High Speed Internet Access in all three of ONMI's mission facilities.
Shalom to you to day in the name above all name, Yeshua the Messiah. I can't be thankful enough to God Almighty on your account because I know you have been encouraging us to press on. Having tasted the grace of God and his provision, I can say with confidence " I have all I need and more, now that I have received your gifts from Epaphroditus. They are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God. And my God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Yeshua the Messiah To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.…Philippians 4:19
Co-laboring with National Pastors
My Mission trip to South Sudan is coming beautifully well. The Lord has provided all the support that is needed to bring this Mission trip to completion. I will be heading out on Wednesday. I have Covid- 19 testing at the Airport in Boston on my way out. I trust that by the grace of God, I will be able to get through that without problem.
Upon my arrival on the ground, my main objectives will be to encourage the returnees and their families to reestablish themselves in the land which God has given them, to be light and salt and discern the time they are living in. I will be meeting with our country director, and several key Church & Board Elders to review the vision of ONMI.
Pastor John Thon, making his way to meet with us.
Pastor John Thon, has already left Rumbek, and arrived Juba yesterday. God willing, we will be meeting upon my arrival in the country side. ONMI's mission headquarters are located 90 miles south of Juba. Praise be to God. God has provided the fund for Pastor Thon to acquire 5 additional cattle to provide dowry for his marriage to his bride, Elizabeth. All this is because of your generosity.
Planting a congregation in Nimule:
I will be also meeting with Pastor Dominic Opio, to dedicate a land that his family has offered to God to build a church.
I will encourage the families, parents to seize this movement to dedicate their families, marriages and children to the Mighty hand of God. The Spiritual warfare waged by globalization is to uproot and destroy Biblical families. I will encourage the pastors to shepherd the flock God has entrusted to their care just as Paul encourage the Ephesians as he was bidding his farewell to them on his way out to Jerusalem " For I did not shrink back from declaring to you the whole will of God. Keep watch over yourselves and the entire flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He purchased with His own blood. I know that after my departure, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock.…
Please be in prayers for men and faithful wives and mothers who are bringing their families with them to take hold of the calling they have been called. They are showing responsibility by bringing their families home with them. There is nothing to be afraid off in the region. There is nothing to fear, but fear itself. People complain of lack of schools, medical facilities, etc.. But by the grace of God and with your help, we are implementing all these infrastructures to encourage the community to stay focus and keep their hands to the plow. We look up to the hills from where our help comes. Thank you for joining us in this effort. This is how rebuilding community for the Glory of God from Ground up look like. this is what set the USA apart. America exceptionalism is always defined in by being a city on the Hill that can't be hidden.
High Speed Internet access in all three of our mission compounds.
Mission Front: ONMI is setting up infrastructure first of its kind in the region by opening High Speed Internet access in all three of our mission compounds. This one is set up in Bethlehem Borongole, mission. As thousands of families are returning from exile, we need this internet services to start remote area education for the children whose parents have brought them home fr9m exile. We want to keep families and their children together by providing these critical services to the community.
However, we all know, the other side of the coin looks like. Satan will try to twist and defile the purpose of this Internet Service.
Pray that it will for the pure use of God's work.
Pray that Quality on line education can be acquired to enhance godly knowledge..
You support is really transforming lives both physically and Spiritually.
When God raised the support to build the Gospel Radio tower, we did not realize fully the extend of the blessing that NTC 97.3 FM was going to bring, transforming tens of thousand people's lives for Yeshua spiritually both in South Sudan and Uganda. But the tower is serving multifaceted functions including supplying an Internet access point connecting Kampala and Juba with Satellite Internet Access serving millions of people each city everyday.
Entrepreneurial venture, business start up
Things on my checklist to do on the ground.
We have been seeking the Lord's wisdom at every turn to make return in vestment visible in the lives of South Sudanese both physically and spiritually through your benevolent support. In a long run, these are the resultants we want to see in the lives of people being transformed for the glory of God.
There are several areas of small business startup we are going to invest in the lives of several families: They need to transition from UN relief dependence syndrome that was pervasive in the refuge camps to creativities. This business start up will include:
1- Bee Keeping, Poultry, stationery, farm tools warehouse, Seeds Nursery, Block production, in addition to the current work we are already doing.
2- We are are going to open up Bethlehem Elementary School beginning April, for K 1 - 7. This will set stage for Nehemiah Polytechnic Institute, a vocational school to give the young generation the technical foundation they need to become creative and be able to provide for their families without deserting the country.
ONMI country Director brought the Gospel to the military families
Our country Director Pastor Timothy Levi and his family and a number of ministry staff visited the David Jal military commander of Nyongwa barrack ahead of time to show to them that families and civilian are now coming back from exile. There is a need to have concerted effort to build confidence between the civilian population, special women and children who need not to be afraid of military men walking with guns wondering aimlessly into the mission compound and into the private community. He prayer with them, and promised to bring them Bibles.
Prayer for the Nations: This is very imperative
USA: Messianic Rabbi and author Jonathan Cahn: Jonathan Cahn - The Elijah Paradigm, The sons of Issachar, 1 Chronical 12. Discerning the time for America.. How are we preparing our our children to face these days we live in? How do we in this generation, preserve American Exceptionalism in the face of extinction? I believe he covers it here. Just watch if you have the time.
By Tony Perkins - Family Research Counsel: Biden Pentagon Deploys Weaponized PR
America's biggest threat isn't China or North Korea. It isn't even Iran. According to this commander-in-chief, it's a 51-year-old talk show host who isn't afraid to call out this administration's absurd military priorities. Tucker Carlson probably had no idea how powerful he was until last week, when the Defense Department dropped everything it was doing to train its rhetorical guns on the Fox News commentator. When Tucker questioned this Pentagon's push for identity politics, he didn't just hit a nerve. He started a war -- the only kind, it seems, that this White House cares about.
Middle East experts tell AAN: Iran already taking advantage of perceived American weakness with new administration
In this exclusive interview, two former staffers in the Trump administration say Biden looks “desperate” in his attempt to accommodate Tehran and build a “monument” to diplomacy rather than enforce a nuclear agreement
by Joel C. Rosenberg | March 14, 2021, All Israel News
The Silicon Valley of the Middle East: Behold Israel..
The Silicon Valley of the Middle East: You’re driving down a tree-lined street. Large buildings surround you, each bearing a logo accompanied by a recognizable name in big bold letters. To the left is Google. To the right is IBM. Up ahead you see Microsoft and Facebook and Intel. Where might you be cruising that allows you to be in the presence of all these great tech giants? If you say the Silicon Valley in California’s Bay Area, you are very close conceptually but about 7400 miles off geographically. You are actually in Israel – the nation that has become known as the Silicon Wadi. The word “wadi” is Arabic for a valley or ravine that remains dry, except during the rainy season.
TPS News: Jerusalem: 17 Suspects Arrested for Drugs and Weapons Trafficking
An undercover investigation conducted in recent months in which an undercover agent was activated in Jerusalem and the surrounding area, led to the gathering of evidence against 17 suspects in trafficking in weapons and dangerous drugs such as cocaine.