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Hamas & Proxies have provoked the Army of the Living God; they cannot win this. 1 Samuel 17: 45

Shalom to you in the name of Yeshua the Messiah. It has been over 2 weeks since I shared the mission report from South Sudan or the ongoing Israel at war with Hamas, I have been praying and gathering statements from their sources.

Israel Entered Gaza to Root out Hamas Islamic Terrorists-

Today is the 25-day Israel has been at war with Hamas Islamic terrorists in Gaza. In the USA, UN, EU, and around the world, groups of valuable idiots from several U.S. universities, and western cities are staging protests in support of Hamas Islamic Terrorist in Gaza as Israeli airstrikes continue to eradicate Hamas's brutal activities. They are demanding a ceasefire and accusing Israel of war crimes, while they say nothing about Hamas's October 7, 2023, Massacre of Israelis in cold blood in their own homes in Southern Israel.

Hamas Terrorist manipulative tactic to lure the Christian world to come to their aid against Israel knows no boundary, and it is glaringly apparent that they want us to embrace their barbaric brutality against Israel on October 7, killing 1400, wounding over 4300 and taking over 250 Israelis hostage unprovoked.

Palestinian Christians accused the Western Church of complicity in Gaza's deaths.

I thought you would find this article alarming and misplaced by Palestinian Christians who accuse the Western Church of complicity in Gaza's deaths. A letter released on October 11 by a large group of leaders condemned Israel in favor of the Hamas Islamic Terrorist State.

I said, in my assessment, that letters will be dead on arrival to Millions of Zionists Christians of the western Christendom whom they are targeting right now to support Hamas.

I was interviewed by Jerusalem Post to see my reaction to the content of the article Palestinian Christians Condemning Israel and Accusation of the Western Church of complicity in Gaza death. We are praying and standing with Israel at this critical juncture in Israel's time at war with Hamas's Islamic terrorists from Gaza.

They have provoked the army of the living God, and they shall not win this. 1 Samuel 17: 45. The article above and the quote from me, Rev. Nithbumbi of Kenya, were concise to the point to answer the demand of a false Christian Church in Palestine trying to entice the rest of the Western Christian world to support Hamas terrorists. This appeasing letter, which the Palestinian Church drafted to the Western Christian Church to condemn Israel instead of the vicious work of Hamas, the Islamic terrorists who murdered 1400 Jews, injured over 4300 Israelis, and took 203 Israelis captive in Gaza, must be condemned in the most substantial term. They should not be allowed to rule Gaza as Israel's closest, heinous, and dangerous neighbor who means nothing but death to Israelis.

The Western world can't afford to condemn Israel for the deception of false narratives of the Christian Church in Palestine. They are a whole and partial part of the problem plaguing Gaza and the West Bank because they prefer to live in deception and under repressive Islamic jihadists whose real agenda is to counterfeit Israel's Biblical history in Bethlehem, Hebron, Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Nazareth etc.

In 2022, there were approximately 1,100 Christians in the Gaza Strip, down from 1,300 in 2013. Gaza's Christian community mostly lives within the city, especially in areas neighboring the three main churches:

In the Palestinian Authority (from 1994)


Christian families are the largest landowners in Bethlehem and have often been subject to theft of property. Bethlehem's core of traditional Christianity speaks of the rise of a 'foreign,' more conservative, Islamic Hebronite class as changing the conventional regional identity of the town, as are the villages dominated by the Ta'amre Bedouin clans close to Bethlehem. Rising Muslim land purchases said at times to be Saudi-financed, and incidents of land theft with forged documents, Christians are wary of the international media and of discussing these issues publicly, which involve criticism of fellow Palestinians, since there is a risk that outsiders may manipulate their remarks to undermine Palestinian claims to nationhood. Christians within the Palestinian Authority constituted around one in seventy-five residents. In 2009, Reuters reported that 47,000–50,000 Christians remained in the West Bank, with around 17,000 following the various Catholic traditions and most of the rest following the Orthodox Church and other eastern denominations. Both Bethlehem and Nazareth, which were once overwhelmingly Christian, now have Muslim majorities. Today, about three-quarters of all Bethlehem Christians live abroad.

ONMI- Mission report

As we are just about to close this year, my mission trip to South Sudan is incomplete. We are returning to South Sudan in December to complete the annual report as we prepare for 2024 with confidence.

I'm pleased we are on the right track and creating sustainable living in South Sudan through your benevolence help. I want to share the remarkable work of James Uzzi, who is heading our Polytechnic medical department, in using Telemedicine and pharmacy to benefit the community in the way reflected in our initiative to move the ministry into sustainable initiatives. He is doing a fantastic job, and we decided to keep ONMI in the countryside. Please pray that he and his team keep up the great work and avoid settling for short-term goals. I'm confident that he and his team can take us to the next level. My biggest hope is to see the telehealth machine used to its total capacity, fully integrated with American doctors and South Sudan’s MGurush. A Mobile money transfer will help us collect bills to treat patients and recruit students to learn. It would be great to have our medical staff fully paid for this effort instead of relying on staff support from the USA all the time.

Mission Trip to South Sudan in December- Pray for our team for a successful mission trip.

I want to express my deep appreciation to engineer Benedict from our engineering department of installing solar panel to power ONM's Polytechnic Institute Facility

Prayer needs:

Here are my challenges and needs for prayers. Budget for November – December - $100,000

Listed below according to the order priorities: November- $50,000 1- US Central office management budget for November $15,000 2- Upcoming mission trip - $15000, 3 - South Sudan Project Management October - $15,000 and

5- $5000 (Misc. Other needs including Israel)

I am confident that the Lord will bless you abundantly, keep you safe, and bestow His grace upon you, granting you His Shalom (Numbers 6:24).

Thank you for standing with us in this critical mission in South Sudan and for your continued partnership. May the Lord bless you

abundantly. Shalom and Blessings,

God Bless

Yours Faithful & In His grace

William Levi, Founder & CEO, Operation Nehemiah Missions Po Box 563 Lanesborough MA 01237



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Operation Nehemiah Missions International Inc is headquartered in Lanesborough, MA USA. Statement of Faith: The compelling and prevailing motivation of Operation Nehemiah Missions is to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ, ( Yeshua the Messiah) thereby bringing people to repentance and eternal Salvation for their soul upon this premises rest the welfare of any community and the Bible is the final authority in all matters of life. 2 Timothy 3:16- 18 

All our humanitarian and developmental initiative to rebuild South Sudan from the ashes war and Islamic persecution  rest upon this principles. Our core principle is  the discipleship of one person, one family, one church and one community at a time.

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