, economic and cultural report in our own USA since the Mid-term Election 2022 and current situation in Israel and South Sudan. etc.

ONMI Missions News - South Sudan

ONMI's principle and rule of engagement in Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan, with your prayers and support, we believe Food Security is a vital National Security of any country, especially now in South Sudan. Strength of national technology, military and economic is measured by the strength of the Food Security in the nation. Food security is also peace security at home and abroad. If you can't feed your people, you will have chaos war and street demonstrations. Looking at the United States of America in these few years, the current government of Joe Biden began to mess with food change and food security for political leverage against political opponents, the impact was immediately felt nationwide. Food prices went up and inflation settled in. It has rocked the country to the core and the US is still reeling from this tsunami.

ONMI Long term Initiative - Versus UN Relief dependence & its Impacts

This is what sets ONMI apart from the rest of UN sponsored projects in South Sudan since the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2005 and independence in 2011. For the past 18 years, since 2005, there has not been a single UN driven long term initiative one can point to in 90 % of Pageri County (Magwi County) as evidence of long-term sustainable development. Yet billions of dollars spent. We at ONMI, a very tiny thing compared to the Behemoth UN agenda have taken a different route. We are going back to the old path forged by our forefathers and mothers to return to God and country and make a better use of land and people. Agriculture has been the foundation of all inventions since the third day of Genesis 1 - 3. Today at least there is something we can point to as a sign of a long-term sustainable development in South Sudan through the work of ONMI. The video clip demonstrates that.

In 2022 – we cut down food import from Uganda by 80 % on domestic consumption. What are Challenges in 2023? We need to change our method of food production. We need to produce food for both domestic and commercial consumption to create a revolving economy.

Even with all our effort made thus far we are only scratching the surfaces of the opportunities available in South Sudan in this daunting task as benefactors and co-laborers, we are all together in this. There is a lot to learn and grow. But I implore you do not give up as we ONMI is going through phases of transforming itself.

We couldn’t do without your generous support. Thank you for reaching out beyond your comfort zone and giving to a cause you believe into a people who can’t give back. We can’t overstretch the financial needs of ONMI, nor should we doubt your generosity. We started the year 2023 with gratitude to God on your account. Now one month into it, we can’t focus on the bigness of the challenges before us but the blessing and the promises of Papa God. We can only look to the Hills from where our help comes, Psalms 121.

The best of the News across the USA January 2023. He needs our prayers.

President Trump 45 is running for the president in 2024 for the third time. I heard some progressive pastors saying, he has big mouth, let him shut up and he has no chance winning in 2024! Really? is the only thing you care about in the face of this protracted toxic Liberal Leftist takeover of all our institutions while the church has gone along with their take over for more than 50 years.? Call him a donkey, God can still use a donkey for His purpose. Yeshua rode on a donkey to enter Yerushalayim. Balam was stopped by a donkey too to avert his own death.

You like him or you hate him. At least he is not the enemy of the family, the church or the country. He is awake while the rest of us are still sleeping under the wheels or on the jobs. Is he Perfect? Not, by all means. Godless? Not by all means. The underlining bitterness and hatred for President Trump by Liberal Left is driven by one thing and only one thing alone. President Trump is awake and not sleeping. He is the only thing that stands between the Liberal Leftist destructive force and the rest of USA.

Root causes why the church in America is dying and irrelevant to impact society for morality are many. For too long the Liberal Leftist elitist Academia in the USA has been marching through the Institutions of Family, Church, Government and Businesses. What do you expect when you surrender your children under the teaching of Woke teachers 8 hours a day and 12 months a year for 24 years.

The agenda is designed to dismantle these foundational institutions of God which laid the foundation of Judeo- Christian Western Civilization. Indoctrination was taking place while the parents and the church leaders, government and business leaders were sound asleep under wheels and on the jobs for at least 50 years. There is no part of American sacred Institutions they have not touched. The devastation of their diabolical agenda has destroyed our posterity. They have destroyed the family by indoctrinating the children from K-12 and those in the colleges. They brainwashed the children to hate the family, Church and government and businesses. Weak family produces a weak church and weak church produces weak government and a weak Government produces weak and destructive policies. Therefore, American Church will recover and be a church again until the parents are awakened up to take care of their children and wrestle them off from the grip of American academia. Deuteronomy 6:4-9

God demonstrates his pre-eminence in simple engineering. Remove the Fulcrum, the Lever falls apart. The lever balances the beam.

Fox News host Jesse Watters reports on how teachers are purportedly implementing critical race theory in classrooms behind parents' backs on "Jesse Watters Primetime."

As much as parents want to protect their children from the dangers of social media, sexting, and pornography it is not practical to keep them away from technology forever. So, what can parents do to have peace of mind while their children are online? Sean Clifford is the CEO of Canopy, an app that prevents dangerous online activities from reaching kids. He sits with Prager U CEO Marissa Streit to discuss tech predators and safety measures parents can take.

There are now eight billion people living on the planet. Is there enough room for all of us? Are we going to run out of food and other resources? Marian Tupy, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, and co-author of Superabundance, examines whether these fears are valid. His answer may surprise you.


TPS News Israel

South Sudan:

"Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.2 We all stumble in many ways. Anyone who is never at fault in what they say is perfect, able to keep their whole body in check." James 3: 1-2

"Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word must share in all good things with his instructor. Do not be deceived: God is not to be mocked. Whatever a man sows, he will reap in return. The one who sows to please his flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; but the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.…" Galatians 6:7

Your contribution of any amount toward this effort will be tremendous.

Your tax-deductible checks can be sent to Operation Nehemiah Missions PO Box 563 Landsborough, MA 01237.

Thank you for your generosity and honesty. May God bless you and keep you.

In His Grace,

William Levi

Founder and Overseer,

Tel: 413-770-4711,



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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